

  During winter in central China, a combination of white snow, grey sky, and leafless trees results in a gloomy monochromatic picture. The project is the attempt to create a unique way to "colorize" our guests’ experience. The inspiration came from the colorized B&W films in the early 1900’s when the artists hand-painted transparent color layers onto each B&W frame. The result was surreally colorful since the colors were not at the objects, but floated in the air.
  建筑与环境,the building and the surroundings  W Workspace
  雾中的酒店,the hotel in the mist  W Workspace
  The idea was adopted into architectural language. The facade is doubled with lattice structure inspired by Chinese bamboo scaffolding, filled with shades of blue and magenta glazing. This system gives depth and color complexity to the façade, floods interior spaces with colorful light, combines balconies into a single architectural element, and brightens up the gloomy sky while looking out from the inside.
  建筑外观,exterior view  W Workspace
  立面采用双层格栅结构,the facade is doubled with lattice structure  W Workspace
  外部廊道,external corridor  W Workspace
  由廊道望向立面,view to the facade from the corridor  W Workspace
  深浅不一的蓝色和洋红色玻璃,shades of blue and magenta glazing  W Workspace
  彩色玻璃背后的室内空间,the interior space behind the stained glass  W Workspace
  光影细部,details  W Workspace
  The MIST Hot Spring Resort is located in Xuchang prefecture, 100 km. from Zhengzhou, a capital of China’s Henan province. This region of China has been considered the nation’s most famous hot spring destination for over a thousand year since the Tang Dynasty era. During the four months of winter, people from all over China visit its abundant hot springs. The MIST aims to be a new landmark of Henan that will attract both domestic and international travelers to the province all year round. The best natural attribute of the site is hidden down below – it is China’s finest geothermal underground water. As the heated water is brought up, it gives off gently lingering mist floating above the water surface. Our inspiration for interior design came from the beauty of the hot spring steam itself. Architecturally-scaled site-specific installations exploring natural phenomenon relating to mist and water are designed and installed throughout the hotel as the main elements that tie the entire experience together. These visually impactful installations are not added as decorations, but inseparably integrated into architecture and interior space.
  温泉胜地,hot spring resort  W Workspace
  For the lobby and bar, an installation made of hundreds layers of clear and color crystals is inspired by a spectrum of light passing through hot steam which can be viewed differently depending on position of the viewers from the side, from the end ,or from inside the translucent volume of the installation itself. The lake landscape beyond is enchantingly seen through the sheer installation. Its interior space is kept monochrome with color accents in crystals and floor lighting sculptures.
  大堂和酒吧,the lobby and bar  W Workspace
  地灯点缀装置  W Workspace
  In the restaurant, an installation inspired by silver-lining silhouette of steam defines seating and kitchen zones. Color-changing light at the edge of the acrylic planes gives different moods through different time of the day.
  餐厅,the restaurant  W Workspace
  装置细部,details  W Workspace
  In the ballroom, a matrix of delicate acrylic rings forms a semi-transparent, irregular cloud-like shape. This ceiling installation, together with the cloud pattern on the floor carpet, gives an unusual feel of lightness to the space. Color-changing lighting rings scattered in the midst of the cloud installation creates different moods suitable to different functions held in the ballroom.
  宴会厅,the ballroom  W Workspace
  聚会空间,the gathering space  W Workspace
  To break through the monotony of hotel corridors, guest rooms are not joined by a typical corridor, but a series of bridges floating in the atriums. Shafts of natural light come in either from skylight or the end wall highlighting the "mist" pattern made of stainless steel tiles and black stone. Large installations in the atrium inspired by two states of water – the Dew and the Droplet, stimulate an experience of an illusive sense of scale and gravity. All the guest rooms orientate their long side to the view and to benefit the winter sun. Its monochrome interior surface treatment was originated directly from the main architectural concept.
  酒店走廊,the hotel corridor  W Workspace
  水滴形态的装置,the installation in the form of water droplets  W Workspace
  Here, color is used as a three-dimensional architectural element, not as finishing material, to create not only unique visual but also space.
  夜景(近景),close-up night view  W Workspace
  夜景(远景),distant night view  W Workspace
  雪景鸟瞰,aerial view  W Workspace
  首层平面图,ground floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  二层平面图,first floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  三层平面图,second floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  四层平面图,third floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  五层平面图,forth floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  六层平面图,fifth floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  七层平面图,sixth floor plan  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  南&东立面图,south & east elevations  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  北&西立面图,north & west elevations  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  剖面图A&B&C,section A&B&C  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  构造细部,details  Department of ARCHITECTURE
  Owner: Central China Hotel Management
  Architect: Department of ARCHITECTURE Co., Ltd.
  Amata Luphaiboon
  Twitee Vajrabhaya Teparkum
  Design Team:
  Chaiyapat Mirasena
  Chanlika Boonpha
  Waraphan Watanakaroon
  Waraluk Kuiprasert
  Passawee Vongcharoen
  Penlada Somjaidee
  Kawisara Anansaringkarn
  Yada Pianpanit
  Thunchanok Sirichayaporn
  Coordinator: San-ming Chou
  Engineers / Local Architect: KKS International China Co., Ltd.
  Softscape Consultant: PELA Limited
  Lighting Designer : in Contrast Design Studio Co., Ltd.
  Branding / Visual Identity: artless Inc.
  Main Contractor: Henan D.R. Construction Group
  Project Location: Huadu Boulevard, Chenhuadian, Xuchang, Henan, China
  Area: 37,140 m2
  Total Construction Cost: 151 Million RMB (24 Million USD)
  Completion Date: 28 March 2018
  Photographer: W Workspace
