The Story of Nantong第十一期作品
Comic illustrations (VolumeⅪ)
The Revolutionary Base Area
南通是江苏建立党组织、传播革命思想最早的地区之一。1926年春,南通第一个中共党组织中共南通独立支部建立。Nantong was one of the earliest areas in Jiangsu to establish Communist Party organizations and disseminate revolutionary ideas.
In the spring of 1926, the first CPC organization in Nantong, the Independent Nantong Branch of the CPC, was established.
1926年夏至1927年夏,中共江苏第一代用师范支部、中共如皋支部、中共(如皋)下漫灶支部、中共营溪支部、中共(海门)三条桥支部相继建立。从1927年6月开始,经中共江苏省委批准,如皋、南通、海门相继成立中共县委领导机构。Between the summer of 1926 and the summer of 1927, the CPC Jiangsu first substitute normal school branch, the CPC Rugao branch, the CPC (Rugao) Xiamanzao branch, the CPC Yingxi branch, and the CPC (Haimen) Santiaoqiao branch were established successively.
Starting from June 1927, with the approval of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Rugao, Nantong, and Haimen successively established the CPC leading bodies at county level.
During the Agrarian Revolutionary War period, Nantong was central to the Tonghai Rutai Red Army guerrilla region, becoming one of the first nine earliest revolutionary bases in the country.
The Suzhong Anti-Japanese Base Area was the base for the 1st Division of the New Fourth Army and the local CPC organizations to fight against the Japanese invaders in Yangzhou, Taizhou, and Nantong in Jiangsu during the Anti-Japanese War. It was surrounded by Japanese occupied areas.
Nantong base was the revolutionary base area in Jiangsu that persisted in revolutionary struggles for the longest time.
土地革命战争时期,建立通海如泰游击根据地。1929年年底前后,中央军委同意江苏省委建议,决定建立江苏境内第一支正式的工农红军武装。1930年4月3日,在如皋贲家巷召开了数万农民参加的大会,宣告红十四军的建立。During the Agrarian Revolutionary War period, the Tonghai Rutai Red Army guerrilla region was established.
Around the end of 1929, the Central Military Commission agreed to the proposal of Jiangsu Provincial Commission and decided to establish the first official Workers" and Peasants" Red Army in Jiangsu.
On April 3, 1930, a conference attended by tens of thousands of peasants was held in Benjiaxiang, Rugao, at which the establishment of the 14th Red Army was announced.
抗日战争时期,南通抗日根据地是苏中抗日根据地的一部分。1940年11月,华中新四军、八路军总指挥部在海安成立。1941年4月20日,苏中军区在栟茶举行成立大会。1943年春天起,南通抗日军民进行了抗战史上最残酷、最艰巨的反"清乡"斗争。 During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Nantong was part of the Suzhong Anti-Japanese Base Area.
In November 1940, the General Headquarters for the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army in Central China was established in Hai"an.
On April 20, 1941, the inaugural meeting of the Suzhong Military Region was held in Bencha.
From the spring of 1943, soldiers and civilians in Nantong began the most cruel and arduous struggle against the Japanese invaders.
During the War of Liberation, Nantong was an important part of the Central China Liberated Zone. Of the seven victories in the Suzhong Military Region, five battles were fought in the Nantong base.
Nantong base was one of the revolutionary base areas in Jiangsu that contributed the most to the anti-Japanese struggles.
其一、与大多数老区地处敌人统治最薄弱的偏远地区不同,南通老区是唯一处于敌人统治最严、势力最强的心脏地带——距南京"仅一日之程"的根据地,直接震慑敌统治中心,对敌威胁、牵制作用特别大。 First, unlike most revolutionary bases located in remote areas where Japanese presence was weak, Nantong was the only one that penetrated into the Japanese occupied areas and was only one day away from Nanjing.
Therefore, it directly deterred the enemy"s ruling center and was particularly effective in threatening and restraining the Japanese army.
其二、与一般革命根据地在地势险要、易守难攻的山区不同,南通老区位于一马平川的江海平原,却能长期直面强敌、红旗不倒,有力地证明了"人民群众是真正的铜墙铁壁"。Second, unlike most revolutionary bases that were located in mountainous areas that were difficult to access and where defense was easier, the Nantong base was in the Jianghai Plain.
Yet, it stood strong against the Japanese invaders, which proved that "the support from the masses is the best defense against enemies."
其三、南通老区人民为中国革命所作出的奉献和牺牲特别巨大,在中国革命取得最终胜利时,数以万计的南通老区人民献尽了自己的家产和儿女的生命。南通地区仅记录在册的革命烈士就有近2万人(占江苏烈士超1/5)。Third, people in Nantong made considerable sacrifices for the Chinese revolution.
By the time the Chinese revolution won its final victory, tens of thousands of people in Nantong had sacrificed their own lives and properties.
Nearly 20,000 revolutionary martyrs (accounting for one fifth of the total number of martyrs in Jiangsu Province) were recorded in Nantong alone.
翻译:王海霏 上海外院翻译社