

  编译 | 冯维维
  Nature , 16 February 2023, Volume 614 Issue 7948
  《自然》 2023年2月16日,第614卷7948期
  物理学  Physics
  Spherical symmetry in the kilonova AT2017gfo/GW170817
  ▲ 作者:Albert Sneppen, Darach Watson, Andreas Bauswein, Oliver Just, Rubina Kotak, Ehud Nakar, Dovi Poznanski & Stuart Sim
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  ▲ 摘要:
  中子星合并会释放出富含重元素的火球,天文学家将这种现象称为千新星。千新星的几何形状是中子星并合的关键判断依据,由超致密物质的性质和坍缩成黑洞的能量学决定。目前的流体动力学合并模型通常表现为非球面喷射。此前,Sr+ 在唯一被充分研究的千新星AT2017gfo的光谱中被发现,与引力波事件GW170817有关。
  研究者结合强烈的Sr+  P Cygni吸收-发射光谱特征和千新星光谱的黑体性质确定,千新星在早期是高度球形的。线形分析结合已知的源倾角也显示出相同的球形度。作者认为,放射性衰变所注入的能量不足以使喷出物变成球形。来自黑洞盘的磁星风或射流可以注入足够的能量,在整个喷射物中诱导一个更球形的分布;然而,为了使元素分布均匀,似乎还需要一个额外的过程。
  ▲ Abstract:
  The mergers of neutron stars expel a heavy-element enriched fireball that can be observed as a kilonova. The kilonova’s geometry is a key diagnostic of the merger and is dictated by the properties of ultra-dense matter and the energetics of the collapse to a black hole. Current hydrodynamical merger models typically show aspherical ejecta. Previously, Sr+  was identified in the spectrum of the only well-studied kilonova AT2017gfo, associated with the gravitational wave event GW170817. Here we combine the strong Sr+  P Cygni absorption-emission spectral feature and the blackbody nature of kilonova spectrum to determine that the kilonova is highly spherical at early epochs. Line shape analysis combined with the known inclination angle of the source also show the same sphericity independently. We conclude that energy injection by radioactive decay is insufficient to make the ejecta spherical. A magnetar wind or jet from the black-hole disk could inject enough energy to induce a more spherical distribution in the overall ejecta; however, an additional process seems necessary to make the element distribution uniform.
  Electronic metadevices for terahertz applications
  ▲ 作者:Mohammad Samizadeh Nikoo & Elison Matioli
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  ▲ Abstract:
  The evolution of electronics has largely relied on downscaling to meet the continuous needs for faster and highly integrated devices. As the channel length is reduced, however, classic electronic devices face fundamental issues that hinder exploiting materials to their full potential and, ultimately, further miniaturization. For example, the carrier injection through tunnelling junctions dominates the channel resistance, whereas the high parasitic capacitances drastically limit the maximum operating frequency. In addition, these ultra-scaled devices can only hold a few volts due to the extremely high electric fields, which limits their maximum delivered power. Here we challenge such traditional limitations and propose the concept of electronic metadevices, in which the microscopic manipulation of radiofrequency fields results in extraordinary electronic properties. The devices operate on the basis of electrostatic control of collective electromagnetic interactions at deep subwavelength scales, as an alternative to controlling the flow of electrons in traditional devices, such as diodes and transistors. This enables a new class of electronic devices with cutoff frequency figure-of-merit well beyond ten terahertz, record high conductance values, extremely high breakdown voltages and picosecond switching speeds. This work sets the stage for the next generation of ultrafast semiconductor devices and presents a new paradigm that potentially bridges the gap between electronics and optics.
