

  CXO UNION(CXO联盟)、数字化转型网(www.szhzxw.org)、中国数字化灯塔大会、华东CIO大会
  ABI Research在其《2022年数字工厂更新》中预测,智能制造支出将以12%的复合年增长率增长,从2021年的3450亿美元增长到2030年的9500亿美元以上——所有这些都是为了支持数字化转型计划。
  ABI Research的研究主管迈克尔·拉纳 (Michael Larner) 表示,技术创新将有助于制造商在面临无数挑战时取得成功,例如不断上涨的能源成本、供应链中断、人员短缺以及优化资源的需求。
  Larner补充道,"我们看到制造业正从基本自动化转向集成IT和OT团队,使用分析进行优化以确保工作尽可能高效,并执行预测性维护和主动监控等工作。因此,制造商现在正优先考虑创建和扩展其‘数字线程’的IT投资,其中IT架构中的应用程序相互通信,来自一个系统的数据通知并指导其他系统的行动。此外,制造商也意识到,他们不能只对事件做出反应,还需要积极主动。成功的CIO需要在工厂车间了解问题并影响变革,就像在董事会中进行战略性谈话和获得项目资金一样。" CXO UNION(CXO联盟)、数字化转型网(szhzxw.cn)、中国数字化转型展、华东CIO大会、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO、iTdaily 、It经理人、CIO训练营、数字化江湖等
  国外媒体最近将以下10家制造商评为"IT创新和领导力CIO 100奖"的一部分。以下是他们利用IT创造价值的方式:
  1. Avery Dennison为其供应链纳入智能
  企业:Avery Dennison
  项目:用于运营生产计划和详细调度的高级计划系统 (APS)
  IT主管:Nicholas Colisto,副总裁兼首席信息官
  与许多制造商一样,Avery Dennison看到了战略性使用技术的必要性,它可以为其日益庞大和复杂的供应链增加更多敏捷性、效率和速度。
  作为回应,Avery Dennison的IT部门与该公司的全球供应链运营部门合作,创建了用于运营生产计划和详细调度的高级计划系统 (APS),该系统可提供对供应问题和限制的详细洞察,为供应链团队提供工具以做出有效和及时的决策。
  Avery Dennison的IT部门与供应链职能部门合作定义和调整企业的优先事项和需求,着手创建一个数学模型,以建立短期、中期和长期运营计划。IT还自动化了一系列任务,使用智能优化算法来识别异常,解释对下游供应链参与者的影响,并将该信息传达给利益相关者,从而使供应链团队能够快速响应和修复问题。
  副总裁兼首席信息官Nicholas Colisto表示,"该系统使我们的供应链职能部门能够深入了解供应链不同资产中的限制和问题,为我们提供在一个地方做出有效和及时决策的所有工具。我们新的强大数据湖、预测分析和数字孪生功能共同帮助Avery Dennison优化资产利用率,避免停机,并为整个供应链提供更好的可见性和分析,使企业能够快速响应中断和偏差。"
  2. CoorsTek简化生产操作
  项目:实施Model Plant系统
  IT负责人:Matt Mehlbrech,IT副总裁
  为了解决这个问题,并为未来的转型奠定基础,CoorsTek的IT部门开发了Model Plant,这是一个集成系统战略,专注于提高生产操作员的效率,为制造管理提供关键指标,并为CoorsTek未来的ERP实施做好准备。
  其核心是制造运营管理(MOM)系统,它将制造执行和维护管理结合在一个集成平台中。正如设想的那样,Model Plant将把这个MOM系统与公司的ERP、质量管理和机器连接系统集成到一个控制台中,供CoorsTek生产操作员使用,帮助他们专注于生产高质量的陶瓷零件。
  IT部门在不到18个月的时间内,在CoorsTek六家工厂设计、开发和实施了Model Plant,显著提高了生产操作员的效率。目前,实施仍在进行中,IT将其视为顺利过渡到新ERP的基础。
  公司IT副总裁Matt Mehlbrech表示,"我们的Model Plant系统能够实时了解整个车间,并创建一个全面的数据集,我们可以对其进行分析和学习,以释放切实的生产力和质量收益。"
  3. Dow将其制造设施数字化
  项目:Dow数字制造加速 (DMA) 计划
  IT负责人:Melanie Kalmar,公司副总裁、CIO和CDO
  4. 分析能力成为Eastman材料创新的关键
  企业:Eastman Chemicals
  项目:Fluid Genius数字化产品
  IT负责人:Aldo Noseda,副总裁兼首席信息官
  Eastman Chemicals于2021年推出了Fluid Genius,这是一个正在申请专利的数字平台,使制造厂工人能够监控可能影响运营、安全、产量和维护预算等问题。
  Fluid Genius可以监控、分析和延长Eastman客户传热流体的使用寿命。该技术还可以预测流体的预期寿命,并建议如何最好地延长它,同时避免计划外的制造停工。
  Fluid Genius还提供前瞻性见解,使工厂维护工程师和运营经理能够规划最佳维护时间,从而最大限度地降低风险和成本。Fluid Genius的推荐引擎还可以帮助工厂工程师更好地了解影响其传热流体质量的因素,从而帮助他们安全地运营工厂并为未来的维护需求提供预算。
