前天,篮网队官方宣布对欧文停薪禁赛至少5场。今天上午,名记Shams在推特上报道,篮网已经向欧文提出了六项要求,必须全部完成才能重返球队。具体如下: 1、道歉&谴责 2、为反仇恨事业捐赠50万美元; 3、敏感性培训(完成由篮网队创建的新闻敏感性培训); 4、反犹太主义培训(完成由篮网队设计的完整的反犹太主义/反仇恨培训); 5、与犹太领袖会面; 6、与蔡崇信会面。 引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论! Didn’t he donate 500k and they turned it down? 他不是捐了50万美金(给反仇恨事业),他们拒绝了吗? That man definitely not playing for the Nets again 这个人肯定不会再为篮网队打球了。 Nets sending Kyrie Irving his to-do list before returning 篮网队向欧文发出他归队前的待办事项清单。 Ok, release him so the Lakers can have him 好吧,释放他,这样湖人就可以得到他了。 lets be honest they wanted him out the guy already apologize they dont have to bring him down like that he’s human being we all make mistake specially with information that sometime we believe is right until somebody prove us that we’re wrong! 说实话,他们想让他离开球队,他(欧文)已经道歉了,他们没有必要让他失望,他也是人,我们都会犯错,特别是在某些时候我们认为是正确的信息,直到有人证明我们是错的。 what does ADL stand for and mean? ADL是什么意思? Anthony Davis & Lebron 安东尼·戴维斯和勒布朗。 They’re not forcing him. It’s the option to play for the team. He has the option to not do any of this and not play for the team 他们(篮网队)不是在强迫他,这是他为球队打球的选择,他可以选择不做这些事,不为球队打球。 He’s requesting a trade 他要求被交易。 Who would trade for him? When he was on the market no one bit but the Lakers and LeBron just spoke out against him. 谁会为他做交易?当他在转会市场上的时候,除了湖人和勒布朗之外,没有人会对他说话。 What if no one takes his donation? And is it a donation if it’s forced? 如果没有人接受他的捐款怎么办?而如果是被迫的,这算不算是捐赠呢? just trade him to miami and it’ll fix all problems 只要把他交易到迈阿密,就能解决所有问题。 Didn’t he do the first 2 already 他不是已经做了前面两个了吗? Kyrie has to do this. He hurt alot of people. He took too long to apologize, so people don’t think he’s sincere. Either do it or get out. 欧文必须这样做,他伤害了很多人。他过了太长时间后才道歉,所以人们不认为他是真诚的。要么做这些,要么离开。 he ain’t doing that 他不会做这些。 Lakers about to get him for free 湖人队即将免费得到他。 they making him do side quests before he can play another game like it’s 2k 他们让他在打比赛之前做一些辅助任务,就像玩2K游戏一样。 This is odd. I thought his suspension would not exceed five games. Now he has the potential to never return! 这很奇怪。我以为他的禁赛不会超过五场。现在他有可能再也不会回来了! The Nets are treating him like a kindergartener 篮网队对待他(欧文)就像对待一个幼儿园的孩子一样。 Act like a toddler get treated like a toddler 表现得像个孩子,就会被当作孩子一样对待。 Kyrie when he fails Sensitivity Training and has to go back the the $500K donation checkpoint 欧文未能通过敏感性训练,不得不回到50万美元捐赠这一关。 In conclusion: We probably watched Irving"s last game in the NBA this week. 总而言之。我们本周看了欧文在NBA的最后一场比赛。 He’s going to retire. 他要退役了。 They got my nigga doing a rebirth quest 他们让我的兄弟做重生的任务。 Just let him walk! Best for both sides. 就让他走吧!对双方都好。 你认为欧文能完成这6个条件重返篮网队吗?欢迎在评论区留下你的观点! 欢迎点赞、关注和转发