

  fine arts教案
  period 5 cultural corner; module file
  this period contains two parts. the first part to be dealt with is cultural corner. when dealing with this section, you ask the students to read the question and guess what the passage is mainly about. then they read the passage and answer the question inpidually. later put them in pairs or groups to compare their answers. at last call back the answers from the class. if the class is of high level, more exercises can be designed for consolidation and extension.
  the second part is module file. you can design some exercises for the students to consolidate what they learnt in this module.
  1. 知识与技能
  1)train the students’ reading ability.
  2)words: agree, excellent, exhibition, be known as, pink, destroy
  3)phrases: at the age of, from. . . to. . . , move to, a series of, in his early twenties, happen to
  2. 过程与方法
  1)make the students know more about picasso by designing some reading activities.
  2)help the students have a good knowledge of what they learnt in this module.
  3)inpidual work, pair work as well as group work to get every student to participate in class.
  4)explanations to make the students master some difficult points that appear in this period.
  3. 情感与价值
  1)make it fun to communicate with others.
  2)try to raise the students’ cooperative awareness in their study by pair work or group work.
  3)teach the students to enjoy paintings by picasso.
  1. learn to research by cooperation.
  2. know more about picasso.
  3. master and apply what they have learnt in this module.
  1. lead the students to be active in class.
  2. develop the students’ reading skills.
  3. apply important language points proficiently and correctly.
  step 1 review and lead-in
  fill in the blanks with a word given in the box, using its proper form when necessary.
  (show the following on the screen. )
  art gallery crazy about alive expression realize observe aspect scene imitate delightful
  1)he visited many__________ during his stay in london.
  2)he felt fortunate that he was able to get out of the burning car, __________.
  3)many young people are__________ pop music.
  4)he __________ he had some misunderstanding about his teacher.
  5)once he was__________ to use a check for a book mark and lose it.
  6)he was pleased to see the __________ of his child playing happily with other children.
  7)playing computer games is __________ but spending too much time on it may do harm.
  8)it helps__________ native speakers’ speeches in learning a foreign language.
  9)we must know lots of__________ to express our ideas clearly.
  10)he is said to be successful in many __________ of his life.
  suggested answers:
  1)art galleries 2)alive 3)crazy about 4)realized 5)observed 6)scene 7)delightful8)to imitate 9)expressions 10)aspects
  step 2 cultural corner
  1. request the students to read the listed question and guess what this passage is mainly about. then they are required to read through the passage quickly and check if their guess is correct. meanwhile, they need to find out the answers to the question and underline the words, phrases or sentences they have problems in understanding, trying to guess what they mean. next, the students work in groups of four and compare their answers. at last the teacher calls the answers from the class or shows the correct answers on the screen for the whole class to refer to.
  suggested answers:
  a)he painted the pictures in france from 1902-1904. blue was the most important colour. they were pictures of poor, unhappy people.
  b)these pictures were done from 1904-1906, and pink was the most important colour; the subjects were happier.
  c)picasso started the cubist movement with george braque. his first cubist paintings were all brown and grey guernica is his greatest cubist painting.
  2. consolidation
  the teacher prepares some pictures by picasso and shows them on the screen. let the students look them through quickly and ask some of them to pide them into two groups, telling the criteria of their pision.
  (show the following on the screen. )
  suggested answers:
  the first three pictures were painted in his "blue period" while the rest two were painted in his "pink period".
  step 3 module file
  1. give the students some time to go through it, ticking the things that they know confidently.
  if they are not sure of something, put a question mark next to it. if there is something they have no idea, put a cross next to it. in order to consolidate what they learnt in this module, you can also design several exercises.
  2. relative language points in this period
  words and phrases:
  1). . . who live from 1881 to 1973, ……从1881年生活到1973年……
  from. . . to. . . 从……到……
  from place to place各地
  from area to area各地
  from head to foot从头到脚
  from door to door挨门挨户
  from morning to night从早到晚
  from hand to hand传递
  from year to year年年
  from beginning to end从头到尾
  from one to other从一个到另一个
  2)he had his first exhibition at the age of 16.
  at the age of在……岁时
  at the end of在……结尾
  at the beginning of在……开始
  at the foot of在……脚下
  at the bottom of在……底部
  at the top of 在……顶部
  at the head of在……前头
  3)guernica is the name of a town that was destroyed by the 1930s war in spain.