  Eastman副总裁兼首席信息官Aldo Noseda表示,"Fluid Genius 等数字产品和服务对于Eastman成为领先的材料创新公司至关重要,因为它们不仅为我们的客户提供了价值,还有效地将我们与竞争对手区分开来。"
  Eastman已经看到了对该平台的使用热情,公司官员指出,该平台有利于其客户获取和保留工作。 CXO UNION(CXO联盟)、数字化转型网(szhzxw.cn)、中国数字化转型展、华东CIO大会、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO、iTdaily 、It经理人、CIO训练营、数字化江湖等
  5. 通用汽车通过IT解决半导体短缺问题
  IT主管:Fred Killeen,首席信息官兼全球IT副总裁
  与所有现代汽车制造商一样,通用汽车依靠半导体制造产品。事实上,一辆典型的汽车依靠其电子控制单元 (ECU)中的3000多个芯片来运行基本的汽车功能。
  首席信息官兼全球IT副总裁Fred Killeen表示,"通过整个企业内的团队合作,他们提供了业界首创的技术解决方案,使我们能够在缺乏一些电子元件的情况下制造车辆,并在半导体可用时远程完成它们——这个过程在今天继续被证明是有价值的。"
  6. Oshkosh走向数字化以优化其供应链
  IT主管:Anupam Khare,高级副总裁兼首席信息官
  高级副总裁兼首席信息官Anupam Khare表示,"该项目显示了IT与业务合作伙伴保持良好联系,以及早预测机遇/挑战并通过数字解决方案共同创造价值的重要性。"
  7. 奥的斯(Otis)将智能电梯推向新高度
  项目:奥的斯一号(Otis ONE)
  IT主管:Renee Zaugg,副总裁兼首席信息官(Zaugg现已离开Otis)
  为了给客户带来更加透明、主动和预测性的服务,奥的斯于2020年年中开始着手开展一项名为"Otis ONE"的全球数字化转型计划。
  Otis ONE利用物联网、大数据、人工智能、移动和云等技术,提供电梯运行状况的实时可见性、预测性维护洞察力以及远程协助和故障排除。
  Otis ONE专为从校园所有者到现场工程师再到维护人员的各种角色在日常运营中提供实时数据洞察力,从而使各种利益相关者能够做出更明智的决策,并提供更具预测性和更有效的维护。
  Otis ONE架构由三层组成——边缘、平台和企业。其中,边缘层依靠各种网关/传感器包来收集一系列电梯数据并将其通过蜂窝网络发送到云端,然后通过其物联网中心或事件中心与平台层集成;平台层具有由规则引擎推动的实时业务处理,该引擎分析数据并立即确定电梯状态的各种条件,在发生异常情况时主动通知奥的斯员工和外部客户。企业层汇集了多个应用程序,利用来自边缘层和平台层的信息,将其与电梯主数据和服务数据集成,以提供全球电梯的360度实时视图。
  执行董事兼首席技术官Ezhil Nanjappan表示,"该互联电梯通过更长的设备正常运行时间为我们的客户创造价值。Otis ONE不仅为客户提供了更高的透明度,也为我们自己的团队在预测和主动性方面创造了生产力。毫不夸张地说,Otis ONE生态系统是任何智慧城市和智能建筑的基础。"
  8. Owens Corning利用低代码提高工厂安全性
  企业:Owens Corning
  IT主管:Steve Zerby,高级副总裁兼首席信息官
  出于安全和合规性的考虑,Owens Corning必须监控和管理来自沥青罐的蒸汽。但它发现这样做的过程无效且缓慢。数据是在离线数据库中收集的,并且是特定于工厂的,难以在整个公司内共享。此外,发现潜在危险所需的分析通常需要耗费数天。
  因此,2021年8月,Owens Corning的沥青业务部门和IT部门联手创建了一个数字平台,该平台可以通过改进数据收集和可操作的分析来转变和提高该流程的有效性。
  高级副总裁兼首席信息官Steve Zerby表示,"将从罐中获取的传感器测量数据数字化,整合其他数据点,并提供易于使用的可视化和分析,从而为工厂操作员提供支持。他们可以实时快速评估潜在危害和风险,并主动采取预防措施。在此过程中,成功的一个关键因素是拥有一位指导其他人一起使用这些工具的敬业且热心的业务产品负责人。" CXO UNION(CXO联盟)、数字化转型网(szhzxw.cn)、中国数字化转型展、华东CIO大会、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO、iTdaily 、It经理人、CIO训练营、数字化江湖等
  9. Rockwell Automation启动以客户为中心的转型
  企业:Rockwell Automation
  项目:Rockwell Automation推动创新、以客户为中心并转向通过其企业转型办公室建立数据驱动的运营模式
  IT主管:Chris Nardecchia,高级副总裁兼首席信息和数字官
  随着Rockwell Automation致力于帮助客户加速数字化转型(DX),该公司也开始了自己的DX之旅。在此过程中,它正在创造新的客户体验、转变商业模式并增强劳动力创新能力。
  为此,企业转型办公室 (ExO) 制定了目标状态的端到端业务流程和客户体验需求,并优先考虑提供整体客户体验所需的投资。
  该办公室正在将Rockwell Automation转变为数据驱动的运营模式,在这种模式下,它将每年执行两打(two dozen,即24)以上的产品开发周期,并使用客户信息来塑造这些产品。此外,ExO正在努力转变业务模式、流程、软件和服务组合,以向客户提供更多基于订阅的产品。
