

  unit 4 making the news一. 教学目标 (teaching aims)1. 能力目标 (ability aim)enable the ss to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.enable the ss to know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview.2.. 语言目标 (language aim) 重点词汇和短语 occupation, update, submit, cover, concentrate on, inform, publish, polish, approve, acquire, accuse…of, so as to, scoop, deadline, depend on, ahead of, assess, demand, process 重点句子1) never will zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular english newspaper.2) you’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested .3) not only am i interested in photography, but i took an amateur course at university to update my skills.4) only if you ask many questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 5) we say a good journalist must have a good "nose" for a story.6) meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.7) have you ever had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?8) perhaps i too will get a scoop!aids: multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams 二. 教学重难点 (teaching important points)know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interviewmaster the use of inversion.三. 教学方法 (teaching method)fast reading; task-based method & discussion四. 教学步骤 (teaching procedure)
  period i
  step i warming up. ( see page 25 )
  can you tell some jobs in a newspaper company? what are their jobs involves?
  types of jobs
  what it involves
  reporter/ journalistinterview people or finds out events from onlookers
  photographertakes photos of important people or events
  editormakes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate, check facts
  lays out the articles and photographs
  prints the newspaperteaching suggestions: rearrange the order of the types of jobs a newspaper has and what they involveand ask the students to do the matches. then ask them to copy what’s on the screen to their books. at the same time deal with the new words: occupation and journalist and the expression: suppose you were…occupation =a job or profession teaching is my occupation. 教书是我的职业.。he has no fixed occupation. 他没有固定的职业。reporter news reporter"新闻记者",特指外出采访的记者。 journalist"记者"泛指新闻工作者,如报纸的编辑、采访记者、摄影记者都可以叫journalist。an on-the –spot reporter 现场记者 step ii pre-readingget the students to discuss the importance of qualities a good news reporter needs to have. and why? ( see p25) enthusiasm = a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and and eagerness to be involved in it. be full of enthusiasm about…热衷于……personality =character; what sort of person you are 个性;品格ray has a happy personality. 雷伊为人性格快活。step iii. first reading do ex1 p27 zhou yang’s notes of how to become a journalist the skills needed: 1. be able to tell if someone is telling the truth 2. be accurate  3. do research 4. ask questionsthe importance of listening: 1. get the detailed facts 2. prepare the next questionstages in researching a story : 1. ask questions 2. note reactionshow to check facts : use research and ask witnesseshow to deal with accusations of printing lies: use a tape recorder for the interviewstep iv. homework: 21st century ; nce / newspaper exx for u4 (1coze test , 1 reading message ; )
  period iistep i reading1. listen to the tape and do the true or false questions.1) zhou can go out on a story immediately (f) 找教案 http://www.zhaojiaoan.com2) zhou took a notebook,a pen,a camera with himself. (t)3 while interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand.(f)4) zhou took a course of photography at mid-school. (f)5) zhou is very enthusiastic. (t)2. read the passage and answer the following questions.1) when can he go out on a story on his own?2) a good reporter must have a "nose", what does it mean?3) what mistakes must he avoid?4) why is listening so important?step ii do ex3 p27 zhou yang is trying to help his readers see whether they would make good journalists or good photographers. use the reading to work out which adjectives best describe what is required for these two jobs.make= to develop int 发展成为:she will make a fine doctor.她将会成为一个好医生thorough = careful to do things properly so that you avoid mistakes 仔细的, 缜密的step iii pide the dialogue into three parts, and write down the main idea of each section.part 1: to work in a teampart 2: how to get an accurate storypart 3: how to protect a story from accusationstep iv deal with the language points from line 1- line 15 1. never will zhou yang forget his first …否定词放在句首,故用倒装把谓语的一部分位于主语之前. never in my life have i heard or seen such a thing .在我一生中还未曾听说或见过这样的事呢 .2. his discussion with his new boss, hu xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.  be to +动词原形,这里表示将来的时态,有注定的意味。 he is never to see his wife again. his continuous effort is to make him a successful man.influence have a good / bad influence on sb / sth 对… 有好/坏的影响have (no ) real influence over sb /sth 对..有/没有真正的约束力use one’s influence with sb 利用与某人关系的影响力under the influence of 在…的影响下3. go out on a storyon 加名词与come /go / set out 等动词连用可表示目的,表示去做某事he is leaving for shanghai on business tomorrow . 他明天要动身去上海出差. 