

  Abstract:Jane Eyre is a great en and eventually finds true love. Jane Eyre also exposes many social issues, in en’s status is profoundly embodied. Based on this point, this paper tries to illustrate Jane Eyre’s rebellious character and hoale consciousness strongly reflects in the novel.
  First this paper generalizes the social background of 19th century to let people better understand en’s status in Victorian Age. Then it tries to explore Jane Eyre’s rebellious character and analyze female consciousness. Lastly, the influence of the entioned.
  The strong sense of feminism reflected in the novel is ay be one of the reasons for the novel’s remaining popularity. Here the paper does not comment on just her energetic resistance, but attempts to understand the voice of a feminist narrator in the context of the larger discussion of en, gender roles, and the organized feminist movements of the nineteenth century, ale consciousness
  1. Introduction
  Jane Eyre is a great plicated plots and sincere emotions. It also sho and literature values, so it has enjoyed popularity for more than one and a half century. This paper, based on feminism, tries to explore female consciousness of Jane Eyre through her rebellious character.
  2. Analysis of Female Consciousness through Jane Eyre’s Rebellious Character
  1.Childhood—at Gateshead
  Rebel is the keynote of the novel. Jane Eyre’s rebel is penetrated into the  discrimination and maltreatments repeatedly. She lives in an environment  different maltreatments. Her aunt discards her. Her sisters scorn her. Her brother insults and beats her. The servants keep admonishing her. But all these things can not make Jane yield or restrain herself to the circumstance at an early age, instead of that, she strongly rebels against them all and weak body.
  2.Adolescence—at Loatures. Lo ale-controlled and autocratic. It has a close relationship ent of that time, inism opposes gender oppression. Charlotte Bronte uses the voice of Jane Eyre to call out the people, ale, it is necessary for the feminist movement to appear.
  3.Unfortunate Love—at Thornfield
  In Thornfield, Jane’s rebel is at a peak. Jane’s irrational impulse to rebel is caused by a child’s oppressed nature in Gateshead or Lo rebellious character. She shoarriage and religion.
  4.Refusal of the Marriage—at Moor House
  After leaving Thornfield, Jane has roamed about for three days. She loses consciousness because of cold and hunger. Fortunately, she is saved by priest St. John Rivers and his sisters. akes a proposal of marriage to Jane again and again. The reason is he thinks Jane is suitable to be a issionary marriage. Jane’s refusal to St. John Rivers shoen begin to resist the religion, the unequal marriage and the man-dominant society.
  3. Conclusion
  Jane Eyre is the first English novel even the most po Gateshead to Loent, compromises the destiny. She has a heroic spirit in facing difficulties and her conduct is rebellious. Her female consciousness and her struggling experience set a brilliant example for the female en to fight for liberation.
  In Jane Eyre, Charlotte narrates Jane’s hard life and complicated psychological activities exquisitely. Charlotte highly praises en’s independence and self-respect,  feminist perspective and arouses a hot debate on the female consciousness. Through the discussion, people have a deeper understanding about Victorian Society and go beyond understanding Jane Eyre merely as a love story. The female consciousness of nineteenth century may odern perspectives on female emancipations.
