航空母舰(英文:Aircraft Carrier),是以舰载机为主要战斗装备,并为其提供海上活动基地的大型水面战斗舰艇。简称"航母",广义上包括直升机母舰。现代航空母舰,按排水量可分为大型(6万吨以上)、中型(3-6万吨)和小型(3万吨以下)航空母舰,按动力装置可分为常规动力和核动力航空母舰,按作战任务可分为攻击、反潜和多用途航空母舰等。航空母舰主要用于攻击水面舰艇和潜艇,打击陆上目标、沿海基地和港口设施,夺取作战海区的制空权、制海权、制电磁权、支援登陆作战等。航母攻击威力大,机动性、适航性、耐波性好,防护能力强,通常与巡洋舰、驱逐舰、护卫舰、潜艇和补给舰等护航舰船组成航空母舰战斗群,执行作战任务。
China’s next aircraft-carrier will be its biggest
Jiangnan shipyard lies on an alluvial island at the mouth of the Yangzi river. It has grown rapidly since it moved there from nearby Shanghai in 2009, churning out destroyers, icebreakers and landing craft for the Chinese navy. The jewel in its crown is under construction. China is saying little about it, but satellite imagery reveals a near-complete flight deck in a corner of the yard where, less than 15 years ago, there was only farmland.
For now, the vessel-to-be is blandly known to military analysts as the Type 003. It will be China’s second domestically built aircraft-carrier and the largest ship that has ever served in the Chinese fleet. Experts at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a think-tank in Washington, have analysed satellite pictures such as the one above, which was taken in June by Planet Labs, an American firm. They conclude that the ship will be about as long as New York’s Chrysler Building is high: about 320 metres. She will mark another leap forward in China’s advance as a naval power.
目前,这艘即将建造的舰艇被军事分析家们轻描淡写称为003型。它将是中国第二艘国产航空母舰,也是中国舰队中曾经服役过的最大船只。华盛顿智囊团战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)的专家分析了卫星图片,如上面这张由美国公司Planet Labs于6月拍摄的图片(见封面图)。他们得出结论,这艘船的长度将与纽约克莱斯勒大厦的高度相当:大约320米。她将标志着中国作为一个海军大国的又一次飞跃。
The Type 003 could be launched this year, state media say. But building carriers is not the same as sailing them. Flying planes off wobbly decks is hard. In America, thousands of jets and pilots were lost in the formative years of naval aviation. It is also difficult to keep a carrier safe from missiles and submarines, and to integrate one into a "strike group" of warships. "It’s taken us over 100 years to get that right," noted an American admiral in September. China hopes to be quicker.
今日单词 aircraft-carrier 航空母舰; shipyard /ˈʃɪpjɑːrd/ n.造船厂; alluvial /əˈluːviəl/ adj.冲击的; churn out 大量生产; icebreaker /ˈaɪsbreɪkər/ n.破冰船; landing craft 登陆艇; jewel /ˈdʒuːəl/ n.宝石; crown /kraʊn/ n.皇冠; vessel-to-be 即将建造的舰艇; blandly /ˈblændli/ adv.平静地; leap forward 质的飞跃; wobbly /ˈwɑːbli/ adj.摇摇晃晃的; formative /ˈfɔːrmətɪv/ adj.形成的; missile /ˈmɪsl/ n.导弹; submarine /ˈsʌbməriːn/ n.潜艇; integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ vt.整合; warship /ˈwɔːrʃɪp/ n.战舰;
文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)
原文发布时间:18 Jun. 2022
Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.