  Rockwell Automation正在使用遥测技术来收集数据和洞察力,并创建全面、统一的客户数据视图,以增强公司的客户参与度。它正在更新流程和系统以支持其未来状态。它还利用从其他计划中收集的数据来创新产品、发展市场和发展业务。它已经实施了一种结构化的方法来管理其转型路线图。
  高级副总裁兼首席信息和数字官Chris Nardecchia表示,"该计划对于实现我们的愿景至关重要,即重塑我们的产品以取得成果,重新构想我们的客户体验,并重新定义我们的运营模式以实现订阅和年度经常性收入。"
  10. 施耐德电气防范OT网络攻击增加
  IT主管:Elizabeth Hackenson,高级副总裁兼首席信息官
  为应对针对运营技术 (OT) 的网络攻击数量和复杂程度不断增加,施耐德电气在2020年创建了网络安全OT运营模式,旨在优化其全球220家制造厂和35个配送中心的网络安全性能。
  该模型为所有施耐德IT和OT建立了一个安全运营中心 (SOC)。它还在每个工厂建立了一个威胁检测平台,通过与安全信息和事件管理 (SIEM) 系统的接口向SOC发出安全警报。
  该运营模式还具有网络安全连接服务中心 (CSH),这是一个24/7的全球团队,可在各种类型的网络安全事件中为公司的工业站点提供支持。其主要职责是识别OT和IT设备的网络安全态势并为其设置基线;检测和修复安全警报;监控和修复漏洞。
  CSH团队从SOC接收警报,分析这些警报并定义必须如何补救。该团队与网络安全站点负责人 (CSL) 合作修复警报;CSL是接受过网络安全培训的OT专家,他们在指定的工厂工作,每个工厂都有一个CSL,负责该工厂OT的网络安全。他们可以修复网络事件并管理业务连续性。
  高级副总裁兼首席信息官Elizabeth Hackenson表示,"网络安全互联服务中心的创建,是我们在施耐德电气实现更高弹性和网络安全的持续旅程中的一个里程碑。"
  CXO联盟(CXO union)是一家聚焦于CIO,CDO,cto,ciso,cfo,coo,chro,cpo,ceo等人群的平台组织,其中在CIO会议领域的领头羊,目前举办了大量的CIO大会、CIO论坛、CIO活动、CIO会议、CIO峰会、CIO会展。如华东CIO会议、华南cio会议、华北cio会议、中国cio会议、西部CIO会议。在这里,你可以参加大量的IT大会、IT行业会议、IT行业论坛、IT行业会展、数字化论坛、数字化转型论坛,在这里你可以认识很多的首席信息官、首席数字官、首席财务官、首席技术官、首席人力资源官、首席运营官、首席执行官、IT总监、财务总监、信息总监、运营总监、采购总监、供应链总监。
  【CXO UNION部分社群会员】华为投资控股有限公司CDO、苏宁控股集团CDO、正威国际集团有限公司CDO、恒力集团有限公司CDO、碧桂园控股有限公司CDO、恒大集团有限公司CDO、联想控股股份有限公司CDO、国美控股集团有限公司CDO、万科企业股份有限公司CDO、浙江吉利控股集团有限公司CDO、中南控股集团有限公司CDO、美的集团股份有限公司CDO、山东魏桥创业集团有限公司CDO、青山控股集团有限公司CDO、江苏沙钢集团有限公司CDO、阳光龙净集团有限公司CDO、浙江恒逸集团有限公司CDO、小米通讯技术有限公司CDO、浙江荣盛控股集团有限公司CDO、秦康保险集团股份有限公司CDO、新疆广汇实业投资(集团)有限责任公司CDO、盛虹控股集团有限公司CDO、重庆市金科投资控殷(集团)有限责任公司CDO、海亮集团有限公司CDO、多弗国际控股集团有限公司CDO、新奥集团股份有限公司CDO、新希望集团有限公司CDO、大连万达集团股份有限公司CDO、北京建龙重工集团有限公司CDO、龙湖集团控股有限公司CDO、南通三建控股有限公司CDO、复星国际有限公司CDO、天能控股集团有限公司CDO、TCL集团CDO、万向集团公司CDO、中天钢铁集团有限公司CDO、比亚迪股份有限公司CDO、敬业集团有限公司CDO、东岭集团股份有限公司CDO、超威集团CDO、海澜集团有限公司CDO、东方希望集团有限公司CDO、河北津西钢铁集团股份有限公司CDO、山东东明石化集团有限公司CDO、顺丰控股股份有限公司CDO、西安迈科金属国际集团有限公司CDO、雅戈尔集团股份有限公司CDO、江阴澄星实业集团有限公司CDO、亨通集团有限公司CDO、百度公司CDO等
  The manufacturing industry has fully entered the digital era, with the most digitally advanced manufacturers integrating their information technology and operational technology environments to give themselves an edge in the marketplace.
  They’re also advancing their use of automation and analytics to streamline back-office functions, logistics, and production, and to optimize resources, reduce costs, and identify new opportunities, industry analysts say.