  格尔尼卡是城镇的名字, 这个城镇在20世纪30年代西班牙的战争中被摧毁了。
  (1)name n. 名字; 名声; 名誉; 名人
  vt. 说出……的名称; 命名; 指定; 任命; 提名
  he has a name for honesty. (名声)
  the teacher knows all the pupils by their first name.
  can you name all the plants and trees in the garden?
  ruin "破坏,毁坏",与destroy 接近,但程度稍轻。
  damage "损坏",可重新修好使用。
  several buildings were damaged by the earthquake.
  the houses were destroyed by a fire.
  if you go on doing it like that, it will ruin yourself and your family.
  4). . . what had happened to the town.
  happen/occur/take place/break out
  happen 指事情发生带有偶然性和无预见性。
  occur 既可指某事偶然发生, 也指按计划使某事发生,所指的时间和事件比较准确,当以具体事物或事件为主语时,可以与happen互换。
  take place 一般指按照事先安排或计划而发生,不能指偶然发生。
  break out 主要指战争、天灾等的突然发生。
  the july 7th incident happened in 1937.
  they decided that the meeting should take place on monday.
  a fire broke out during the night.
  a leap year occurs at four times.
  3. consolidation
  1)put chinese into english according to the useful expressions in the brackets.
  (1)这个漂亮的小女孩进步很大,在为做一名优秀的学生而刻苦学习。(aim at)
  (2)今日事今日毕。(put off)
  (3)我玩电脑游戏玩腻了。(get/be tired of)
  (4)让我开心地是,她对英语口语着了迷。(be crazy about)
  (5)父母难以容忍孩子沉溺于毒品。(can’t stand)
  suggested answers:
  (1)this pretty girl has made great progress, aiming at becoming a brilliant student.
  (2)never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  (3)i have got tired of playing computer games.
  (4)to my delight, she is crazy about learning oral english.
  (5)parents can’t stand their children’s being addicted to drugs.
  2)fill in the blanks using the proper forms of the given verbs.
  draw practice spend step listen send have control move work help
  (1)he is so interested in english that he will never get tired of__________ speaking it with his classmates.
  (2)the artist likes __________ in ink.
  (3)the astronaut hopes __________ out of his spaceship and walk in space.
  (4)at the end of the term, all the students look forward to__________ some holidays.
  (5)would you please turn down the radio? i can’t stand__________ to such noise all the time.
  (6)the young elephant refused__________ off the main road. he thought it fun walking on the road with so many people watching him.
  (7)china has succeeded in__________ up many satellites into space.
  (8)the boy attempted__________ he boat all by himself, but failed.
  (9)the man went on__________ until late at night every day because he had to complete the task in time.
  (10)once i have promised__________ you, i will try my best.
  suggested answers:
  (1)practicing (2)drawing (3)to step (4)having (5)listening (6)to move(7)sending (8)to control (9)working (10)to help
  step 4 summary and homework
  the teacher recalls what the students learnt in this class. the students first learnt something about the world famous artist picasso as well as his works. in addition, they reviewed all the knowledge in this module they learnt by going through module file. then assign the homework to the students—review and remember the words, the uses of articles as well as some daily expressions.
  module 4 fine arts—western, chinese and pop arts
  period 5
  from. . . to. . .        at the age of
  move to in one’s twenties
  a series of be known as
  destroy happen to
  ask the students to search for more information about chinese fine arts, including the famous artists as well as their works through the internet or using the library. and then work in groups of four to compare and share the information they collected. finally, show what they think is best of their group to the whole class. 
  pablo picasso
  about the artwork
  pablo picasso’s tragic and poignant "old guitarist" was created during his blue period(1901-1904), after a close friend’s suicide plunged him into a deep depression. only 20 years of age at the time, his already vast emotional range profoundly spoke through the painting’s somber tones and expressive contours.
  works from his blue period are characterized by their monochromatic blue tones, melancholy ambiance and destitute characters. however, they were sympathetic portrayals, as picasso, too had suffered emotionally, and had been impoverished in 1902. the painting carries symbolic elements of hope, as well: although bent and gaunt, the guitarist is also blind-an inspirational symbol of powerful inner vision—and oblivious to his handicap.
  guernica is a painting by pablo picasso, depicting the nazi german bombling of guernica, spain, by twenty-four bombers, on april 26, 1937 during the spanish civil war, in which a number of people variously estimated between 250 and 1600 were killed and many more were injured.
