The following are being applied to the Dragonflight Beta and PTR via hotfix, before raid testing in the Beta gets underway this afternoon. 备注:这个说明是美西时间。刚看了目前PTR还没更新,估计要北京10月8号晚上才能更新。 Rogue Alacrity now grants 1% haste per stack, up to 5 stacks (was 2%, to 4 stacks). 迅捷现在只给1%急速/层,最大5层(从8%降到5%)点评:早已在意料之中,无伤大雅 Thistle Tea - total bonus Mastery granted reduced by 20%. 菊花茶-现在额外奖励的精通降低了20%(备注:原本大约是18%-20%左右,那现在还剩下大约15%精通,没啥影响) Find Weakness armor ignore value reduced to 15/30% (was 20/40%). 寻找弱点现在忽略护甲降低到15/30%(原本20/40%)点评:能预料到。但没想到来这么早——因为敏锐和刺杀天赋树根本不成熟。在敏锐还很弱的情况,这一刀属于提前了。 Assassination 刺杀 All ability damage reduced by 34%. 所有技能伤害降低了34%。NERF1点评:目前刺杀在三系里伤害垫底。设计师很大胆、很超前的一个想法~~再次印证了国外外加那句话——现在开发小组里没有真正喜欢盗贼的玩家,都是敷衍工作。 Rupture damage increased by 22%. 割裂伤害提高了22%。BUFF1 Venomous Wounds Energy restore reduced to 5 (was 7). 剧毒创伤能量恢复减少到5点(原本7点)NERF2 Improved Poisons bonus poison chance reduced to 5/10% (was 10/20%). 改善毒药奖励中毒率降低到5/10%(原本10/20%)NERF3点评:水平有限,看不懂。原本毒药占比就远不如流血,结果流血BUFF,毒药NERF。天赋树分成左综合、中毒药、右流血,设计师这样干,最后怎么平衡,彻底把毒药砍废了,没人点毒药系,那你设计给谁玩的? Venom Rush Energy restore reduced to 5 (was 8). 剧毒冲刺能量恢复降低到5点(原本8点)NERF4 Vicious Venoms additional Nature damage values restored to 10/20% (was unintentionally 15/20%). 邪恶毒药额外自然伤害恢复到10/20%(原本非故意的弄成了15/20%)NERF5 Systemic Failure bonus damage reduced to 20% (was 30%). 系统性失败额外伤害降低到20%(原本30%)NERF6 Twist the Knife bonus duration reduced to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds). 旋风刀刃奖励的持续时间降低到2秒(原本3秒)NERF7 Doomblade additional Bleed damage reduced to 20% (was 30%). 毁灭之刃额外流血伤害降低到20%(原本30%)NERF8 Deathmark damage increased by 227%. 新死标(流血伤害)增加了227%。BUFF2点评:227%看起来好强!实际是2.27倍,没强很多。也就相当于1个2倍的割裂,能怎样? Tiny Toxic Blade bonus damage increased to 500% (was 300%). 细微毒刃奖励伤害到500%(原本300%)BUFF3点评:9.2本来就是500%还没人用。现在设计师做了1个改动,想把那个驱散狂暴用途的毒刃彻底加入输出循环,和其他技能联动(忘了是截肢还是流血)。以后轮到驱狂暴时候,变成了甩锅大会。猎人抢先回答:我宁神CD。那个盗贼,你怎么不驱狂暴?不会玩是不是?设计师要的就是这个效果~~ Poison Bomb damage increased by 200%. 毒药炸弹伤害增加了200%。BUFF4点评:这版毒药炸弹可能仅相当于6.0刚出时候炸弹伤害的1/5-1/4。加了2倍,还是少很多。不过以前那个比例太高也确实不合理,因为太看脸了。运气好连出3个,伤害马上就不一样了 Sepsis damage increased by 60%. 败血症的伤害提高了60%。BUFF5点评:法夜那个起手12层天赋那么经典放着不用,一顿乱改,还是不如点王祸。 Kingsbane damage increased by 50%. 王祸伤害提高了50%。点评:更加强了点王祸的决心。 Outlaw 狂徒 All ability damage reduced by ~14.5%. 所有技能伤害降低了14.5%。NERF1好吧,前面10月5号才说所有技能提高17%,这一下就降低到14.5%。PTR昨天更新了5个多G,我实测了下,伤害还是那么多,大约还是2W出头,所以可能是PTR没实装这次改动,或者漏掉了。