她打算下周去北京旅行. he is go on a visit to beijing next week .4. cover a story and submit the article by yourself .he has been sent to cover the conference. (report )cover the table with a cloth . ( place sth over or in front of sth )our city has a beautiful park covering 1000 mu (have …as a size / take up )is that word covered in the dictionary ? (4 include / deal with )we covered about 30 miles a day . (walk )is the money enough to cover the tuition? (afford )5. submit =hand over formally 同义词:presentplease submit your application form in time. 请及时交申请表。6. you find your colleagues eager to assist …be eager for /after / about sth …热切/兴奋的情绪be eager to do sth= wanting very much to do somethingassist =help someone 7. concentrate vt---- concentration n concentrated (adj ) 集中的/浓缩的/ 紧张的/ concentrate on (doing ) sth concentrate one’s attention /efforts / thoughts on sth= pay close attention to sth. ; work particularly hard at sth. we should concentrate all our efforts on improving education.我们应集中精力努力改进教育工作.8. …but i took a n amateur course she took a course in philosophy . (n 课程,常与in/on 连用)our course was straight to the south . (n 路线/ 方向)it was one of those ideas that change the course of history . (un 过程/进程)the first course was soup . (一道菜 )9. update my skills vt. 使…成为最新的东西; 为…补充最新资料=to bring up to date: 更新:使…跟上时代:update a textbook; update the files. 更新课本;更新档案 (to line 15 , p26 )step iv homework
  period iiistep i check the homework and the recitation etc.step ii finish off the text of reading on p26 and deal the language points,1. acquire vt. (经由努力而) 获得,学得 <知识、学问等=to get by one"s own efforts:取得,获得:通过自我努力获得:acquire proficiency in math. 在数学上达到熟练水平acquire knowledge/ information, etc.2.have a good nose for sth = have an eye for …/ have an ear for .. 有眼光/ 对..感兴趣she has an ear for music .a good reporter has a nose for news . 对……嗅觉灵敏3.assess = make a judgement about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it 评定;判断4. meanwhile adv = in the meanwhile / in the meantime / at the same time5. skeptical = a. 怀疑的= tending to doubt or not believe what other people tell you
  mary is sceptical about the solution. 玛丽对这个解决办法表示怀疑。
  my assurances don"t satisfy him: he"s still sceptical.
  我说的确确实实他都不信,仍有疑虑。6. a scoop= 独家新闻 = an important or exciting news story that is printed in one newspaper before any of the others know about it7. a trick of trade = clever ways known to expert 职业的诀窍play a trick on sb = make fun of sb / play a joke on sb 8. accuse sb. of dong sth. / having done sth. = to charge sb. with a shortcoming or an error.he accused the man of having committed a crime.man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes.人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天。they accused him of taking bribes.他们控告他受贿。9. getting the wrong end of the stick (弄错/ 误解)i had meant to tell you to come here at 3 o’clock ,not at six ,you must get the wrong end of the stick . 10. …deliberately…. adv deliberate adj 深思熟虑的/蓄意的/ 不慌不忙的 vt / vi 仔细考虑/ 商议he is walking deliberately . 他在不慌不忙地走着.11. so as to 为了../ 目的是 so as to do sth ---- so as not to do sth 不用于句首, 在句中作目的状语in order to do sth ---- in order not to do sth 用于句首或句末 作目的状语我们尽早启程以便午前赶到那里.we started early so as to get there before noon. we started early in order to get there before noon. = ……so that / in order that we can get there …
  period iv grammar (倒装句)step1.定义:在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时谓语的全部或者一部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)却提到主语的前面,这种语序叫做"倒装"。1. 对部分倒装句型的判断:  so (用于肯定句表示"也");so/such…that…(引导结果状语从句);only(修饰介词、副词、状语从句);否定副词/短语never,little, seldom,neither,nor,hardly,rarely, barely, not a/an…, not only, not until…,no sooner…than…,hardly…when…,by no means, under no condition等放在句首均使用部分倒装句型。例如:so frightened was she that she dared not move. 她吓得不敢动。seldom does he go to see his parents. 他很少去看望他父母。under no condition will i give up.无论任何我都不会放弃的。hardly/ scarcely had he reached home when it began to rain heavily. 他一到家天就下起大雨来。 2. 对全部倒装句型的判断: 某些表示时间或地点的副词 here/there/now/ then; 表示方向性的副词in, out, up, down, away, off; 表示地点的介词短语at the foot of, in front of, to the east of等放在句首均使用全部倒装句型。此外,表示存在的"there be"句型 以及为了强调表语而将其提前的"表语+be +主语"的结构也属于完全倒装之列。例如:there goes the bell. 铃响了。in front of the house stands a tall tree. 门前有一棵大树。 present at the meeting were pro. white, doc. smith and other guests. 出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯博士以及其他客人。注意: 全部倒装句型的谓语动词应是不及物动词,常见的有: be,come, go,follow,stand,lie,sit, fly, flow,exist, live等。step 2 do some exercise
  period v reading: getting the scoopstep i expressions be ahead of…, set to do, pass…on to…, polish the style, the chief editor, a good front page article, ; approve ; be processed into…approve vt. 批准, 通过。 the mayor approved the new building plans. 市长批准了新建筑计划。my father approved my going to the border regions. 我父亲同意我去边区。approve of赞成, 满意 。例如:i don"t approve of wasting time. 我不赞成浪费时间。her father will never approve of her marriage to you. 他父亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。反义词disapprove vt. 不赞成;不同意。 例如:i am sorry i must disapprove your action. 很抱歉,我必须指责你的行动。animal conservationists disapprove of experimenting on animals. 动物保护主义者不赞成用动物做试验。
  process it may take a few weeks for your application to be processed.