  In its 2022 Digital Factory Update, ABI Research predicted that spending on smart manufacturing would grow at a 12% compound annual growth rate, from $345 billion in 2021 to more than $950 billion in 2030 — all to support digital transformation initiatives.
  The research firm further predicted that manufacturers would continue to increase their spending on analytics, collaborative industrial software, and wireless connectivity in upcoming years, with factories increasingly adopting Industry 4.0 solutions, including autonomous mobile robots, asset tracking, simulation, and digital twins.
  Michael Larner, a research director at ABI Research, says technology innovation will remain instrumental for manufacturers’ success as they confront myriad challenges, such as escalating energy costs, supply chain disruptions, staffing shortages, and the need to optimize resources.
  "We’re seeing a move away from basic automation to integrating IT and OT teams, optimizing using analytics to make sure things are as efficient as possible, and to do things like predictive maintenance and proactive monitoring," Larner says.
  Consequently, manufacturers now prioritize IT investments that create and extend their "digital thread," in which applications within their IT architecture talk to one another, with data from one system informing and directing action in others, Larner says.
  "Manufacturers appreciate they cannot just react to events but need to be proactive," he adds. "A successful CIO needs to be equally at home on the factory floor understanding issues and influencing change as in the boardroom talking strategically and obtaining project funds."
  CIO.com recently recognized the following 10 manufacturers as part of the CIO 100 Awards for IT Innovation and Leadership. Here is a look at how they are capitalizing on the value of IT. Avery Dennison brings intelligence to its supply chain
  Nicholas Colisto, VP and CIO, Avery Dennison
  Avery Dennison
  Organization:  Avery Dennison
  Project:  Advanced Planning System (APS) for Operational Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling
  IT Leader:  Nicholas Colisto, VP and CIO
  Like many manufacturers, Avery Dennison saw the need to strategically use technology to add more agility, efficiency, and speed to its increasingly large and complex supply chain.