PTR,你懂得。 Opportunity strike chance reduced to 30% (was 35%). 机会打击(额外邪恶攻击)几率降低到30%(原本35%)NERF2点评:就邪恶攻击本身来说,35%和30%差一点无所谓。但影响的是伏击流和手枪流。2者都依靠邪恶攻击额外攻击带来的效果。 Weaponmaster bonus strike chance reduced to 5% (was 10%). 武器大师奖励(额外邪恶)攻击率降到5%(原本10%)NERF3点评:同上。2个加起来,一来一回,导致直接从45%概率降到35% Combat Potency Energy regeneration reduced to 20% (was 30%). 战斗潜能能量恢复降低到20%(原本30%)NERF4 Swift Slasher bonus attack speed per combo point reduced to 2% (was 3%). 快速切割奖励每星额外急速降到2%(原本3%)NERF5 Fatal Flourish chance to restore energy reduced to 60% (was 75%). 致命繁盛(副手几率回能天赋),现在回能降低到60%(原本75%)NERF6点评:这个算意料之中,原本75%确实偏高。但没想到上面NERF了那么多。 Quick Draw bonus Pistol Shot damage reduced to 20% (was 50%). 快速拔枪奖励手枪射击伤害降到20%(原本50%)NERF7点评:狂徒可能因为这个改动就彻底废了。因为在目前最新的PTR45970版本中,我昨晚才测试,狂徒右侧倒数第二排的fan of hammer,现在做成了劣化版的小枪橙(比9.2目前版本少1颗星)。绿皮由于9.0后眉心加入CD,导致不能频繁使用。总体看目前狂徒天赋树,大致就3个流派:左-伏击流,中-抹杀尊者,右-大小枪。现在满级是可以同时可以拥有3者(伏击流因为点不到终极天赋,略微缩水)。但这狂徒前2个修改就降低了邪恶攻击额外触发率,导致伏击流也再次缩水。现在又砍了手枪射击——无论大枪(绿皮)、还是小枪(3连),伤害都会因此受到影响。 Summarily Dispatched duration reduced to 8/15 seconds (was 10/20 seconds). 即刻派遣(抹杀尊者)现在持续时间降低到8/15秒(原本是10/20秒)NERF8 Greenskin’s Wickers bonus Pistol Shot damage reduced to 200% (was 300%). 绿皮的柳条奖励的手枪射击伤害降到200%(原本300%)NERF9点评:果然小枪被砍,大枪也逃不过。 Subtlety 敏锐 All ability damage reduced by 17%. 所有技能伤害降低17%。我脑中顿时出现设计师在边玩DOTA2,边操作绿皮、歪眼、名唤冥魂大帝的角色,一边在重复它的著名台词(观众可以帮补充下。lol) Demon Hunter 恶魔猎手 Soul Rending - Metamorphosis leech bonus reduced to 5/10% (was 10/20%). 综合,灵魂渲染,恶魔幻神吸血奖励降到5/10%(原本10/20%) Havoc 浩劫/灾虐 Metamorphosis duration reduced to 24 seconds (was 25 seconds). 恶魔化身持续时间减少到24秒(原本25秒)点评:相比上面盗贼直接1刀砍所有技能伤害17%,你细细品 Improved Chaos Strike bonus Chaos Strike damage reduced to 10% (was 15%). 改善混沌打击奖励混打伤害降低到10%(原本15%) Improved Fel Rush bonus Fel Rush damage reduced to 20% (was 25%). 改善魔化冲刺奖励的魔化冲刺伤害降低到20%(原本25%) Initiative bonus critical strike chance reduced to 12% (was 15%). 先发致人奖励暴击率降到12%(原本15%) Momentum bonus damage reduced to 8% (was 10%). 势头奖励的(补充:魔化冲刺/蛮恨撤离/打猎,打猎是新的那个蓝光冲刺技能)伤害降低到8%(原本10%) Essence Break bonus to Chaos Strike/Blade Dance damage reduced to 80% (was 100%). 精华突破奖励混打/影舞伤害降低到80%(原本100%) Furious Gaze duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 12 seconds). 愤怒凝视持续时间从12秒砍到10秒。 Shattered Destiny fury spent per CDR increased to 8 (was 7). 