

  作为国立科研机构,以"探索地球环境奥秘、服务生态文明建设"为使命,瞄准地球科学科技前沿,开展多尺度气候环境变化机理研究,致力于为地球系统科学发展做出创新性贡献,面向人与自然和谐共生的重大需求,为黄土高原及中国西部生态建设提供战略科技支撑。官网: http://www.ieecas.cn
  拟建的"黄土科学全国重点实验室"是由连续7次国家评优的黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室(官网: http://www.llqg.ac.cn)优化重组而成。新国重面向国家重大战略需求,通过高水平黄土与全球变化研究,为黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展提供关键理论与核心技术。
  特色与优势   高水平科研团队和良好的成长空间 :研究所和国重聚集一批以中国科学院院士、美国科学院外籍院士、欧洲和发展中国家科学院院士、AGU会士等国际一流专家领衔的学科交叉队伍,先后培养出本领域16名国家杰出青年基金获得者;   国际一流的研究平台 :拥有亚洲最大的环境样本岩心库和以加速器质谱集群为代表的测试分析平台,是科技部和财政部评价优秀的公共技术中心,可为开展国际前沿的科研工作提供体系化支撑保障;   长期稳定的科研经费支持 :依据科研任务和目标,提供和协助入职者申请获得相应科研和人才经费;   简单和谐的人际关系 :研究所秉持"人才强所"发展战略,以推动科技进步和促进研究所事业发展作为评价依据。针对应聘人才的个性化需求,可实行"一人一议"并提供解决方案,为入职者提供潜心致研的良好环境。   二
  招募专业领域   1. 全球气候变化 :包括多尺度气候变化动力学、西部气候演变历史及未来趋势、极端气候/天气事件等领域,重点引进数据集成、同化和数值模拟、深度学习、气候预测等方向人才;   2. 黄土高原环境响应与安全 :包括三水循环与水资源安全、区域大气环境与安全、重大灾害机制与风险防控等,重点引进水循环安全、大气环境安全、气溶胶辐射理论计算、核环境安全、灾害响应预警与应对及数值模拟等方向人才;   3. 黄土高原生态屏障与黄河水沙平衡 :包括黄河水沙关系、黄土高原水土保持和生态屏障等领域,重点引进水沙过程、GIS遥感、水土保持、碳循环、土壤侵蚀核素示踪新技术、人类世科学、人地耦合与可持续发展等方向人才;   4. 优秀青年技术支撑人员 :具备加速器质谱学、同位素质谱学、电子学与测量仪器、应用数据库、数值模拟、数据、计算机网络等工作经验的专业技术人才。   三
  招聘岗位与条件   1. 高水平领军人才(含实验室主任、副主任)   (1) 海外引进人才要求有海外知名高校院所副教授以上或相当学术资历,国内引进人才要求具有一流高校或国家级科研院所教授或相当资历;   (2) 能把握学科发展方向,具备带领和组织团队开展建制化研究的能力;应聘主任、副主任的,还需具备较强的科研管理和组织协调能力;   (3) 年龄一般不超过50周岁(应聘副主任的不超过45周岁),特别优秀的年龄可适当放宽。   2. 青年拔尖人才   (1) 有相关领域高水平科研工作经历和海内外知名高校、科研院所、企业研发机构的高级岗位任职经历,取得同行认可的基础研究或技术研发等创新性成果,具有成为该领域学术带头人或领军人才的发展潜力;   (2) 具备良好的科研组织能力、团队协作精神和管理能力;   (3) 年龄一般不超过40周岁,特别优秀的年龄可适当放宽。   3. 特别研究助理(博士后)   (1) 系统地掌握本专业的基础理论知识,具备独立开展科研工作的能力;能准确把握学科动态和发展方向,参与过基础性、前瞻性的研究课题,取得过同行认可的基础研究或技术研发成果;具备积极争取和承担国家科技任务的能力,能与国内外相关机构开展富有成效的合作研究;   (2) 从事地球环境科学及相关领域学科研究,创新能力突出,具有发展潜质;   (3) 在国内外获得博士学位,博士毕业三年内,年龄不超过35周岁,应届毕业生优先。   四
  人才待遇和保障条件   研究所将按照高层次人才及特别研究助理的相关规定,为各类人才提供良好的科研条件保障和生活待遇。具体待遇和保障条件如下:   1. 高水平领军人才   (1) 入选者聘为正高级专业技术岗位;   (2) 薪酬待遇按照研究所高层次人才核心岗位执行协议薪酬(80-120万元);   (3) 科研启动经费150万元,协助申请院内外人才项目经费400-600万元;   (4) 提供各类补贴和安家费50万元,协助申请人才安家补贴100-200万元;   (5) 可独立组建科研团队,研究所在团队建设中予以政策倾斜;   (6) 协助申请或办理地方人才认定、落户、子女入托入学等;   (7) 享受五险一金、公派出国交流访问、带薪休假、工会福利、健康体检等福利待遇。   2. 青年拔尖人才   (1) 入选者聘为高级专业技术岗位;   (2) 薪酬待遇按照研究所高层次人才骨干岗位执行协议薪酬(40-80万元);   (3) 科研启动经费80-120万元,协助申请院内外人才项目经费200-400万元;   (4) 提供各类补贴和安家费50万元,协助申请人才安家补贴100万元;   (5) 协助申请或办理地方人才认定、落户、子女入托入学等;   (6) 享受五险一金、公派出国访问、带薪休假、工会福利、健康体检等福利待遇。   3. 特别研究助理(博士后)   (1) 不低于研究所副高三级专业技术岗位薪酬水平,优秀者年薪最高可达40-50万元,根据相关管理办法,优秀的特别研究助理可推荐纳入院级人才计划;   (2) 享受五险一金、公派留学、带薪休假、工会福利、健康体检等福利待遇;   (3) 研究所协助入选者办理西安市人才认定和相关福利补贴。   五
  应聘方式   1. 应聘材料   应聘者通过电子邮件报名,提交以下材料:   (1) 中文或英文个人简历;   (2) 其它证明材料(包括代表作首页、学历学位证、重要获奖证书及其它成果证明材料等,集成一个PDF文件,一般控制在20M以内)。   研究所将对应聘材料予以严格保密,并由专人负责后续联系。   2. 截止时间   第一批职位(含实验室主任、副主任)全球招聘报名截止时间为2023年3月31日。初审通过后将组织答辩。   各类人才职位常年招聘,凡有意者可随时提交应聘材料,研究所将视申请情况每季度或半年组织一次应聘答辩。   3. 联系方式   联系地址:陕西省西安市雁翔路97号中国科学院地球环境研究所人事教育处   联 系 人:张婷、于学峰   联系电话:029-61180997   电子邮箱:zhaopin@ieecas.cn   Global Talent Recruitment at Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China   Institute of Earth Environment of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS) warmly welcomes talents in all areas of Earth System Sciences including but not limited to Quaternary geology, ecology, hydrogeology, environmental science and engineering, geographic science, environmental chemistry, data science and big data technology, control theory and engineering to join the faculty.   About us:   IEECCAS is a multidisciplinary institution committed to conducting cutting-edge research in the general area of Earth sciences under the philosophy of "exploring the unknowns of Earth environment and fostering ecological harmony". Aiming at the frontiers of Earth sciences and technologies, IEECAS carries out research on the mechanism of multi-scale climate and environmental changes, strives to making innovative contributions to the Earth system science. Responding to the major demands of harmonious coexistence between human and nature, IEECAS aspires to provide strategic scientific and technological support for the sustainability, human welfare, and ecosystem health of the Loess Plateau and western China. Visit our official website http://www.ieecas.cn for more information.   