凤凰网财经讯 10月31-11月1日,由凤凰卫视、世界自然基金会(瑞士)北京代表处(WWF)主办,落基山研究所(RMI)、北京市企业家环保基金会(SEE基金会)、大道应对气候变化促进中心(C Team)联合主办的"零碳使命国际气候峰会2022"在北京召开,凤凰网财经进行全程报道。本届峰会以"绿色发展,碳路中国"为主题,盛邀近70位政商学界顶级嘉宾,共商低碳转型与应对气候变化,推进切实有效的有关行动。
联合国系统驻华协调员常启徳(Siddharth Chatterjee)
联合国系统驻华协调员常启徳(Siddharth Chatterjee)表示,各国需要在气候议题上重振合作和领导力,需要在多边主义中探寻解决之道,重燃旧的伙伴关系。为此,各国应把重点放在促进缓解而非导致分裂的议题上。在COP27(《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十七次缔约方大会)到来之际,成员国必须重新焕发团结精神,遵循并履行巴黎协定的承诺(发达国家每年向发展中国家提供1000亿美元的气候资金),这也意味着各国必须带着资金坐上谈判桌。
以下为联合国系统驻华协调员常启徳(Siddharth Chatterjee)演讲实录:
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you Phoenix TV and the World Wildlife Fund in China for hosting this important discussion with a distinguished audience.
This convening comes at a critical time, as world leaders prepare for COP27, the 27th UN Climate Change Conference, that will be held in Egypt next week. It offers a space to reflect on the pressing needs and opportunities that will be considered at that very important event.
An event that has taken on even more meaning and urgency in light of the alarming changes to our climate and environment that are occurring sooner and at a higher rate than anticipated.
The devastating floods in Pakistan, Hurricane Ian in the United States, and massive heatwaves and droughts in parts of China, are just a few tragic examples of the countless extreme weather events that have shaken our world in the past year.
The human race has abused mother nature and now we are witnessing a malevolent side of mother nature. Climate change isn’t lurking around the corner, waiting to pounce. It’s already upon us, raining down blows on billions of people, leaving in its wake, death, misery and destitution.
Last week, in anticipation of COP27, the United Nations issued a report that assesses progress on countries’ emissions commitments to date. The findings were deeply concerning.
A vast majority of countries are failing to live up to their commitments to fight climate change. Backsliding on commitments to reduce emissions will be a fatal blow to the future of our planet and people, leading us on a course toward more climate change, more floods, more fires, more hunger, more diseases, more forced migration and more conflicts.
Humanity has no choice but to rise to the challenges of this moment. To do so,we need reinvigorated collaboration and leadership.
We need to find strength and solutions in multilateralism. We must rekindle old partnerships and forge new ones, by focusing on the issues that bring us together, rather than solely on those that pide us. When Member States come together next week at COP27, they must come in the spirit of renewed solidarity and a genuine commitment to jointly deliver on the Paris Agreement.
This, of course, also means that they must come to the table with financing. Financial resources and investments are critical for reducing emissions, supporting adaptation, and building resilience. Under the Paris Agreement, industrialized countries agreed to transfer US$100 billion annually in climate funds to developing nations. We need these countries to show us the money.The Bretton Woods institutions must reform and do so with urgency. We need international financial institutions to revamp and reorient their business approaches to address climate change. The benefits from these investments will greatly surpass the upfront costs.
In addition to reinvigorated multilateralism and the financing to back it, we need direction and momentum from inspired leadership.
Particularly now, as we face soaring energy and fuel prices while governments work to secure supplies amid new conflicts and regional instability, countries must avoid taking action that increases their long-term dependence on fossil fuels. Strong leaders will understand that, while we address urgent energy needs today, we must put in place safeguards to ensure that emergency actions are temporary and do not jeopardize our path toward net-zero emissions.
And now more than ever, we need China and the U.S. to reassume their joint leadership role on climate change.
China and the U.S. weigh the most on the global climate agenda. Their responsibilities go far beyond their national constituencies and have a direct and immediate impact on the rest of the world. The two countries can and should each take dramatic climate action on their own, and together which will have a positive effect globally.
The two countries have vast scientific knowledge and manufacturing capability that can drive the development of critical technologies and a rapid transition to renewable energy. Joint efforts will yield much more than their independent efforts ever will, and these efforts will have ripple effects across the globe.
Just as important, the shared influence of these two countries will induce other countries to increase their climate action and cooperation.
As countries prepare for COP27, the UN SecretaryGeneral António Guterres noted that the work ahead will be "as immense as the climate impacts we are seeing around the world," adding that "it is time for a gamechanging, quantum level compromise between developed and emerging economies."There is no time to waste. Let us get to work.
Thank you.