

  这家能源巨头的双云转型包括一个数据湖架构,人工智能首席执行官Dan Jeavons表示,该架构正在促进业务效率,并将证明随着时间的推移减少碳排放的关键。
  这家总部位于伦敦的能源公司正在进行的数字转型,由一个混合云平台和Databricks 数据湖之家推动,包括一系列人工智能技术,旨在优化业务效率和利润,并随着时间的推移减少碳足迹。
  壳牌首席人工智能专家Dan Jeavons表示:"人工智能已经成为我们整个数字转型过程中非常核心的一部分。"他指出,壳牌与几家人工智能公司合作,包括微软和C3.ai,但自2015年以来一直与Databricks保持着密切的合作关系,大约有20名Databricks员工被分配到壳牌账户。
  在向壳牌集团首席信息官Jay Crotts汇报工作的新岗位上,Jeavons的任务是利用人工智能以及区块链、物联网和边缘计算等新兴技术,全面审视壳牌未来的技术战略,并帮助引导其致力于在2050年前将碳足迹减少为净零排放能源业务。
  Gartner人工智能分析师Anthony Mullen表示,壳牌的人工智能实现超出了大多数其他公司的水平。Mullen说,"就整个组织的初步实验而言,壳牌已经渡过了难关。"
  作为数字化转型的一部分,壳牌依靠Microsoft Azure和AWS这两个公共云,以及Docker和Kubernetes集成化技术,为其2100亿美元的石油和天然气业务的各个方面运行越来越先进的工作负载。
  壳牌公司计算科学和数字创新副总裁Dan Jeavons
  在分析方面,将数据集成到Databricks的Delta Lake的公共层中,并在公共平台中使用Python,可以实现简单查询和经典报告查询与Power BI等可视化工具的集成。华东CIO大会、华东CIO联盟、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO大会等
  例如,壳牌将其所有全球时间序列数据,如温度、压力、特定设备等信息整合到一个基于Delta Lake的公共云中,使这家能源巨头能够掌握大多数全球资产的脉搏,包括来自炼油厂、上游设施、风电场和太阳能电池板的数据。Jeavons说:"如今,总计有1.9万亿行数据,这在全球范围内是一个巨大的数字。"
  除了云和数据湖之家,壳牌还转向了Microsoft Azure DevOps等高级开发工具,并将GitHub整合到其开发者的工作方式中。Jeavons说,它还在为云部署更成熟的代码筛选工具,运行适当的CI/CD工作流,并将人工智能作为其远程监控中心的一部分,在全球范围内监控10000台设备的运行。
  Energy giants are under significant pressure by governments and consumers to reduce carbon emissions. For multinational oil and gas company Shell, artificial intelligence may be a key catalyst for fulfilling that long-term goal.
  The London-headquartered energy company’s ongoing digital transformation, fueled by a hybrid cloud platform and Databricks data lake house, includes a mix of AI technologies aimed at optimizing business efficiencies and profits and, over time, reducing its carbon footprint.
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  "AI has become a very core part of our overall digital transformation journey," says Shell’s chief AI guru Dan Jeavons, noting that Shell works with several AI companies, including Microsoft and C3.ai, but has been in a close partnership with Databricks since 2015. Roughly 20 Databricks employees are assigned to the Shell account.
  Jeavons, who has served as vice president of computational science and digital innovation at Shell for just six months, is the former general manager of data science at Shell and has been knee deep in data science since 2015.
  In his new role, reporting to Shell Group CIO Jay Crotts, Jeavons is tasked with employing AI as well as emerging technologies such as blockchain, IoT, and edge computing to overhaul Shell’s future technology strategy and help steer its commitment to reduce its carbon footprint to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050.
  Gartner AI analyst Anthony Mullen says Shell’s AI implementations are beyond what most other companies are doing. "Shell is over the hump in terms of initial experimentation right across the organization," says Mullen, pointing to Shell’s Center for Excellence and participation in OpenAI.
