1) Mercedes-Benz is the first to bring Level 3 automated driving to the US. 奔驰率先将3级自动驾驶引入美国。 奔驰已获得内华达州机动车辆管理局的批准,可以在该州的公路上测试其3级自动驾驶系统。3级自动驾驶是指车辆在某些情况下可以自行驾驶,但驾驶员必须准备好在出现提示时接管。这是奔驰在开发自动驾驶技术方面迈出的重要一步。 不过,有些公司跳过3级系统,直接研究4级系统,因为他们觉得3级系统比较危险,在紧急情况下驾驶员可能反应过度或来不及反应。 Mercedes-Benz announced that it was the first automaker to receive government approval in the US for a Level 3 driving feature. Mercedes-Benz’s Drive Pilot is similar to "hands-free" highway driving systems like GM’s Super Cruise, Ford’s BlueCruise, and Tesla’s Autopilot. 2) Intel Posts $500 Million Loss for the First Time in Decades as Sales Drop 17%. 英特尔出现几十年来的首次亏损,亏了5亿美元,销售额下降17%。 亏损主要是由于该公司的数据中心部门第四季度收入下降了23%,另外PC业务也出现下滑,收入下降 了7%。英特尔首席执行官将下滑归因于终端市场需求的放缓,以及来自超微半导体等对手的竞争加剧。 The data centers dropped sharply in the second quarter because of what Intel calls "a rapid decline in economic activity" caused by inflation, geopolitical tensions, and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. In a bid to respond to market weakness, Intel plans to reduce its near-term spending as well as review production cost-cutting measures. 3) WHO updates critical medicines list for radiological and nuclear emergencies. 世卫组织更新放射性和核紧急情况的关键药物清单。 该清单旨在帮助各国准备和应对此类紧急情况,清单包括抗生素、止痛药和个人防护品等。世卫还指出,该清单并不能囊括一切,视具体情况,可能还需要其它产品。 政府有责任做好准备,以便在紧急情况下即时应对,保护民众健康。 It is essential that governments are prepared to protect the health of populations and respond immediately to emergencies. This includes having ready supplies of lifesaving medicines that will reduce risks and treat injuries from radiation.