Space Elevators Are Less Sci-Fi Than You Think
Space elevators are often dismissed as a science fiction dream, but I believe they will exist soon—perhaps in two or three decades. Throughout my career as an aerospace engineer and physics professor, I keep coming back to the concept of a cable stretching from Earth to space, along which people and cargo can easily travel. In recent years I and other researchers have found new ways to tinker with designs and answer questions about how space elevators could work.
There are many reasons to build a space elevator. The obvious one is the major energy and cost savings; it’s a much more practical way to get to orbit than rockets. Another reason that is often overlooked is accessibility. The word "space mission" would be replaced by "transit," as trips to space become routine and mostly independent of weather conditions. Transits involving humans would be safer than current practices, whereby astronauts must accept a nonnegligible risk to their lives with each launch. A space elevator becomes a bridge to the entire solar system. Release a payload in the lower portion, and you orbit Earth, but do so in the upper portion, and you orbit the sun; all without fuel.
Although I may come across as a space elevator advocate, the truth is, I simply enjoy studying their mechanics. In a world with monumental problems, dreaming of such projects allows me to envision a scenario where we have become responsible custodians on this planet.
今日单词 sci-fi /ˈsaɪ faɪ/ n. 科幻小说(或影片等)(=science fiction); dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ vt. 不予考虑;摒弃;对…不屑一提; aerospace /ˈeroʊspeɪs/ n. 航空航天工业,航空航天技术;航空与航天空间; cable /ˈkeɪb(ə)l/ n. 电缆;钢缆,缆绳; stretch /stretʃ/ vi. 伸展;延伸;持续; tinker /ˈtɪŋkər/ vi.(徒劳地或马虎地)小修补; overlook /ˌoʊvərˈlʊk/ vt. 忽略;未注意到; accessibility /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti/ n.(地方)易于进入性,(物品)易于接近性;易使用性,可及性; transit /ˈtrænzɪt/ n. 运输,运送;<美>交通运输系统;通过,经过; whereby /werˈbaɪ/ conj. 凭此,借以;由于; nonnegligible /ˈnoʊnˈneɡlɪdʒəbl/ adj. 不可忽视的; payload /ˈpeɪloʊd/ n.(飞机、船只的)有效载荷,有酬负载; orbit /ˈɔːrbɪt/ vt. 沿轨道运行;围绕……运动; come across 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人……印象; mechanics /məˈkænɪks/ n. 机械学,力学;机制,运作方式; monumental /ˌmɑːnjuˈment(ə)l/ adj. 重要的;意义深远的;不朽的; 非常大(或好、坏、蠢等)的; envision /ɪnˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ vt. 展望;想象; scenario /səˈnærioʊ/ n. 设想,可能发生的情况 ;(电影、戏剧等的)剧情梗概;(艺术或文学作品中的)场景; custodian /kʌˈstoʊdiən/ n. 管理人;监护人;保管人;
文本选自:Scientific American(科学美国人)
作者:Stephen Cohen
原文发布时间:29 Nov. 2022
Man proposes, God disposes.