破碎命运(天赋树中间的终极天赋)现在需要每花8点魔怒,就能让你现有的恶魔形态多维持0.1秒(原本7点魔怒=+0.1秒) Dancing with Fate bonus to Blade Dance final slash damage reduced to 20/40% (was 25/50%). 命运之舞奖励的刃舞最终打击伤害降低到20%/40%(原本25/50%) Growing Inferno bonus per tick Immolation Aura damage reduced to 5/10% (was 8/15%). 增长的地狱奖励的献祭光环每跳伤害降低5/10%(原本8/15%) Burning Wound damage over time effect reduced by 20%. 灼烧伤口持续性伤害效果降低20%(备注:包括魔咬和献祭光环,目前最多可释放于3个目标) Burning Wound bonus Immolation Aura damage increased to 50% (was 45%). 灼烧伤口奖励的献祭光环伤害增加到50%(原本45%)BUFF1 Burning Wound - fixed a bug that was causing Immolation Aura damage bonus to be applied twice. 灼烧伤口-修复一个BUG,导致陷阱光环伤害会被施加2次。 Ragefire - portion of damage saved per crit reduced to 40% (was 50%). 怒火现在只能存储的3次暴击的40%伤害(原本是50%) 这次同样"中奖"的名单,还有平衡德、惩戒骑(防骑就改了1个,影响不大,就不具体一一翻译了) Druid Balance Orbit Breaker triggers every 30th Shooting Star (was every 20th). Astral Communion generates 60 Astral Power (was 75). Primordial Arcanic Pulsar triggers after spending 600 Astral Power (was 300). Sundered Firmament creates a Fury of Elune at 20% effectiveness (was 25%). Elune’s Guidance reduces the Astral Power cost of Starsurge by 5 (was 10) and the Astral Power cost of Starfall by 8 (was 15). Rattle the Stars reduces the cost of Starfall and Starsurge by 5% per stack (was 10%). Starsurge costs 40 Astral Power (was 30). Damage reduced by 35%. Starfall damage reduced by 35%. Shooting Stars generates 2 Astral Power (was 3). Damage reduced by 50%. PaladinGreater Judgement - Judgement now causes the target to take 20% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability (was 25%). Seal of Crusader increases Holy Damage taken by 3/6% (was 5/10%). Divine Purpose increases the damage of your next holy damage spender by 15% (was 20%). Zealot’s Paragon extension reduced to 0.5 seconds (was 1 second). Retribution Templar’s Verdict damage reduced by 35%. Final Verdict damage reduced by 35% Zeal - Judgment now causes your next 2 auto attacks to occur 30% faster (was your next 3). Ashes to Dust now 20% chance to reset Wake of Ashes instead of Blade of Justice (was 35%). Execution Sentence deals 10% of damage done (was 20%). Templar’s Vindication changed to a 15% chance of a 10/20% Templar’s Verdict (was 15/30% chance of a 15/30% Templar’s Verdict). Protection Light of the Titans healing reduced by 25%. 一句话总结:DH已经非常成熟,已经进入了第一轮数值调整;而盗贼设计师在天赋混乱的情况下,还在继续胡作非为。