  In response, Avery Dennison IT partnered with the company’s global supply chain operations to create the Advanced Planning System (APS) for Operational Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling, a system that provides granular insights into supply issues and constraints, giving the supply chain team the tools needed to make effective and timely decisions.
  APS gathers, captures, and combines all relevant inputs and outputs of supply chain events in near real-time to form a digital twin of the supply chain. The system’s easy-to-use interface enables the centralized team to monitor and take immediate action on events.
  Working with the supply chain function to define and align organizational priorities and needs, Avery Dennison IT set about creating a mathematical model for establishing short-, mid-, and long-term operational plans. IT also automated a range of tasks, using intelligent optimization algorithms to identify anomalies, interpret impacts on downstream supply chain actors, and communicate that information to relevant stakeholders — thereby enabling the supply chain team to quickly respond to and remediate issues.
  "This system enables our supply chain function to gain insights into the constraints and issues within the different assets of the supply chain, giving us all the tools in a single place to make effective and timely decisions," says Vice President and CIO Nicholas Colisto. "Together, our new robust data lake, predictive analytics, and digital-twin capabilities are helping Avery Dennison to optimize the utilization of our assets, avoid downtime, and provide better visibility and analysis of the complete supply chain, allowing the organization to respond quickly to disruptions and deviations." CoorsTek streamlines production operations
  Matt Mehlbrech, VP of IT, CoorsTek
  Organization:  CoorsTek
  Project:  Model Plant Implementation
  IT Leader:  Matt Mehlbrech, VP of IT
  Production operators at CoorsTek had an efficiency issue. To report on production, monitor machine performance, record quality readings, and search and retrieve documents, they had to use multiple computer systems and paper-based processes, rendering their work inefficient and prone to errors due to the lack of integration and data validation.
  To remedy this, and create a foundation for future transformation, CoorsTek IT developed Model Plant, an integrated systems strategy focused on increasing production operator efficiency, providing key metrics to manufacturing management, and preparing CoorsTek for a future ERP implementation.
  At its core is a manufacturing operations management (MOM) system, which combines manufacturing execution and maintenance management in a single integrated platform. As envisioned, Model Plant will integrate this MOM system with the company’s ERP, quality management, and machine connectivity systems into a single console for CoorsTek production operators, helping them stay focused on producing high-quality ceramic parts.
  IT designed, developed, and implemented Model Plant at six CoorsTek plants in under 18 months, with the environment already improving production operators’ efficiency. Implementation is ongoing, with IT seeing it as foundational to a smooth transition to a new ERP.
  "Our Model Plant systems enable real-time visibility of our entire shop floor and creates a comprehensive data set that we can analyze and learn from to unlock tangible productivity and quality gains," says Matt Mehlbrech, the company’s vice president of IT. Dow digitizes its manufacturing facilities
  Melanie Kalmar, corporate vice president, CIO, and CDO, Dow
  Organization:  Dow
  Project:  Dow Digital Manufacturing Acceleration (DMA) Program
  IT Leader:  Melanie Kalmar, corporate vice president, CIO, and CDO
  Dow in fall 2020 launched its Digital Manufacturing Acceleration (DMA) program with the goal of accelerating the deployment of digital technologies across its global manufacturing and maintenance areas.
  One program deliverable to date is a private, secure, high-speed cellular network that is fully within the enterprise network. This network provides real-time access to data and collaboration tools, thereby enabling employees to extend their work beyond the traditional office out into the manufacturing plant environment.
  DMA also includes a secure cloud for hosting, integrating, and contextualizing data for employees through purpose-built applications, and a mobile-first platform where employees can access their data and actionable insights.
  Through such deliverables, DMA correlates and integrates manufacturing data and analysis that employees can use to make better, faster decisions. Capabilities delivered through the program also help improve asset reliability, safety, quality performance, and operational efficiency while reducing operating costs and unplanned events.
  Together, DMA solutions create an improved employee experience, a digitally enabled workforce, and a resilient manufacturing organization by integrating and contextualizing manufacturing data from engineering, operations, maintenance, logistics, ERP and related ecosystem data sources, and by delivering data and insights from multiple systems through a single, user-centric interface.
