

  1 】 have a heart f spring, ecstatic t in full bl; Again the sea, the ind can pen; Gd, pla t have wb agile; The ees have gd, the l line t sharp; Ar strength, ae ves t the punch; With rhth, steps are t light.
  2 】 life is a sng, sing the life rhth and eld; Life is a rad, extend the ftprint f the life and hpe; Life is a cup f wine, full f life and ellw srrw; Life is a ass f linen, interweaving the truble with life and happ; Life is a picture, and describes the life experience f red, green, blue; Life is a fire, burning visin f life and t drea.
  3 】 life t learn t en: en wring happ laughter, en friends, en the warth f fail, en the t create, en the sweet fruit.
  4 】 life fur DaLe: uth, entrepreneurial success, fail and harnius, the neighbrhd. Life fur big and sad: disease, swaed b lst, repeat it, nthing at all.
  5 】 additin and subtractin: nwledge t increase life, truble will decline; Friendship will increase, resentent t decrease; A heart t heart t decrease, increasing; Increasing cnfidence t prise t decrease,; ) t increase quantit t ealus, diinishing. Steps t increase t decrease, alchl and tbacc.
  6 】 if u want t g faus, then we have slwl sleep; If u want t g lng wisd, then we have slwl prud. If u want t slw dwn the aging, then u will have t hurr up learning; If u want t slw dwn, s u ust hurr ut step.
  7 】 nt afraid, afraid he far shrt; Slw, afraid ften std; Are nt afraid f pvert, afraid lc laz; Nt afraid, afraid his ppnent fierce fibrillatin.
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  8 】 gd d t ae the scener, gd ee will have gd fund that gd thught befre u will have a gd idea.
  9 】 happiness t persn t cfrt, the but again t persn t earl death; Labr t persn t effrts, but it can give a persn t lng.
  10 】 peple can nt beautiful, but t health; One can nt great, but be happ; One can nt perfect, but want t pursue.
  11 】 with nwledge t push the waves f thining sails, with wisd f Mars t ignite the spar f thught, with a rantic passin t create the gd life, with the pwer f science t strng a pair f wings!!!!!
  12 】 nl ae his ind up hiself, the bd f the bending cnfidence t straight; Onl t the cwardl strng bd and bund up the steps t plan; Onl ae their narrw pen up, shrtsighted ee can put far; Onl ae his ind up, the flish flish fantas t abandn!!!!!
  13 】 nt lit the spar f wisd, clever ind als will be a stupid; Dn't practice f establishent f the target, the rantic ideal will als lse luster; D nt value the precius tie, the ears f the life will be brief; Suarize experience f failure, nt siple things ae u d it.
  14 】 the starting pint is lve, spiled fthld is hate; ealus is the starting pint, the fthld is bac int; The starting pint f the drea is (bad), the fthld h.preparatin is ept; Greed is the starting pint f the surplus, the fthld is deficient.
  15 】 withut passin, lve is nt burning; N friendship, friends wn't full; N lft sentients, he was hard t realize; Nt in the d, it is hard t finish.
  16 】 we lac f pprtunit, but nt fr pprtunit; We less nt wealth, is the abilit t create wealth; We lac is nt nwledge, but u wn't feel bred anner; We lac is nt ideal, but phsicall practice.
  17 】 have grades will iediatel frget, such abilit wn't l fr truble; Have the wrng t eep in ind, such abilit wn't repeat; Have the pprtunit t up n, such abilit wn't lse pprtunit; Have the difficulties t find cuntereasures, such abilit slved.
  18 】 u a nt be ideal, but can't be chee; u can nt great, but can't ean; u can nt wise, nt cnfused; u can nt learned, but can't ignrance; u can nt ae friends, but can't withdrawn; u can nt ptiistic, but can't cnical; u can nt generus, but can't deliberatel; u can nt pursue, but can't env; u can nt aggressive, but can't step bacward.
  19 】 life need gae, but nt a life; gae The life needs and dance, but des nt need t lead a happ-g-luc life; The life needs art, but can't speculative; It taes curage t live, but can't recless flhard; The life needs repeating, but can't repeat.
  20 】 the wr when en, u will d ur best t; When the life fun, u will with cnfidence; The reading when grw, u will be hard wr; The dedicatin when happ, u're generus help thers.