The National Key Laboratory of Loess Science (under establishment) is optimized and reorganized from the existing State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology (SKLLQG), which received national awards of excellence for seven consecutive times (official website: http://www.llqg.ac.cn). Targeting at the nation"s major strategic demands, the proposed New National Key Lab will stay at the forefront of research focusing on loess and global change to provide key theories and core technologies for the ecological protection and quality development of the Yellow River basin.   Dynamic research team: IEECAS boasts an academic faculty led by members of Chinese Academy of Sciences, US National Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Europe, the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries, AGU Fellows. To date, IEECAS fostered 16 Outstanding Young Scholars of National Natural Science Foundation of China.   World-class research platform: Possessing the largest sediment core repository in Asia as well as an analytical platform including accelerator mass spectrometry clusters, IEECAS was evaluated and rated "Excellence" by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance.   Long-term stable support in research funding: According to project tasks, IEECAS provides compatible start-up funds and assists in securing external research and talent funding.   Inclusive working environment: The Institute adheres to the development strategy of "Talents first". IEECAS adopts personalized employment agreement to meet inpidual needs of potential staff member, so as to ensure optimized environment for dedicated research.   About your background:   Global climate change: Including multi-scale climate change dynamics, climate evolution history and future trends, extreme climate/weather events, especially welcome talents in the fields of data integration& assimilation and numerical simulation, deep learning, climate prediction.   Environmental response and ecological safety of the Loess Plateau: including hydrological cycle and water resource safety, regional atmospheric environment and safety, major natural hazard mechanism and risk prevention and control. Warmly welcome talents in the fields of hydrological cycle safety, atmospheric environment safety, theoretical calculation of aerosol radiation, nuclear environment safety, natural hazard early warning and response, as well as related numerical simulation.   Ecological shield of the Loess Plateau and Yellow River water-sediment balance: including the relationship between water and sediment in the Yellow River, soil and water conservation in the Loess Plateau, and ecological shield. Warmly welcome talents in the fields of water and sediment process, GIS remote sensing, soil and water conservation, carbon cycle, new technology of soil erosion nuclide tracer, Anthropocene science, man-land coupling and sustainable development.   Technical support personnel: professional and technical personnel with work experience in accelerator mass spectrometry, isotope mass spectrometry, electronics and measuring instruments, application databases, numerical simulation, data, computer networks, etc.   About the opportunities:   Leading Experts (Including Lab director, vice director roles)   Overseas applicants should have at least served as associate professors or equivalent positions in well-known overseas scientific research institutions or universities. Domestic applicants should have served as professors or equivalent positions in top-tier universities or state level research institutes.   Competence to accurately grasp the dynamics and development direction of the field and focus on strategic planning with a forward-looking layout. Candidates applying for Director/Vice Director roles should also present proven high level of management and coordination skills.   Aged 50 or under (applicants for Vice Director position should be under 45); Requirements on candidates who are particularly outstanding can be relaxed moderately.   