  "Dow’s DMA’s success would not be possible without the outstanding collaboration between our information systems and manufacturing teams. By deepening our understanding of what our manufacturing teams need to safely and reliably meet our customers’ needs and what IS can deliver for manufacturing, we have been able to arrive at these high-performing DMA solutions," says Corporate Vice President, CIO, and CDO Melanie Kalmar.
  Dow’s DMA solutions are in use at the company’s largest facility, where they’re already generating value through increases in manufacturing asset utilization, reductions in unplanned events and production outages, production volume increases, and other quantifiable key performance indicators. Implementation of DMA solutions at other Dow facilities is ongoing. Analytics proves key to Eastman materials innovation
  Aldo Noseda, vice president and CIO, Eastman
  Organization:  Eastman Chemicals
  Project:  Fluid Genius Digital Product
  IT Leader:  Aldo Noseda, vice president and CIO
  Eastman Chemicals in 2021 launched Fluid Genius, a patent-pending digital platform that enables manufacturing plant workers to monitor issues that could impact operations, safety, yield, and maintenance budgets.
  Fluid Genius can monitor, analyze, and extend the life of Eastman’s customers’ heat transfer fluid. The technology can predict fluid life expectancy and advise how best to extend it while also avoiding unplanned manufacturing shutdowns.
  Fluid Genius also provides forward-looking insights, which allows plant maintenance engineers and operations managers to plan the optimal time for maintenance, thereby minimizing risk and costs. Fluid Genius’s recommendation engine also helps plant engineers better understand the factors impacting the quality of their heat transfer fluid, which in turn helps them operate their plants safely and inform budgeting for future maintenance needs.
  To create this application, Eastman drew on its nearly 50 years of operating system sample analysis data to draw in-depth insights on fluid chemistry behaviors over time. The company combined that data with end-user input into its maintenance and incident logs and advanced artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques to create the platform’s proprietary fluid analytics.
  "Digital products and services like Fluid Genius are critical to Eastman becoming a leading material innovation company because of the value they provide to our customers and how they differentiate us from competitors," says Eastman VP and CIO Aldo Noseda.
  Eastman has already seen strong uptake in use of this platform, and company officials note that the platform benefits its customer acquisition and retention efforts. General Motors turns to IT to navigate semiconductor shortage
  Fred Killeen, CIO and VP of Global IT, General Motors
  General Motors
  Organization:  General Motors
  Project:  Semiconductor Shortage: Protecting GM Revenue
  IT Leader:  Fred Killeen, CIO and VP of Global IT
  Like all modern vehicle-makers, General Motors relies on semiconductors to make its products; in fact, a typical vehicle relies on more than 3,000 chips within its electronic control units (ECU) to run essential vehicle functions.
  As a result, General Motors faced the possibility of shutting down production when a global shortage of semiconductors arose in 2021. But thanks to an innovative technology that enabled GM to build vehicles without key electronic components and park them in lots for completion later when semiconductors became available, factories in North America could keep running.
  The IT-developed solution — an industry first — essentially extended the secure plant network into vehicle storage locations, some of which were hundreds of miles away from manufacturing sites in the United States and Mexico.
  This allowed repair teams, who were equipped with GM standard test tools configured with mobile printers and portable hot spots, to connect to the GM network and company systems to validate parts, complete repairs, download engine control software to ECUs, and test the vehicles. Completed vehicles were driven or returned to plants on carriers for the final stages of quality testing before being shipped to dealerships and customers.
  The IT team also built tools to collect data about chips and suppliers and to provide that data on demand, enabling GM to route chips to suppliers who produce ECUs for its most popular vehicles.
  Additionally, business intelligence and analytics teams developed tools and reporting features to manage the ECU repair process and prioritize fixes based on the time a vehicle was in a lot and their impact on GM revenue. These teams also developed a unified view, thereby displaying all data in one place.
  "Working with teams across the organization, they delivered an industry-first technology solution that allowed us to build vehicles without some electronic components and complete them remotely as semiconductors became available — it’s a process that continues to prove valuable today," says Fred Killeen, CIO and global VP of IT. Oshkosh goes digital to optimize its supply chain
  Anupam Khare, senior vice president and CIO, Oshkosh
  Organization:  Oshkosh
  Project:  Enhanced Supply Chain Efficiency
  IT Leader:  Anupam Khare, senior vice president and CIO
  Oshkosh had identified three issues within its supply chain function, which is tasked with acquiring the rights parts at the right time to support the manufacturing of customized, premium products requiring sophisticated components.
