

  地点(place) office post office library restaurant bank supermarket street avenue park market house gardon palace district square zoo shop hospital station apartment mall airport laboratory hotel factory kitchen farm island river beach town village mountain hill museum gym lake europe africa north america pacific 国家(country) china canada france japan the u s america australia singapore the u.k greece spain thailand italy 时间(time) century year season spring summer autumn winter month week today tomorrow yesterday morning noon afternoon evening day night hour minute second 频率adv never seldom sometimes often usually always 交通 transportation taxi boat ship bike bicycle subway train car rocket plane bus 身体body hair head eye ear nose face mouth throat tooth neck elbow arm finger back stomach hand knee foot leg lap 学科 english chinese maths science music art history biology geography chemistry physics 学习,娱乐 book pen pencil eraser ruler dictionary notebook school bookcase bag class club baseball computer game soccer sports ball tennis racket bat ping-pong volleyball basketball skateboard guitar chess drum piano trumpet violin rock band pencilsharpener 颜色(color) blonder brown black white red green blue yellow pink purple gray grey 动物 animal,creature koala tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe cat pet parrot snake spider mouse hamster turtle pig rabbit fox shark insect chicken duck monkey ant dog cow sheep goat horse fish seal octopus manatee kangaroo chimpanzee cheetah 食物(food) meat pork beef mutton butter chicken fish cream dumpling porridge hamburger bread honey tofu cheese snack noodle rice soup juice tea water milk coffee cola chocolate banana orange strawberry pear grape lemon watermelon vegetable cabbage potato carrot tomato broccoli salad egg apple onion popcorn pie sauce salt pancake yogurt ingredient relish junk meal breakfast lunch/ supper dinner 职业,人 profession tourist pianoist psychologist optometrist art-artist terrorist scientist dentist visitor actor actress reporter teacher reader waiter waitress singer interviewer player dancer swimmer writer driver lawyer skater owner listener designer soldier leader translator photographer collector director villager barber operator foreigner assistant doctor police policeman policewoman musician astronaut turtor clerk nurse thief vegetarian president poet 使、、、、、、 surprise surprised surprising relax relaxed relaxing worry worried bore bored boring scare scared scary disappoint disappointed disappointing annoy annoyed annoying interest interested interesting amuse amused amusing frustrate frustrated frustrating impress impressed impressive terrify terrified shock shocked shocking tire tired tiring fascinate fascinated fanscinating thrill thrilled thrilling please pleased pleasing pleasant embarrass embarrassed embarrassing exhaust exhausted convince convinced convincing confuse confused confusing disgust disgusted disgusting 称谓 亲戚 relative uncle aunt son daughter father mother sister brother dad mom parent grandparent cousin wife husband 介词 by in at on as to except besides including around about near across for next between behind down/along through during with until till over under below above beside against 合成词 newspaper policeman international good-looking classmate sitcom sunglasses hallway classroom dining-hall skateboard internet interview lifestyle schoolwork stomachache
  toothache babysit postcard sightseeing countryside kilometre weekday teaspoon home-made southeast bookstore bedroom interview everywhere earthquake toothbrush haircut football bathroom spokesperson anywhere playground anymore hard-working kilometre hometown tonight pot-bellied whenever underground restroom guidebook anyway flashcard chatline overseas friendship online homeland suitcase airplane website newsletter underwater nearby downstairs drugstore schoolbag alright toothpaste sportspeople footstep cupboard fisherman backboard worldwide photography oversleep photograph girlfriend whatever napkin spotlight emoticon lookout stardust 一词多词性 answer n. v excuse n. v watch n. v ring n. v need n. v sound n. v star n. v help n.v welcome adj. v second n.num about prep. adj. favorite n.adj show v. n work n. v all adj. pron start n. v wish n. v note v.n live n/adj welcome int./v/n practice n/v hard adj/adv star n/v pop n/adj special n/adj drink n/v show n/v shop n/v cook n/v pretty adj/adv color n/v exercise n/v present adj/n ride n/v like v/prep build n/v play n/v lie n/v down adv/prep open v/adj stop v/n past v/n guide n/v water n/v stand 站/忍受 time时间/次数 grade年级/分数 oppositedj/pron back adj/n plan n/v rest v/n ring n/v most adj/pron order n/v feed v. n suit n. v dress n. v whichpron. adj sound n. v play n. v land n. v own v. adj. pron volunteer n. v start n. v influence n. v since prep. conj store n. v smoke n. v guide n. v list n.v found 发现,创建 leaves树叶,离开 glue v. n. 