  a huge mural had already been commissioned from picasso by the spanish republican government to decorate the spanish pavilion at the paris international exposition (the 1937 world’s fair in paris). picasso’s first sketches were done on may 1st, a week after the bombing. picasso said as he worked on the mural:
  "the spanish struggle is the fight of reaction against the people, against freedom. my whole life as an artist has been nothing more than a continuous struggle against reaction and the death of art. how could anybody think for a moment that i could be in agreement with reaction and death? . . . in the panel on which i am working, which i shall call guernica, and in all my recent works of art, i clearly express my abhorrence of the military caste which has sunk spain in an ocean of pain and death. "
  workbook answer keys:
  1 1 visiting 2 visiting 3 to go 4 to come 5 to spend 6 to meet 7 to be 8 getting up9 waiting
  2 1 to know2 selling 3 painting, studying 4 learning 5 going 6 selling
  3 a likes: be crazy about, like, be fond of, enjoy, love
  b dislikes: can’t stand, dislike, hate
  4 students’ own answers.
  5 1 being able to 2 painting 3 visiting 4 buying 5 being
  6 students’ own answers.
  7 painting 1: realistic, can, contemporary, pop art, well-known
  painting 2: landscape, watercolour, traditional, well-known
  8 a)attempt b)decision c)drawing d)exhibition e)express
  f)imitation g)movement h)paint i)promise j)refusal
  1 attempts 2 imitated 3 promised(decided/refused) 4 painting(exhibition)5 express
  9 1 artist 2 brush 3 art gallery 4 ink 5 landscape 6 extraordinary
  7 portrait 8 contemporary 9 style
  10 students’ own answers.
  11 1 wu hang 2 andy warhol 3 andy warhol and zhou sicong 4 pop art, chinese art
  12 1 they are strangers chatting on the internet.
  2 painting is sarah’s favourite hobby
  3 wu hang is going to give a class talk on western art.
  4 wu hang is not very fond of the soup can painting.
  5 sarah loves qi baishi’s paintings.
  6 sarah is looking forward to visiting the exhibition.
  7 wu hang is crazy about zhou sicong’s paintings.
  8 zhou sicong is well-known for her landscape paintings.
  speaking and listening
  13 1 le sommeil by salvator dali
  2 mona lisa by leonardo da vinci
  14 1 leonardo da vinci 2 picasso 3 vencent van goh 4 picasso 5 dali 6 dali7 vencent van goh
  15 tapescript
  boy: what do you make of this painting? it’s very strange.
  girl: it’s called woman at a window. it’s not my favourite. it doesn’t even look like a woman. i prefer more realistic portraits. one of my favourite paintings is the portrait called the mona lisa by leonardo da vinci. picasso’s portrait isn’t half as good as the mona lisa. he can’t draw.
  boy: that’s not true. it’s not the same style. picasso created the cubist art movement while da vinci was a more traditional painter. in fact, picasso was very good at drawing. in his early years, he did hundreds of drawings and paintings in a traditional realistic style. later his work changed and it became more abstract.
  girl: how about this one? it’s an extraordinary painting. what is it?
  boy: it’s called le sommeil. it was painted by salvator dali. he was a famous spanish surrealist painter who lived in the 20th century, at about the same time as picasso. he was completely mad. all his paintings are very strange but i quite like them.
  girl: well, i don’t understand this one at all. and i can’t stand paintings i don’t understand.
  boy: look. i love this painting. it’s so colourful.
  girl: yes, it’s delightful. it’s a landscape oil painting by vincent van gogh. it’s called landscape with trees and figures. he’s a very well-known european painter. he was dutch but he lived and worked in france in the 19th century. i’m very fond of his work, especially his landscape paintings. they are so colourful and alive. this is the one i like best. i’d choose it to put on the bedroom wall.
  boy: i agree. i like this one too. but i don’t think van gogh is half as good as picasso. i’d choose picasso to put on my wall. he’s my favourite painter.
  girl: i’m sure all of these paintings look much better in reality than in an art book. i’d love to see them.
  boy: the problem is, they’re in different museums around the world.
  girl: well, there’s an exhibition on in the school hall of students’ paintings next week. we could go to that!
  1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
  16 students’ own answers
  speaking and writing
  17 & 18 students’ own answers.
  19 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 j
  20 students’ own answers