  生物物理学  Biophysics
  Autonomous self-burying seed carriers for aerial seeding
  ▲ 作者:Danli Luo, Aditi Maheshwari, Andreea Danielescu, Jiaji Li, Yue Yang, Ye Tao, Lingyun Sun, Dinesh K. Patel, Guanyun Wang, Shu Yang, Teng Zhang & Lining Yao
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  ▲ Abstract:
  Aerial seeding can quickly cover large and physically inaccessible areas to improve soil quality and scavenge residual nitrogen in agriculture, and for postfire reforestation and wildland restoration. However, it suffers from low germination rates, due to the direct exposure of unburied seeds to harsh sunlight, wind and granivorous birds, as well as undesirable air humidity and temperature. Here, inspired by Erodium seeds, we design and fabricate self-drilling seed carriers, turning wood veneer into highly stiff (about 4.9 GPa when dry, and about 1.3 GPa when wet) and hygromorphic bending or coiling actuators with an extremely large bending curvature (1,854 m−1 ), 45 times larger than the values in the literature. Our three-tailed carrier has an 80% drilling success rate on flat land after two triggering cycles, due to the beneficial resting angle (25°–30°) of its tail anchoring, whereas the natural Erodium seed’s success rate is 0%. Our carriers can carry payloads of various sizes and contents including biofertilizers and plant seeds as large as those of whitebark pine, which are about 11 mm in length and about 72 mg. We compare data from experiments and numerical simulation to elucidate the curvature transformation and actuation mechanisms to guide the design and optimization of the seed carriers. Our system will improve the effectiveness of aerial seeding to relieve agricultural and environmental stresses, and has potential applications in energy harvesting, soft robotics and sustainable buildings.
  A universal interface for plug-and-play assembly of stretchable devices
  ▲ 作者:Ying Jiang, Shaobo Ji, Jing Sun, Jianping Huang, Yuanheng Li, Guijin Zou, Teddy Salim, Changxian Wang, Wenlong Li, Haoran Jin, Jie Xu, Sihong Wang, Ting Lei, Xuzhou Yan, Wendy Yen Xian Peh, Shih-Cheng Yen, Zhihua Liu, Mei Yu, Hang Zhao, Zechao Lu, Guanglin Li, Huajian Gao, Zhiyuan Liu, Zhenan Bao & Xiaodong Chen
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  ▲ 摘要:
  作者开发了一个通用接口,它可以可靠地将软模块、刚性模块和封装模块连接在一起,以即插即用的方式形成健壮的和高度可拉伸的设备。该界面由互穿聚合物和金属纳米结构组成,通过简单的按压来连接模块,而无需使用浆料。它的形成由双相网络增长模型描述。通过该接口连接的软-软模块的机械和电气拉伸性能分别达到600%和180%。软模块和硬模块也可以使用上述接口进行电连接。具有该界面的软模块的封装具有强粘接性,界面韧性为0.24 N mm−1 。
  ▲ Abstract:
  Stretchable hybrid devices have enabled high-fidelity implantable and on-skin monitoring of physiological signals. These devices typically contain soft modules that match the mechanical requirements in humans and soft robots, rigid modules containing Si-based microelectronics and protective encapsulation modules. To make such a system mechanically compliant, the interconnects between the modules need to tolerate stress concentration that may limit their stretching and ultimately cause debonding failure. Here, we report a universal interface that can reliably connect soft, rigid and encapsulation modules together to form robust and highly stretchable devices in a plug-and-play manner. The interface, consisting of interpenetrating polymer and metal nanostructures, connects modules by simply pressing without using pastes. Its formation is depicted by a biphasic network growth model. Soft–soft modules joined by this interface achieved 600% and 180% mechanical and electrical stretchability, respectively. Soft and rigid modules can also be electrically connected using the above interface. Encapsulation on soft modules with this interface is strongly adhesive with an interfacial toughness of 0.24 N mm−1 . As a proof of concept, we use this interface to assemble stretchable devices for in vivo neuromodulation and on-skin electromyography, with high signal quality and mechanical resistance. We expect such a plug-and-play interface to simplify and accelerate the development of on-skin and implantable stretchable devices.
