A number of Belgian athletes have put down some amazing performances recently. Let’s take a look at which Belgian athletes have made the headlines this time.
First, let’s start with 3 Belgian tennis players.
网球17岁网球员Alexander Blockx赢得澳大利亚青少年公开赛冠军
17 year old tennis player Alexander Blockx won the Australian Open Juniors Championships
© BelgaAlexander Blockx赢得了澳网青少年锦标赛,在墨尔本引起了轰动。这场胜利无疑表明这位暂露头角的人才前途光明。许多网球专家也认为这位年轻球员的未来很有希望,他绝对是一位值得关注的球员。
Alexander Blockx caused a sensation in Melbourne by winning the Australian Open Juniors Championships. This victory will undoubtedly mark the beginning of a brilliant career for this budding talent. Many tennis experts have also agreed that this young player has a promising future, and he is definitely a player to keep an eye one.
Gilles Arnaud Bailly是世界排名第一的青少年网球员
Gilles-Arnaud Bailly is the world junior number 1
© Belga这位年轻的网球员是继第二位在男子世界少年排名中领先的比利时网球员,第一位是Kimmer Coppejans, 他2012年7月1日赢得了法国网球公开赛后排在世界第一位。Bailly在去年的法国网球公开赛和美国网球公开赛少年锦标赛中入围决赛,加上他2022年8月在瑞士克洛斯特斯赢得了欧洲U18冠军,总共获得了六个青少年冠军。
The young tennis player is the first Belgian to lead the men"s world junior rankings since Kimmer Coppejans, who became number 1 in July 2012 after winning the French Open. Bailly was a finalist in last year"s junior championships at the French Open and the US Open. He also won the European U18 title in Klosters, Switzerland in August 2022 and has a total of six junior titles.
David Goffin在新鲁汶赢得了Challenger 125锦标赛并为比利时瓦隆布拉邦省公开赛获奖名单揭幕。
David Goffin inaugurated the BW Open prize list by winning the Challenger 125 tournament in Louvain-la-Neuve.
© Shutterstock这是Goffin第八次获得Challenger冠军,也是他自2014年以来的第一次,他在此之外还有六个ATP冠军。
This win is the eighth Challenger title for Goffin and his first since 2014. In addition to his eight Challenger victories, he has also won six ATP titles.
In hockey, the Belgian Red Lions get the silver medal at the final of the Hockey World Cup
© Shutterstock曲棍球世界杯决赛在印度布巴内斯瓦尔的卡林加体育场举行。比利时队在决赛中对阵德国队。第一节过后,红狮队以0比2领先,但最终在点球大战中以5比4败北。卫冕冠军仍然可以用银牌来安慰自己,这已经非常了不起了。更令人难忘的是,这是他们十年来的第八枚银牌!
The final of the Hockey World Cup took place in the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar, India. Belgium was up against the German team in the final. The Red Lions led 0-2 after the first quarter, but eventually lost 3-3, 5-4 in a penalty shoot-out. The defending champions can still console themselves with a silver medal, which is already very impressive. Even more impressive is that this is their eighth silver medal in ten years!
滑冰两名比利时滑冰运动员进入前五名,23岁的Loena Hendrickx成为历史上第一位登上欧洲领奖台的比利时人
Two Belgian ice skaters make the top 5. The 23-year-old Loena Hendrickx has become the first Belgian in history to stand on a European podium
© Belga比利时花样滑冰运动员Loena Hendricks成为首位获得欧洲奖牌的比利时滑冰运动员,创造了历史!她今年在芬兰埃斯波举行的欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛上获得第二名,成为了花样滑冰界一支不容忽视的力量。
Belgian figure skater Loena Hendrickx has made history by becoming the first Belgian skater to win a European medal! She finished in second place at this year"s European Figure Skating Championships, which took place in Espoo, Finland. With this second place, Loena Hendrickx is enforcing her image as a force to be reckoned with in the figure skating world.
我们还要提到16岁的Nina Pinzarone的成就,她以第五名的成绩结束了她的首秀。在前十名中有两名选手意味着比利时可以派出三名选手参加明年在布达佩斯举行的欧洲锦标赛,这对比利时来说是前所未有的。
We also have to mention the amazing feat of 16-year-old Nina Pinzarrone, who concluded her debut tournament in fifth place. Having two skaters in the top ten means that Belgium can send three contenders to the European Championships in Budapest next year, which is unprecedented for Belgium.
We are proud of the achievements of our athletes and wish them the best of luck for their next challenges!