

  高考英语一轮重点复习module 3 unit5 & module 4 unit1
  1. wealthy adj. 富有的;丰富的
  around noon they arrived in toronto, the most wealthy and biggest city in canada.
  a wealthy land富饶的土地
  a wealthy family富裕的家庭
  to live a healthy and wealthy life过健康富裕的生活
  wealth n. 财富
  a man of wealth富人
  his parents got rich by making money on the stock market, so he lived in a w_______ family.
  2. worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得出力的
  i think teaching foreign language is worthwhile.
  her interest makes our efforts worthwhile.
  this is a worthwhile cause.
  拓展:辨析:worth, worthy, worthwhile
  the job is worth our efforts.
  this novel is worth reading again.
  he is a worthy winner. 他是个名副其实的赢家
  she said she was not worthy to be my wife.
  this book is worth reading.
  =the book is worthy ___________________________.
  =the book is worthy _________________________.
  it is worthwhile doing/ to do sth.
  1)it’s __________________ much more than i paid for it.
  2)mr. wang is a ____________________ gentleman.
  3)his suggestion is ___________________ considering.
  4)his suggestion is _____________________ of consideration.
  5)his suggestion is ______________________ consideration.
  6)the doctor decided it would not be ______________________ to continue the treatment.
  3. strike vt. /n. (strike-struck-struck/ stricken)
  (1)打; 敲;击; 袭击;划火柴
  a terrible typhoon struck shenzhen last year.
  i struck a match and held it to his cigarette.
  an idea suddenly struck me. = an idea occurred to me.
  her kindness struck everyone present deeply.
  拓展:辨析:strike, beat, hit
  1)the criminal gang ____________________ the man so severely that he almost died.
  2)i left immediately after the clock __________________________ twelve.
  3)the girls put on their new dresses and got ready to __________________ the town.
  4)what _______________ me was their enthusiasm for work.
  5)___________________________ while the iron is hot.
  1. settle down安坐,安居,使安静,使镇静
  she settled down in the armchair and began to read a book.
  he finally settled down to his study.
  the insect settled on a leaf. 一只昆虫落在一片树叶上
  they settled the dispute among themselves. 他们自己把这个争端解决了。
  something is disturbing him, so he can’t _______________________________(安下心来工作).
  2. figure out算出,了解,明白,估计,推测
  i can’t figure out what you want to say.
  we must figure out how to solve the problem.
  figure n. 轮廓,体形,画像,数字,形状
  i could see a tall figure near the door.
  what a fine figure of a man!
  a great figure in history历史上的大人物
  have a head for figures数字概念强的头脑
  i’m not good at figures. 我计算不行。
  3. as far as
  (1)远到;直到; 到……为止,用来加强语气
  the woods stretch as far as the seaside.
  that day i walked with her as far as the railway station.
  (2)至于; 就……而言
  as far as i know, congfei is really a great volunteer.
  your plan is good as far as it goes.
  4. in the distance在远处;在远方
  i could see the bus coming in the distance.
  at a distance隔一段距离; 距离稍远一些
  the picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画隔远一点看好看一些。
  from a distance从远方
  keep a distance别靠近
  keep sb. at a distance对某人保持疏远
  we can see the mountain _________ the distance.
  we can see a windmill ________ the distance.
  1. the idea that they would cross the whole continent was exciting. 他们将穿越整个大陆的主意令人兴奋。
  the idea that you can cross canada in less than five days is just wrong.
  the fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people.
  拓展:同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语。一般位于该词(如news, fact, idea, suggestion, promise, information, order, hope, truth, question等)之后,说明其具体内容:
  i have no idea when he will be back.
  the suggestion (that) he raised at the meeting is very good. (that引导定语从句,作宾语,可以省略)
  the suggestion that the students (should) have plenty of exercise is very good. (that引导同位语从句,不能省略)
  (1)a story goes ______ elizabeth i of england liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.
  a. when b. where c. what d. that
  (2)the question came up at the meeting _____ we had enough money for our research.
  a. that b. what c. which d. whether
  2. he was going to take them to the train station to catch "the true north", the cross-canada train. 他要带他们去火车站坐加拿大的"真北方"号列车
  the cross-canada train为the true north的同位语,同位语是对前面名词的进一步解释。课文中还出现了以下含有同位语的句子。
  around noon they arrived in toronto, the most wealthy and biggest city in canada.
  they saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams.
  the cousins were invited to have dinner in downtown chinatown, one of the three in toronto.
  3. our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest. 我们一行人都准备去拜访森林里的黑猩猩。
  集体名词group, class, family, army, enemy等作主语时,如果强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调个体,表示"……中的每一个"时,用复数形式,如:
  my family is a large one.
  the family are watching tv together.
  our group are reading the newspapers.
  this group is made up of 14 students.
  4. only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以考虑自己的计划
  only in this way can we learn english better.
  only we can help ourselves.
  (1)only after my friend came ____________.
  a. did the computer repair b. he repaired the computer
  c. was the computer repaired d. the computer was repaired
  (2)not only _________ the date fed into it, but it can also analyze them.
  a. can the computer memorize b. the computer can memorize
  c. do the computer memorize d. can memorize computer
  (3)i finally got the job i dreamed about. never in all my life _______________ so happy!
  a. did i feel b. i felt c. i had felt d. had i felt
  一. 用框内所给词组的适当形式完成一列句子(其中两个是多余的)
  in the distance, settle down; look down upon; have a gift for; as far as; figure out; devote to; care for; deliver… to…; cheer up
  1. they have __________ very happily in their new home.
  2. what lanny wanted was to __________ his uncle’s letter ________ kurt.
  3. he has ______ his whole life __________ benefiting mankind.
  4. after the death of their mother, the children were _________ by an aunt.
  5. he saw a bus coming ________ when he was leaving for home.
  6. he went on talking while i tried to _________ what it meant.
  7. it is very clear that the little girl _______ foreign languages.
  8. by three o’clock she has progressed ___________ st. james street.
  二. 根据句子意思写出括号内所给单词的恰当形式。
  1. birds were chirping nearby, and doves were cooing in the _________________(distant).
  2. although the new road is being used, it has not yet been __________(official) opened.
  3. each diagram is followed by a simple __________(explain)
  4. he learned that the next _____________(entertain) would consist of a ballet entitled the golden harvest.
  5. by his trained __________(observe) the doctor knew that the man was not really dead.
  6. failing to pass the driving test i was _________________(extreme) disappointed.
  7. radio was the pilot’s only means of _______________(communicate).
  8. we decided to explore the __________(surround) countryside.
  三. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。
  1. 经过数年的奔波,他决定在纽约定居下来。(settle down)
  2. 我们绝不应该看不起那些没受过教育的人。(by no means; look down upon/on)
  3. 我计划去的原因是如果我不去她会很失望的 (the reason why…)
  4. 至于你的家人,你没有必要为他们担心。(as far as sth. is concerned. )
  5. 毕业后,我继续献身研究工作。(devote…to)
  6. 专门针对孩子们的节目现在变得越来越多。(intend for)
  1. settled down 2. deliver to 3. devoted; to 4. cared for   5. in the distance6. figure out 7. has a gift for 8. as far as   二.
  1. distance 2. officially 3. explanation 4. entertainment   5. observation 6. extremely 7. communication 8. surrounding   三.
  1. after years of traveling, he decided to settle down in new york.   2. by no means should we look down upon people who have no education.   3. the reason why i plan to go is that she will be disappointed if i don’t.   4. as far as your family is concerned, you won’t have to worry about them.   5. after graduation, i continued to devote myself to the research work.   6. the programs intended for children are becoming more and more.