  First, there was a lack of parts visibility across Oshkosh’s supply network, which led to unexpected parts shortages, putting the company at risk for production delays and shutdowns. That visibility issue in turn had created inefficient logistics and inventory leveling processes, driving up costs. And then there was the company’s supply chain technology itself, which comprised disparate, unconnected systems.
  To address those issues, Oshkosh’s digital technology team partnered with its supply chain function to develop an advanced digital platform complete with system-to-system integration, cohesive data environments, data enhancements, and machine learning. Together, they teams also created a series of advanced analytics solutions to establish a more connected and optimized supply chain.
  The platform pulls together critical data sources across several systems and functional areas and serves as the foundation for agile delivery of additional digital products. For example, the digital technology team quickly deployed a parts shortage prediction model soon after the platform was created. The team also deployed multiple advanced analytics solutions to optimize inventory levels, logistics, and shipping costs.
  Initiated in January 2021 and now fully deployed, the collection of technologies has already increased supply chain visibility, part shortage prediction accuracy, and operational efficiency, and has helped Oshkosh avoid stockouts and subsequent costly production delays and shutdowns.
  "This project showed the importance of IT staying well-connected with business partners to anticipate opportunities/challenges early and to co-create value through digital solutions," says Anupam Khare, senior vice president and CIO. Otis takes smart elevator to new heights
  Organization:  Otis Elevator
  Project:  Otis ONE
  IT Leader:  Renee Zaugg, vice president and CIO  (Zaugg has since left Otis.)
  To bring more transparent, proactive, and predictive services to customers, Otis in mid-2020 started work on a global digital transformation program called Otis ONE.
  Leveraging technologies such as IoT, big data, AI, mobile, and cloud, Otis ONE provides real-time visibility of elevator health, insights for predictive maintenance, and remote assistance and troubleshooting.
  Otis ONE is tailored to deliver real-time data insights to a range of personas — from campus owners to field engineers to maintenance officers — in their day-to-day operations, thereby empowering various stakeholders to make more informed decisions and deliver more predictive maintenance, more effectively.
  The Otis ONE architecture consists of three tiers — edge, platform, and enterprise. Edge relies on various gateway/sensor packages to collect and send a range of elevator data to the cloud via a cellular network, which is then integrated with the platform tier via its IoT hub or event hub. The platform tier features real-time business processing fueled by a rules engine that analyzes data and immediately determines various conditions on the state of the elevator, notifying Otis workers and external customers proactively in the event of anomalies.
  The Otis ONE enterprise tier brings together multiple applications that leverage the information coming from the edge and platform tiers, integrating it with elevator master and service data to give a 360-degree, real-time view of elevators around the globe.
  "The connected elevator creates value for our customers with greater equipment uptime. Otis ONE enhances transparency to our customers, productivity of our own teams in predication and proactiveness," says Ezhil Nanjappan, executive director and CTO, adding that the Otis ONE ecosystem serves as a "foundation for any smart cities and smart buildings." Owens Corning leverage low-code to improve plant safety
  Steve Zerby, senior vice president and CIO, Owens Corning
  Owens Corning
  Organization:  Owens Corning
  Project:  Low-Code Digital Platform for High Impact to Plant Safety and Compliance
  IT Leader:  Steve Zerby, senior vice president and CIO
  Owens Corning must monitor and manage the vapors from asphalt tanks for both safety and regulatory compliance reasons. But it found its process for doing so was inefficient and slow. Data was collected in offline databases, and was plant-specific and difficult to share across the company. In addition, the analysis required to uncover potential hazards took days.
  So, in August 2021, Owens Corning’s asphalt business function and IT teamed up to co-create a digital platform that could transform and improve the effectiveness of that process through improved data collection and actionable analytics.
  Low-code application development technology enabled the two teams to quickly create a proof-of-concept, gather feedback, and fine-tune the platform. Within three week, a pilot was delivered to a plant, and the platform itself was implemented across 20-plus plants in only three months.
  The platform provides a single source of truth for loss prevention data, with proactive monitoring and analytics that alert plant leaders with real-time insights to ensure hazard prevention.