  21 】 the st beautiful a nt be the st lvel, the st lvel is the st beautiful; The best is nt necessaril the st apprpriate; The st apprpriate is the best; The highest big a nt be the st respected, the st respected is the tallest; The st beautiful a nt be the st beautiful, the st beautiful is the st beautiful.
  22 】 se peple, n atter DuDa age, are ung frever; Se peple whether it is, but still waters and shae; Se peple whether it is rich, but a pr siple; Se peple, n atter be a universal genius, but still was referring cnteptuusl stride frward; Se peple, n atter hw huble urself a wnder, but alwas therland!
  23 】 life is a b. Se write well and se write edicrit; Se write hnest, se write frivlus; Se write grand, se write ean; Se writes sth, with se write twists; Se glrius, se left regret; Se thin, se nl leave blan!!!!!
  24 】 there is a clear ind than a clever ind the re iprtant; There is a gd habit than there is a prficient sills re practical; Has a uthful vitalit than have a pair f sund re pwerful ars; Have a curage and daring than a dr re strng nwledge.
  25 】 tuched ften ccur in a ent: a l a let u recllecting I; A funding a let u ve a life; A wish a let u war I; A little tlerance a let u appreciate a lifetie.
  26 】 health is beautiful, the right is the best, ften new is charing, rdinar is great, the tugh is lnger, the real is eternal.
  27 】 wrld affairs are s: when u tr t pursue, it is lie lie butterfl wings t fl far; When u cncentrate, unexpected harvest has been quietl t ur side!
  28 】 u can use speculative wa t earn wealth, but can't get satisfied; fr the wealth u can use the ethd f cheating, but can't get girlfriend fr girlfriend t receive lve in heart; u can use the cheating eans t gain high ars, but can't get nwledge fr bs; With ne u can bu t the hnr, but nt fr the peple ade his uth.
  29 】 while we can't decided t the length f life, but can braden its width; Althugh we can't change ur ls, but can shw sile; Althugh we can't cntrl the thers, but can cntrl ur wn; Althugh we can't predict trrw, but can seize tda; Althugh u can't be everthing ges well, but u can tr best t d everthing.
  30 】 thugh illusr, is their wn drea dreas; Thugh a lw, but his pst; Althugh crude is their wn huse, the huse; He is sall, is their wn pursuit.
  31 】 be can nt ideal, but can't be chee; Is nt great, but can nt can ean; The ind can nt wise, nt cnfused; Life can nt ptiistic, but can't cnical; Maing friends can nt generus, but cannt heal.
  32 】 the essence f life is t innvatin, the ideal f life is great, the art f living is a chice, and life at ever step in slid, the fun f the life lies in the pursuit f happiness, life is plain.
  33 】 t appreciate, and will nt find the advantage f thers; Appreciate the gd in peple, t will see his wn strengths.
  34 】 if u hpe trrw, it ust first ft realit; If u want t, then u shuld be brilliant feet dn't stp.
  35 】 each have life, but nt everne can understand the life; Each have the ind, but nt everne can ae gd use f the ind. Onl lve life, is gd at brain, it hardl is reall have life.
  36 】 have a ChiCheng heart, the have friends; Have a ind heart, pssessin f the lve.
  37 】 dn't thin their pessiistic, unfrtunatel, re than u d actuall have a lt f the unfrtunate peple; Dn't ptiistic that the neself is ver great, but u ust ne f the sea and the crn.
  38 】 wealth is a depsit, u are nt able t send it awa; Hnr is a light, u cannt be eep; Success is a fruit, u can't taste the fur seasns; Life is a ind f prcess, u can't let it stp.
  39 】 things is the dialectical, when u get sething, als can let u lse se ther things; When u lse sething, als can let u get sething.
  40 】 the wea, and brave QianNanWanNan nl, can alwas cheered; Onl a fl sas, but a wise an n a rad wa.
  41] learn t appreciate it, it can clse the distance between friends; Read t appreciate it, it can encurage friends cnstantl prgress; Self adiratin, it can inspire their wn ptential.
