

  1.Don"t deceive others, you can be deceived by people who believe in you.
  2.Simplicity is harder than complexity: you have to work hard to make it simple. But it"s worth it in the end, because once you do it, you can do wonders.
  3.You can"t connect the dots in a predictable way. It"s only when you look back that you see how the dots connect. You have to believe that everything you are experiencing now will be more or less related to your future.
  4.To live is to change the world. Is there any other reason?
  5.It"s really hard for teams to design products. In many cases, people don"t know exactly what they want until they show them the design.
  6.Not everyone needs to grow their own food, not everyone needs to make their own clothes, we speak a language that someone else invented, use math that someone else invented... We"ve been using other people"s work. It"s a great thing to use human experience and knowledge to invent things.
  7.There"s a saying in Buddhism: the beginner"s mind; It"s amazing to have a beginner"s mind.
  8.I think if you do something and it works well, then you should try to do something better, not dwell on it for a long time, and figure out what to do next.
  9.You have to believe in something -- courage, fate, life, fate, whatever. This belief has never brought me down. It has made a difference in my life.
  10.Your time is limited, so don"t live your life for anyone else. Don"t be trapped by dogma. Don"t live in other people"s ideas. Don"t let other people"s opinions control your own inner voice. The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Only your heart and intuition know what you really think. Everything else is secondary.
  11.Being the richest man in the grave means nothing to me, but going to bed at night saying, we did something great -- that"s what matters to me.
  12.If you haven"t found what you love, keep looking. Don"t give up. Follow your heart and one day you"ll find it. -- Steve jobs
  13.If you"re busy, in addition to being really important, it"s more likely that you"re weak, you have nothing better to do, your life sucks and you have to work hard to make up for it, or you pretend you"re busy to make yourself seem important.
  14.Making mistakes is not the same as making mistakes. There is never a successful person who hasn"t failed or made mistakes. On the contrary, successful people make a mistake, fix it, and then don"t make it again. They treat their mistake as a warning rather than an irrevocable failure. Never making a mistake means never really living.
  15.No one wants to embrace death, not even those who wish to go to heaven are willing to pay for it with their lives. But death is the ultimate destination for all of us, and no one can escape it.
  16.And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
  17.You can"t just ask customers what they want and then try to give it to them. By the time you make it, they"ll have moved on.
  18.Things win or lose, I don"t really care about, I care about is that I like this job, happy to engage in this career. If after trying, I still fail, I believe I will try again.
  19.You say: customers are always too picky, employees are always unreliable, there are always so many competitors; The boss is always too demanding, the work is always too hard, the promotion is always too far away. So, complain more than try! As a result, the business got worse and worse, and after ten years of doing nothing, nothing happened.
  20."Do you want to spend your life selling sugared-water, or do you want the opportunity to change the world?"