Top Younge Talents   An excellent track record of working experience in well-known overseas or domestic universities, research institutions; peer recognized original research or technology development. Potential in growing into leading experts in his/her research field.   Competence to organize scientific research activities, high level of team spirit and management skills.   Aged 40 or under; Requirements on candidates who are particularly outstanding can be relaxed moderately.   Special Research Assistant (Post-doctoral)   Systematically master the basic theoretical knowledge of the field, able to carry out scientific research independently; able to accurately grasp the dynamics and development direction of the discipline, have participated in basic and frontier research topics, and have obtained peer recognized basic research or technology development achievements; able to actively apply for and undertake national scientific and technological projects, able to cooperate with connecting institutions at home and abroad.   Engaged in earth environmental science and related fields, with outstanding innovation ability and development potential.   Obtained a doctorate degree at home or abroad, within maximum three years of doctoral graduation, under the age of 35, fresh graduates preferred.   About the Remuneration & Benefits:   Leading Experts   Accepted candidate will be appointed as Senior Researcher.   Annual salary will follow IEECAS remuneration agreement for high level experts (RMB 800,000-1,200,000).   Research start-up funds not less than RMB 1.5 million. IEECAS assists in applying talent program (RMB 4-6 million).   Housing benefits RMB 500,000. IEECAS assists in applying external housing benefits RMB 1-2 million   Independently set up research team. IEECAS provides policy preference in team building.   IEECAS assists in the process of local talent registration, local settlement, children"s enrollment in kindergarten or school etc.;   Social insurances, international academic exchanges, annual leave, employee benefits.   Top Younge Talents   Accepted candidate will be appointed as full Researcher.   Annual salary will follow IEECAS remuneration agreement for high level experts (RMB 400,000-800,000).   Research start-up funds not less than RMB 800,000-1,200,000. IEECAS assists in applying talent program (RMB 2-4 million).   Housing benefits RMB 500,000. IEECAS assists in applying external housing benefits RMB 1 million   IEECAS assists in the process of local talent registration, local settlement, children"s enrollment in kindergarten or school etc.;   Social insurances, international academic exchanges, annual leave, employee benefits.   Special Research Assistant (Post-doctoral)   Annual salary no lower than IEECAS remuneration agreement for Associate researcher (Grade 3), up to RMB 400,000-500,000).   Outstanding candidate will be recommended to CAS Talent Program.   Social insurances, international academic exchanges, annual leave, employee benefits.   IEECAS assists in the process of local talent registration and other eligible benefits.   How to apply   Interested candidates should submit application including the following materials:   CV with research experience and publication list   Other supporting documents (front page of representative publications, certificate of education, Awards etc., as one combined PDF within 20 M in size)   IEECAS will keep the application materials strictly confidential, and an appointed HR staff will be responsible for follow-up contact.   The deadline for the first batch of positions (including laboratory director and deputy director) is March 31, 2023. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further interview.   IEECAS is recruiting all year round, interested candidates may submit application at any time. Interviews will be organized quarterly or half yearly according to numbers of application.   Contact information   HR sector: Ting Zhang, Xuefeng Yu   Tel: +86-29-61180997   Email:zhaopin@ieecas.cn   Address: No. 97 Yanxiang Road, Xi"an 710061, Shaanxi, China