  42 】 in at the beginning f life, dn't when ung; fr fraud In the evenings, when he wea fr dn't; In peple, dn't tae urself befre ang in public; In peple, dn't taing after when ne slander; In the abve the, dn't taing peple; iprper In cntrast, dn't tae urself nt peple.
  43] when u get used t live a da, s, u nl live the life f a da. If u ever new, then ur life each da had a wnderful.
  44 】 what all can thrw, but can't lse face; What can ce again, but the life can't again ce; Everthing can be reved and nl faith cannt be cast t; Anthing can be accepted, but can't accept huiliatin.
  45] u can frget the failure, but can't frget the lessns; u can frget abut esterda, but can't frget histr; u can frget abut suffering, but can't frget hard; u can frget the scar, but can't frget disgrace.
  46 】 all all can change, nl ur ideal cannt be changed; Everthing can be lng, nl ur pride can nt lng; Everthing can be ld, nl we ung heart can't ld; Everthing can be bac, nl ur feet can't refund.
  47 】 lst we ight as well let it lses, because it aes us less disappinted; We ight as well get less satisfied, because it can let us re awae.
  48 】 if u dn't pla, ung bad childhd, uth t learn nt, iddle-aged nt venture, s, ur life will be as ld and lst.
  49 】 2009: nt NiuQi, but the ninees; Dn't wish cw high Martha, hping t bend the RuZiNiu!!!!!
  50 】 life fr sprts and wnderful life, fr fun and full, learning fr thining and prfund and lasting fr sincere, ae friends!!!!!
  51 】 when u sile t urself, the wrld didn't bther things can entwine u; When u t sincerit, the wrld n ne can cheat u.
  52 】 live in ther peple's applause, the st eas t lse self, In ther peple's care, the st easil. Weaening
  53 】 dare t face truble, life s strng; Dare t challenge the adversit, life s strng.
  54 】 want t than fr ur pinin, he ae u ature; Thans t give u ade truble, he ae u strng.
  55 】 successful nt cing t us, we ust t victr; Wisd nt cing t us, we ust be hard thining; Happiness will cing t us, we have t perfr experience.
  56 】 veent peple full f vitalit, usic aes peple full f rantic happiness, thining that peple full f wisd f reasn.
  57 】 n veent, life is drealess sleep; Withut thining, life is t fllw; Withut deratin, life is destred; Life is nt happ, is equal t the set.
  58 】 life the st difficult is chice; Wr in the st difficult is innvatin; The wrst part f life is the interference; The persn st upsetting is inustice.
  59 】 a devted t the stud f re than ne hundred ties be swallwed; A thughtful is re than ne hundred ties recless actins; A sincere help re than ne hundred ties n cpassin; A her is re than ne hundred ties grandilquence!!!!!
  60 】 in the life the greatest pleasure is dedicatin; The st beautiful flwer in thining is the flwer f wisd (); Ahead f the fastest pace is cntinue; Friends in the best f the er is f laughter!
  61 】 t their parents fr the better, the less t the less gd fr the sciet; In the b t get re is better t get wisd, re is better.
  62 this is sething the future 】 : when u b rules, it alwas with u esterda; the sae When u the psitive enterprising, wuld have gne ver bright spring da.
  63 】 t eep uth, the best wa is t unger frever; T eep health, the best wa is t insist t tae exercise bd; Be happ d, the best wa is helpful; T ensure that dn't ae istaes, the best wa is t l befre u leap.
  64 we will be happ t 】 life, fr cnfidence and ve frward, as brilliant and clibing, struggle fr the ideal fr business, and d ur best t, fr therland and dedicatin, s ae lives wrth-living.
  65 】 life withut true perfect, nl nt perfect is the st true beaut; A life withut sth sailing, nl t the inner lulu; The life have n frever f success, but nl in frustratins up is the real success; N eternal life, nl the life is a flash f eternal life.
  66 】 a persn nl eep the and satisfactin, can fr the pain; A persn nl retain green vigr, brave t strea int; Onl ne persn can eep learning, eep pace with The Ties; Onl ne persn can be ung frever, t frge ahead.
  67 】 can live withut petr, but can't have n petr; In n wa can travel, but nt withut feet; There can be n wr experience, but nt withut a stud, life can be n flash, but can't have stains.