  The company has seen improvements in its program. Loss prevention hazards are now identified and addressed in real-time, thereby ensuring more effective personnel safety and regulatory compliance reporting. That visibility has also enabled more proactive preventive maintenance of equipment, thereby minimizing unplanned production outages. And, thanks to the platform’s analytics capabilities, insights are generated in minutes instead of days, enabling the company to make informed decisions quickly.
  "Digitizing sensor measure data taken from tanks, integrating other data points, and providing easy-to-use visuals and analytics empowered plant operators. They can quickly assess potential hazards and risks in real-time and proactively take preventive actions," says Steve Zerby, senior vice president and CIO, noting that a key element of success was having "a dedicated business product owner who is passionate about bringing others along in using the tools." Rockwell Automation launches customer-centric transformation
  Chris Nardecchia, SVP and chief information and digital officer, Rockwell
  Organization:  Rockwell Automation
  Project:  Rockwell Automation Drives Innovation, Customer Centricity and Moves Towards a Data-Driven Operating Model Through its Enterprise Transformation Office
  IT Leader:  Chris Nardecchia, SVP and chief information and digital officer
  As Rockwell Automation works to help customers accelerate their digital transformations, the company likewise embarked on its own DX journey. In doing so, it is creating new customer experiences, transforming business models, and empowering workforce innovation.
  Launched in August 2020, the initiative is helping to build a data-driven operating model that is agile and centered around the customer so it can both respond to changing needs and create lasting customer connections instead of one-time transactional product sales.
  To do that, the Enterprise Transformation Office (ExO) mapped out end-to-end business processes and customer experience needs for the target state and prioritized the investments required to deliver a holistic customer experience.
  The office is moving Rockwell Automation to a data-driven operating model, in which it will execute more than two dozen product development cycles annually and use customer information to shape those products. Additionally, the ExO is working to transform business models, processes, software, and service portfolios to deliver more subscription-based offerings to customers.
  Rockwell Automation is using telemetry to gather data and insights as well as creating a comprehensive, unified view of customer data to enhance the company’s customer engagements. It’s updating processes and systems to support its future state. It’s also leveraging data gathered from other initiatives to innovate products, grow the market, and grow the business. And it has implemented a structured approach for governing its transformation roadmap.
  "This program is critical to realizing our vision of reinventing our products to outcomes, reimagining our customers’ experience, and redefining our operating model towards subscriptions and annual recurring revenue," says Senior Vice President and Chief Information and Digital Officer Chris Nardecchia. Schneider Electric secures against rise in OT cyberattacks
  Elizabeth Hackenson, SVP and CIO, Schneider Electric
  Schneider Electric
  Organization:  Schneider Electric
  Project:  Cybersecurity Connected Service Hub
  IT Leader:  Elizabeth Hackenson, SVP and CIO
  In response to the growing number and sophistication of cyberattacks directed at operational technology (OT), Schneider Electric in 2020 created a cybersecurity OT operating model aimed at optimizing the cybersecurity performance of its 220 manufacturing plants and 35 distribution centers around the globe.
  The model establishes one Security Operation Center (SOC) for all Schneider IT and OT. It also establishes a threat detection platform at each plant that raises security alerts to the SOC via an interface with the security information and event management (SIEM) system.
  The operating model also features the Cybersecurity Connected Service Hub (CSH), a 24/7 global team to support the company’s industrial sites in every type of cybersecurity event. Its primary responsibilities are to identify and baseline cybersecurity posture of OT and IT devices; detect and remediate security alerts; and monitor for and remediate vulnerabilities.
  CSH is also charged with driving continuous improvement and progressively improving the company’s cybersecurity posture in OT devices and processes.
  The CSH team receives alerts from the SOC, analyzes those alerts and defines how this must be remediated. The team works with cybersecurity site leaders (CSL) to remediate alerts; CSLs are OT experts trained in cybersecurity who work in an assigned plant, with a CSL in each plant, and have accountability for the cybersecurity of the OT in that plant. They can remediate a cyber incident and manage the business continuity.
  The CSH also provides cybersecurity training for all CSLs. It builds and promulgates standard operation procedures (SOP) for each type of security event and vulnerability. It also monitors cybersecurity KPIs in all plants, remediating in conjunction with the CSL any gaps that it identifies.
  "The creation of the Cybersecurity Connected Services Hub is a milestone in our continuous journey towards greater resilience and cybersecurity at Schneider Electric," says SVP and CIO Elizabeth Hackenson.