  审查你的申请书也许要等几个星期。step 2. reread the passage and find out the writing and printing process for an article
  interview and collect information research for the truth write an article check the evidence & the article design the main headline and smaller heading polish the style check & make sure got the facts straight one last check & print set the pages, process into film negatives period vi closing down by taking a quizfill in the blank with one word to complete the summary of the text.in the old good days, a reporter 1 _____ often worshipped as "a king 2 _____ a crown" in china by the general public. 3 _____ a reporter"s glory days appear to be over, according 4 _____ a recent survey. holding a reporting 5 _____ is considered less desirable, more risky 6 _____ unstable, the survey has found. nearly 80 per 7 _____ of reporters surveyed also want to change 8 _____ profession. poor salaries are probably 9 _____ of the reasons for the lack of interest in reporting 10 _____, the survey said. more than 60 11 _____ cent of reporters have a monthly salary 12 _____ less than 3,000 yuan (us$370).the survey 13 _____ the industry is getting younger professionals, 14 _____ 25 as the average age of reporters. "young 15 _____ are certainly more energetic 16 _____ passionate," said xu qinyuan, a professor 17 _____ communication university of china. "instead 18 _____ staying in the office 19 _____ desk-bound reporters, they are willing to rush 20 _____ the scene."(keys: 1 was 2 without 3 but 4 to 5 job 6 and 7 cent 8 their 9 one 10 jobs11 per 12 of 13 found 14 with 15 reporters 16 and 17 at 18 of 19 as 20 to ) 高考单选题中的"倒装句"1. maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else ______ such a beautiful palace. (XX 辽宁) a. can you find b. you could find c. you can find d. could you find2. never before _______ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today. (XX上海) a. has this city been b. this city has been c. was this city d. this city was3. in the dark forests _______ , some large enough to hold several english towns. (XX辽宁) a. stand many lakes b. lie many lakes c. many lakes lie d.many lakes stand4. they have a good knowledge of english but little ______ they know about german. (XX天津) a. have b. did c. had d. do5. mary never does any reading in the evening, _____. (XX全国) a. so does john b. john does too c. john doesn’t too d. nor does john6. i failed in the final examination last term and only then _____ the importance of studies.(XX重庆)a. i realized b. i had realized c. had i realized d. did i realized7. i will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will _____. (XX江苏) a. anyone b. anyone else c. no one d. no one else8. so difficult _____it to work out the problem that i decided to ask tom for advice. (XX广东b) a. i did find b. did i find c. i have found d. have i found9.—-it’s burning hot today, isn’t it? (XX福建) ——yes. ________yesterday.a.so was it b.so it was c.so it is d.so is it 10.only then___________how much damage had been caused. (XX陕西)a.she realized b.she had realized c.had she realized d.did she realize 11.never in my wildest dreams _____ these people are living in such poor conditions.(XX安徽)a.i could imagine b.could i imagine c.i couldn’t imagine d.couldn’t i imagine 12.at the foot of the mountain _____ . (XX四川)a.a village lie b.lies a village c.does a village lie d.lying a village keys: 1-5 a a b d d 6-10 c b b ad 11-12 bb