  Jeavons’ group has several hundred data scientists using AI — mostly on Databricks’ Spark-based platform — writing algorithms to execute tasks such as improving the cycle times of subsurface processing, optimizing the performance of assets, predicting when and if various pieces of equipment might fail, as well as improving offerings to customers.
  "Given the threat of climate change, we need to move to a lower carbon energy system and digital plays a key role in that," Jeavons says, noting many of the CO2 monitoring data streams will flow through Databricks AI platform. "Digital technology is one of the core levers that we can pull in order to significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of the energy system."
  According to Jeavons, Shell’s use of digital technology reduced the CO2 emissions of one liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility by as much as 130 kilotons per year — equivalent to removing 28,000 US vehicles off the road for a year.
  "Many of the people that work for us have a sense of compelling purpose actually applying AI to try to accelerate energy transition," he says. "But I’m not going to pretend it’s easy." Data is the foundation
  As part of its digital transformation, Shell relies on two public clouds, Microsoft Azure and AWS, as well as Docker and Kubernetes containerization technologies, to run increasingly advanced workloads for various aspects of its $210 billion oil and gas business.
  Dan Jeavons, VP of computational science and digital innovation, Shell
  A key facet of that strategy, Jeavons says, is the company’s foundational data layer — a pool from which multiple tools and technologies can access data systematically.
  "Having a dual-cloud strategy means you need some consistency as to how you want to manage and integrate your data. Now of course, not all data is going to be in one place. You have a variety of databases; everybody does," Jeavons says. "But from an analytics perspective, more and more, we’re consolidating certain types of data into an integrated lake house architecture based on Databricks."
  On the analytics side, integrating data into a common layer in Databricks’ Delta Lake and using Python in a common platform allows simple queries and classical reporting query integration with visualization tools such as Power BI.
  But on the AI front, it "also allows you to run the machine learning workloads all on the same platform," Jeavons says. "For me, that’s been a step change."
  For example, Shell has integrated all its global time-series data — information such as temperature, pressure, a particular piece of equipment — into a common cloud based on Delta Lake, enabling the energy giant to keep its finger on the pulse of most global assets, including data from refineries, plants, upstream facilities, winds farms, and solar panels. "It’s 1.9 trillion rows of data aggregated today, which is a huge amount globally," Jeavons says. "We measure everywhere."
  Shell’s AI efforts also include performing failure predictions and assessing the integrity of its energy assets by using machine vision to identify corrosion. "We’re also using AI to develop technology which can optimize the assets and make them run more efficiently at scale and optimize based on historical performance," Jeavons says, noting that, while much of Shell’s AI magic is due the implementation of its data lake, none of it could be achieved without cloud advancements.
  "Really, the key thing has been the maturing of the clouds and the ability to remove some additional layers that we had [in order] to take data directly from the plants and stream it into the cloud. That’s been helpful in driving both data analytics but also the AI strategy," he says. The road ahead
  In total, Shell has about 350 professional data scientists and roughly 4,000 professional software engineers working remotely and/or in one of Shell’s hubs in Bangalore, India; the UK; the Netherlands, and Houston, Texas.
  Aside from the cloud and data lake house, Shell has also moved to advanced development tools such as Microsoft Azure DevOps and is integrating GitHub into its developers’ ways of working. It is also deploying more mature code screening tools for the cloud, running "proper" CI/CD workflows and monitoring "north" of 10,000 pieces of equipment globally using AI as part of its remote surveillance centers, Jeavons says.
  But it is the development of a common lake house architecture that has made the most difference, giving Shell "an integrated data layer that provides visibility of all the data across our business" in a consistent way, Jeavons say.
  "We were a very early adopter of Delta," he says. "For a while, it was more in proof-of-concept mode than in deployed at scale load. It’s really been in the past 18 months where we’ve seen a step change and we’ve been running quite hard."
  Change management, however, remains one of the company’s biggest challenges.
  "How do you embed the technology into the business process and make it usable and a part of what happens every day and developing algorithms that work? I’m not going to underplay how difficult it is. It’s non-trivial," Jeavons says. "It’s tougher to develop the adoption [of AI] at scale. It’s still very much a journey and we’ve made some strides but there’s a lot more to do."
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