名词---形容词 friend-friendly day-daily home-homely music-musical center-central person-personal nation-national nature-natural fashion-fashional tradition-traditional medicine-medical history-historical education-educational person-personal nature-natural danger-dangerous mystery-mysterious rain-rainy ice-icy fun-funny wind-windy cloud-cloudy salt-salty fur-furry sun-sunny noise-noisy wind-windy health-healthy fun-funny luck-lucky taste-tasty sand-sandy guilt-guilty tourist-touristy noise-noisy hunger-hungry balance-balanced wool-woolen wood-wooden west-western east-eastern south-southern north-northern comfort-comfortable knowledge-knowledgeable taste-tasteful wonder-wonderful beauty-beautiful pain-painful care-careful help-helpful color-colorful cheer-cheerful play-playful use-useful thank-thankful success-successful energy-energetic science-scientific use-useless sleep-sleepless home-homeless care-careless pole-polar pride-proud europe-european care-careful 形---名 different-difference important-importance patient-patience convenient-conveniece confident-confidence silent-silence difficult-difficulty active-activity popular-popularity social-society ill-illness sadness happy-happiness busy-business angry-anger free-freedom medical-medicine true-truth ancient-ancestor pleasant-pleasure hot-heat high-height 形----副 terrible-terribly special-specially real-really angry-angrily quick-quickly serious-seriously certain-certainly happy-happily successful-successfully usual-usually busy-busily casual-casually possible-possibly recent-recently true-truly bad-badly fortunate-fortunately sincere-sincerely certain-certainly polite-politely careful-carefully general-generally clear-clearly brave-bravely wonderful-wonderfully simple-simply slow-slowly loud-loudly different-differently exact-exactly deep-deeply correct-correctly final-finally extreme-extremely actual-actually specific-specifically easy-easily most-mostly normal-normally gradual-gradually 动--形 enjoy-enjoyable believe-believable suit-suitable adjust-adjustable will-willing thrill-thrilling convince-convincing follow-following develop-developing mislead-misleading sleep-sleeping sleepy-asleep please-plesing-pleasant act-active creat-creative attract-attractive wake-awake realize-realistic pollute-polluted organize-organized develop-developed endanger-endangered crowd-crowded close-closed injure-injured spot-spotted speak-spoken fill-full die-dead shine-shiny fool-foolish finish-final 动---名 turn-turning build-building begin-beginning light-lighting bath-bathing advertise-advertising fish-fishing end-ending find-finding mean-meaning say-saying train-training build-building produce-product sell-sale bake-bakery serve-service speak-speech thrill-thriller succeed-success live-life fail-failure complain-complaint weigh-weight think-thought act-action suggest-suggestion describe-description direct-direction invite-invitation create-creation attract-attraction collect-collection pollute-pollution educate-education predict-prediction organize-organization imagine-imagination graduate-graduation pronounce-pronunciation explain-explanation organize-organization appreciate-appreciation donate-donation invent-invention operate-operation inspire-inspiration suggest-suggestion exclamate-exclamation express-expression decide-decision conclude-conclusion discuss-discussion suggest-suggestion solve-solution traslate-traslation decide-decision discuss-discussion express-expression permit-permission behave-behavior choose-choice enter-entrance fly-flight improve-improvement develop-development argue-argument agree-agreement require-requirement amuse-amusement entertain-entertainment advertise-advertisement appoint-appointment achieve-achievement please-pleasure slip-slipper appear-appearance die-death succeed-suceess thrill-thriller mix-mixture 同义词,义相近 hi-hello question-problem family-home-house case-box call-phone picture-photo table-desk bookcase-shelf have-own good-well like-love many-much listen-hear every-each work-job people-person little-few other-else learn-study also-too-either -as well pants-trousers store-shop quite-rather -fairly-pretty sorry-pity contest-competition trip-travel-tour draw-paint festival-holiday kind-type student-pupil post-mail just-only cute-smart talk-speak humid-wet vacation-holiday terrible-awful arrive-reach hope-wish say-speak large-big-huge-enormous test-exam stay-remain delicious-tasty wallet-purse idea-opinion -comment-view suggestion-advice middle-center about-around chip-slide habit-custom try-attempt sure-certainly fence-wall maybe/perhaps possibly/probably although-though keep-stay common-usual sore-painful till-until famous/well-known finish-end-complete way-means lonely-alone company-firm fiction-novel simple-easy receive-get kid-child company-partner present-gift nearly-almost topic-subject-theme route-way particularly-especially exchange-change attendant-assistant film-movie simple-easy fix-repair-mend such-so rating-class-rank upset-sad fit-suit crazy-mad-angry while-when-as scared-terrified shout-cry happen-happy murder-kill recently-lately queue-line message-news -information fortunately-luckily chance-opportunity result-consequence rise-raise cookie-biscuit etiquette-manner allow-permit-let voice-noise drop-fall pick-choose seek-search combine-form proper-right therefore-so soft-gentle tense-nervous wallet-purse award-prize wave-shake sight-scenery-scene scene-stage purpose-aim vegetation-plant cage-basket cupboard-dresser discard-throw-drop encourage-inspire spare-free material-stuff burn-barbecue robot-alien lose-miss terrify-scare -fear candy-sweet chat-talk