  68 】 t active life see a wrld is ne sunshine, negative life see the wrld is a dar; A psitive life feel life is ver happ, negative life f the heart feel is nl trace disal.
  69 】 dn't fr failure t find a reasn, such eas t lse self-cnfidence; Fr the failure t find a cuntereasures, s that the can prduce pwer.
  70 】 celebrities are able t becae a celebrit, because their partner illenniu r at rest ept clibing; Man is rtal, because thers bece bus clibing he is sleeping.
  71 】 n hard sweat, it is nt successful tears; Nt a lt f hard wr, there is n rich fruit; N hard training, n flash f the gld edal.
  72 】 t reae the wrld, have t change theselves; T success, have t wr itself; T win, have t strive t clib t the tp.
  73 】 never defeat eans never succeed; Never setbacs eans that it has never victr; Never reflectin eans that it has never experience; Never fall eans that it has never tp.
  74 】 ruting "ft" and "all" cpsitin, s ust "each an has his wa"; Because f "each an has his wa,"
  76 】 life rad, bth was, and there are udd; Bth beaut and trap, nl fir faith and curage an can reach the end f victr.
  77 】 life's crss is a ultiple chice, a carefull chsen t ensure that the crrect directin, is easil cnfused chse the wrng directin, give up chice will get lst.
  T develp the Prtland trail blazers, 78 】 cnservative stuc-in--wn-was ngPanGaFeng explrer, persistent, wh g frward.
  79 】 distance, u will attentin is speeding up, and Adire the view, u will are lightse; Cpan, can u be singing awa; Trials and hardships, can u succeed tp.
  80 】 in life, and seties the path f the best is nt necessaril the highwa, the rad but path; In realit, seties the st cnvenient wa is nt necessaril a straight wa, but fld rad.
  81 what wa can g 】, but can't g blind alle; What wa can chse wrng, but can't chse.
  82 】 life path is ver twists but it is ver beautiful. As lng as u watch carefull, can all alng the wa beaut.
  83 】 in life rad, ut f difficult t strut, dwn t cautius and g t visual ahead, g highwa while ling dwn at the wa t feet.
  84 】 in the life urne has an detur, rad, and riss rad, dar rad, nl deterined and uninterruptedl, ust have the hpe t win the distant place.
  85 】 nt clear ind, again fast pace als can g awr; Withut careful pace, then flat rad a fall.
  86 】 t life, we ust leave ftprints ne step a ftprint; T little tae life, we ust thin carefull detur.
  87 】 steps, again lng wa is nt in wrds. Stagnant, and shrter wa als difficult t reach.
  88 】 is nt ust went n his wa when, still lies in whether can cntinue; Prgress is nt nl speed, re in eeping the right directin.
  89 】 life can't gae life, r it will achieve nthing; Life can't have n gae, therwise the will be dull.
  90 】 t be authentic, gd gus weihaba; Wr t slid, waling t slid!!!!!
  91 】 t fllw the arrangeent f fate is rtal; Master f his wn fate is strng; and N independent is t fllw the is a wise an, thin twice.
  92 】 is a wealth friend, but a friend is peranent wealth; The hnr is the glr f the ent, be an upright persn is the rt f the peranent; Educatin is a ent f nwledge, learning is the wisd f the peranent!!!!!
  93 】 life thrugh the hard t avid setbacs, after ever str is rainbw; Life is suffering, end the sunshine after rain ces sunshine.
  94 "is a blessing" 】 nt but a life strateg, but als a life wisd. Venture a sall fish t nt nl can win the peple adired, still can learn wisd life.
  95 】 hurt can hne ur deterinatin, lie can increase ur nwledge, abandned b independent abilit, and will teach u hw t encurage u criticized the wisd.
  96 t find fault diagnsis is 】 rever, give urself is the test, t give urself a analsis, give urself is t laugh at is incentive!!!!!
  97 】 life is a sng: lve is light usic, wr is sphn, rc and rll, struggle is entertainent is pp, pp sng, friend is career is arch.
  98 】 "brn aterial will be useful", a life withut pause; Wa frward, "wh strde the wrld des nt nw ing"!!!!!
  99 】 life "friends" six: cnfidence is pillar, the gal is the frce, and thin befre u is, the tin is pilt health, nwledge is wealth, cntentent is DaLe.