  Paleontology & Geophysics
  Exceptional fossil preservation and evolution of the ray-finned fish brain
  ▲ 作者:Rodrigo T. Figueroa, Danielle Goodvin, Matthew A. Kolmann, Michael I. Coates, Abigail M. Caron, Matt Friedman & Sam Giles
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  研究者报告了一种大约3.19亿岁的射线鳍鱼(Coccocephalus wildi)的大脑和脑神经软组织保存。这个保存完好的脊椎动物大脑的例子为鳐鳍鱼系统发育的深层神经解剖提供了一扇窗口。其球头类表明了一种比现存物种更复杂的大脑进化模式,突出了分支的异形现象,并为联合所有现存鳍鱼的特征的起源提供了时间限制。这一发现以及在其他动物群体中越来越多的研究,都指出了古代软组织保存在理解骨骼组织狭窄亚群之外主要解剖系统的深层进化组合中的重要性。
  ▲ Abstract:
  Brain anatomy provides key evidence for the relationships between ray-finned fishes, but two major limitations obscure our understanding of neuroanatomical evolution in this major vertebrate group. First, the deepest branching living lineages are separated from the group’s common ancestor by hundreds of millions of years, with indications that aspects of their brain morphology—like other aspects of their anatomy—are specialized relative to primitive conditions. Second, there are no direct constraints on brain morphology in the earliest ray-finned fishes beyond the coarse picture provided by cranial endocasts: natural or virtual infillings of void spaces within the skull. Here we report brain and cranial nerve soft-tissue preservation in Coccocephalus wildi, an approximately 319-million-year-old ray-finned fish. This example of a well-preserved vertebrate brain provides a window into neural anatomy deep within ray-finned fish phylogeny. Coccocephalus indicates a more complicated pattern of brain evolution than suggested by living species alone, highlighting cladistian apomorphies1 and providing temporal constraints on the origin of traits uniting all extant ray-finned fishes. Our findings, along with a growing set of studies in other animal groups, point to the importance of ancient soft tissue preservation in understanding the deep evolutionary assembly of major anatomical systems outside of the narrow subset of skeletal tissues.
  Heterogeneous melting near the Thwaites Glacier grounding line
  ▲ 作者:B. E. Schmidt, P. Washam, P. E. D. Davis, K. W. Nicholls, D. M. Holland, J. D. Lawrence, K. L. Riverman, J. A. Smith, A. Spears, D. J. G. Dichek, A. D. Mullen, E. Clyne, B. Yeager, P. Anker, M. R. Meister, B. C. Hurwitz, E. S. Quartini, F. E. Bryson, A. Basinski-Ferris, C. Thomas, J. Wake, D. G. Vaughan, S. Anandakrishnan, E. Rignot, …K. Makinson Show authors
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  ▲ 摘要:
  ▲ Abstract:
  Thwaites Glacier represents 15% of the ice discharge from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and influences a wider catchment. Because it is grounded below sea level, Thwaites Glacier is thought to be susceptible to runaway retreat triggered at the grounding line (GL) at which the glacier reaches the ocean. Recent ice-flow acceleration and retreat of the ice front and GL indicate that ice loss will continue. The relative impacts of mechanisms underlying recent retreat are however uncertain. Here we show sustained GL retreat from at least 2011 to 2020 and resolve mechanisms of ice-shelf melt at the submetre scale. Our conclusions are based on observations of the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) from an underwater vehicle, extending from the GL to 3 km oceanward and from the ice–ocean interface to the sea floor. These observations show a rough ice base above a sea floor sloping upward towards the GL and an ocean cavity in which the warmest water exceeds 2 °C above freezing. Data closest to the ice base show that enhanced melting occurs along sloped surfaces that initiate near the GL and evolve into steep-sided terraces. This pronounced melting along steep ice faces, including in crevasses, produces stratification that suppresses melt along flat interfaces. These data imply that slope-dependent melting sculpts the ice base and acts as an important response to ocean warming.