anxious-worried silly-foolish obey-follow opposite-against crucial-important plane-helicopter garbage-trash -rubbish-litter escape-flee lift-raise stone-rock ocean-sea display-show suit-fit increase-add shut-close risk-danger enegetic-lively cathedral-church fetch-get chef-cook drink-beverage preduce-make lap-leg special-particular abacus-calculator hit-knock towards-to rise-raise rush-hurry announce-notice reveal-discover department-authority stick-pierce manner-ettiquette 反义词,对应词 first-last boy-girl key-lock these-those after-before then-now take-bring though-but sad-happy big-small with-without short-long come-go old-young/new singular-plural because-so indoor-outdoor indoors-outdoors below-above over-under lend-borrow rude-polite here-there straight-curly left-right down-up open-close open-closed clean-dirty quiet-noisy start-end ugly-beautiful clever-foolish shy-outgoing late-early out-in lazy-hardworking give-get sir-madam hot-cold cool-warm man-woman tall-short thin-fat/thick light-heavy remember-forget young-old cry-laugh front-back expensive-cheap mr-ms/miss/mrs outside-inside ever-never reason-result weak-strong forget-remember near-far free-busy calm-wild both-either-neither wrong-right fail-succeed push-pull modern-tranditional poor-rich thin-thick against-for fat-thin asleep-awake open-close/closed low-high 形近 name-nine clock-block nice-nine meet-meat what-wait and-ant zero-zoo card-car rule-ruler how-hoax spell-spill daughter-doctor dear-deer where-wear bed-bad draw-drawer know-knock king-key bag-bad video-radio tape-type dictionary-documentary park-part thing-something manner-matter arm-aim hear-hair spend-depend quiet-quite-quick rent-lend clean-clear towel-tower leg-lap cinema-camera lesson-licence capital-captain team-term hate-hat boil-oil oak-oil beard-heard class-glass size-side bow-bowl reason-season present-parent middle-medium fantastic-fascinating late-later mouth-month hike-hide terrible-terrific throw-throat wash-wish bell-belt soup-soap six-sex herb-heart walk-wall necessary-accessory camp-lamp face-fact mind-mend form-firm show-shower-shoe feel-feed-fall felt-fed-fell moment-member-number scarf-scare send-set though-through-thought whole-whose some-same floor-flower door-doll dessert-desert furniture-future black-blank conversation -communication sock-shock short-shorts dollar-color clothes-cloth afford-offer when-what date-duty age-page part-party opera-operate coin-join quarter-guilty letter-litter moon-noon bank-band address-dress world-word hobby-habit brush-bracket street-strict spoon-scoop crazy-crispy spring-sprinkle push-bush pide-decide shoot-shout court-course association-society panic-picnic marry-merry cafe-coffee escalator-elevator fresh-flash black-block slide-slipper clown-cloud staff-stuff structure-instruction -instrument shake-shape custom-customer kiss-kid greet-great wipe-wife flag-fog model-mental planet-plane commitment-compliment toast-roast knife-knock phone-phrase symbol-symphony mark-mars riddle-ride experiment-experience quiet-quite whose-whole campaign-complain lagoon-slogan skill-skin tower-towel garage-garbage-gallery root-roof step-stop habitat-babit pound-power tidy-tiny blue-glue tile-tail stamp-jump miss-mess line-lion doll-door term-team normal-formal cough-laugh break-bread guy-gun coat-cost late-later bench-beach instead-steal native-national progress-program beside-besides equipment-requirement million-billion sink-sing latest-lately feature-future cause-course except-expect sweet-sweater fly-fry cancer-candle sight-sign pack-back sail-sell consider-continue similar-familiar deaf-leaf catch-carry support-suppose supper-super vocabulary-vacation chew-drew set-send no-nor gum-drum cause-because pierce-piece license-lesson local-lock member-number pimple-puple contraction-concertrate shell-shelf empty-emperor heat-hurt belong-below chase-chance ski-sky create-creature coach-catch amount-count sneeze-knee compare-complain extra-extremely -excellent small-smell present-pretend net-neck heard-heart string-strong captain-capital equator-quarter bark-dark baby-body pollution-population space-place even-ever already-always shape-shop electric-elevator style-type except-expect pressure-pleasure complain-complete sour-soup push-pushy set-send experience-expensive strange-strong bright-bring bell-ball suppose-support envelope-develop area-air border-board flower-floor charity-chair shell-shall pair-pear skate-skirt several-serve kite-kate monster-monitor post-poster receive-recipe metal-mention shampoo-bamboo swamp-sweep blind-blank legend-lagoon prefer-pretty gallery-battery heel-wheel bulb-build lyric-circle attention-attitude press-dress 前缀 tell-retell build-rebuild use-reuse turn-return view-review cycle-recycle wave-microwave polite-impolite comfortable-uncomfortable regular-irregular friendly-unfriendly agree-disagree healthy-unhealthy like-dislike/unlike able-unable pleasant-unpleasant possible-impossible advantage-disadvantage cover-discover able-disabled modest-immodest subtitle subway crowded-uncrowded fair-unfair danger-endanger appear-disappear lead-mislead take-mistake forgetable-unforgetable 其它 punctuation bracket costume mangrove binoculars homophone infinitive abbreviation colon combine cruise
