

  Roundup: China keeps up pace at Beijing 2022   北京冬奥摘要:中国选手再接再厉   Chinese skier Xu Mengtao won the gold medal in the women’s aerials① of freestyle skiing event on Monday night, and another skier Kong Fanyu also advanced to the final, sparking celebrations on social media. Team China won their sixth gold medal of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games on Tuesday, as snowboarder Su Yiming, still not quite 18 years old, soared to the first place in the men’s snowboard big air final amid cheers, applause, and tears from the audience on site② and watching on TV at home. China’s Qi Guangpu bagged③ the seventh gold for Team China in men’s freeski aerials at the Beijing Winter Olympics on Wednesday after his silver in the mixed team event a few days ago. Freeskier Gu Ailing of Team China won her second gold at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games on Friday, bringing China’s overall gold medal tally④ to eight. China’s figure skating pair Han Cong and Sui Wenjing won a gold medal at the Beijing 2022 Games’ Pairs Free Skating event on Saturday. Team China has amassed⑤ a record of nine gold medals at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, four more than the previous record of five at Vancouver 2010. ( The Global Times )   2月14日晚,中国滑雪运动员徐梦桃获自由式滑雪女子空中技巧项目金牌,另一名选手孔凡钰也晋级决赛,引发社交媒体热烈庆祝。15日,中国队赢得了北京2022年冬奥第六金,未满18岁的选手苏翊鸣在单板滑雪男子大跳台决赛中一飞冲天,拔得头筹,现场及电视前的观众为他欢呼鼓掌、激动落泪。16日,自由式滑雪男子空中技巧决赛中,几日前刚在混合团体比赛中获得银牌的中国选手齐广璞顺利摘金,这也是中国队取得的第七金。18日,中国自由式滑雪运动员谷爱凌赢得了她本届冬奥第二枚金牌,使中国的总金牌数达到8枚。19日,中国花样滑冰组合韩聪/隋文静在北京2022年冬奥会双人滑(自由滑)项目中夺金。中国队在北京冬奥会取得了创纪录的9枚金牌,比之前最高纪录的2010年温哥华冬奥会的5枚多出了4枚。   【注释】   ① aerial: [ˈeəriəl] n. a move, as in dancing or skateboarding, involving one or both feet leaving the ground (舞蹈、滑雪中的)空中技巧   ② on site: existing or happening in the place where people are working or involved in a particular activity 就地;在现场   ③ bag: [bæɡ] v. to win something, especially a prize 获(奖)   ④ tally: [ˈtæli] n. a record of the number or amount of something, especially one that you can keep adding to 记录;积分表;账   ⑤ amass: [əˈmæs] v. to collect something, especially in large quantities (尤指大量)积累,积聚   【相关阅读】   一周热闻 北京冬奥赛况摘要、渥太华进入紧急状态、俄"无聊"保安添笔毁名画……   北京冬奥速递 一鸣摘银,再鸣夺金:"小栓子"终成"小苏神"!   北京冬奥速递 牵手滑过"金桥",并肩登上巅峰!   (Credit: AFP via Getty Images)   2
  Russian skater Kamila Valieva cleared① to compete at Olympics   俄罗斯花滑选手卡米拉•瓦利耶娃获准继续参赛   Russian teenager Kamila Valieva has been cleared to compete in the women’s figure skating competition at the Winter Olympics despite failing a pre-Games drug test, setting her up② for an attempt at a second gold medal. The International Olympic Committee said Monday afternoon that if Valieva finishes in the top three, there will be no medal ceremony during the Games. There will also be no ceremony for the team event won by Valieva and the Russian team a week ago. The Court of Arbitration③ for Sport cleared Valieva to skate less than 12 hours after a hearing that lasted into early Monday morning. A panel④ of judges ruled that the 15-year-old Valieva, the favorite for the women’s inpidual gold, does not need to be provisionally⑤ suspended ahead of a full investigation. The court gave her a favorable decision in part because she is a minor, and is subject to different rules from an adult athlete. "The panel considered that preventing the athlete to compete at the Olympic Games would cause her irreparable harm in the circumstances," CAS Director General Matthieu Reeb said. (AP)   赛前药检未通过的俄罗斯少女卡米拉·瓦利耶娃已获准参加冬奥会女子花样滑冰比赛,她将得以向第二枚金牌发起冲击。14日下午,国际奥委会表示如果瓦利耶娃在单人滑项目中夺得前三名,本届赛事期间将不举行颁奖仪式;一周前,她所在的俄罗斯奥运队赢得的花样滑冰团体赛项目也不举行颁奖仪式。听证会持续到14日凌晨,国际体育仲裁法庭在会后不到12小时就批准了瓦利耶娃的比赛资格。经法官小组裁定,15岁的女子单人滑夺金热门瓦利耶娃在接受全面调查前不会被临时禁赛。法庭给了她一个有利的判决,部分原因是她仍未成年,所适用的规则与成年运动员不同。国际体育仲裁法庭总干事马修·里布称:"专家小组认为,在这种情况下,阻止运动员参加奥运会将对她造成无法弥补的伤害。"   【注释】   ① clear: [klɪə(r)] v. to prove that somebody is innocent 证明无罪(或无辜)   ② set up: to provide the money or other support that someone needs for an important task or activity 资助,扶助(某人)   ③ arbitration: [ˌɑːbɪˈtreɪʃn] n. the official process of settling an argument or a disagreement by somebody who is not involved 仲裁;公断   ④ panel: [ˈpænl] n. a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio 专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组   ⑤ provisionally: [prəˈvɪʒənəli] adv. in a way that may change in the future 临时地;暂时地   (Credit: Reuters / Aleksandra Szmigiel)   3
  Flooding① in Brazil leaves over 136 dead after landslide② hits city of Petrópolis   巴西洪水泛滥,彼得罗波利斯市山体滑坡超136人遇难   At least 136 people died in mudslides and floods when torrential rains swept a mountainous region of Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state, with fears the toll could rise as authorities check the damaged areas. Rosilene Virgilio, 49, was in tears as she recalled the pleas for help from a woman she couldn’t save in the city of Petrópolis. "Yesterday there was a woman screaming ‘Help! Get me out of here!’ But we couldn’t do anything, the water was gushing③ out, the mud was gushing out," she said. The country’s National Civil Defence group announced via Twitter Wednesday the disaster had left 301 people homeless and advised residents to avoid travelling to Petrópolis. The state fire department said more than 180 soldiers were already working in the stricken④ region, which saw hundreds of deaths from heavy rainfall in 2011. The department said the area got 258 millimetres of rain within three hours on Tuesday—almost as much as during the previous 30 days combined. (ABC)   巴西里约热内卢州山区骤降暴雨,引发泥石流与洪水,造成至少136人丧生。随着当局对受灾地区灾况的排查,伤亡人数恐将进一步上升。49岁的罗西琳·维尔吉利奥回忆一名妇女的求救时,不禁落泪,她当时无法将这名彼得罗波利斯市妇女救出:"昨天,一个女人尖叫着‘救命!救我出去!’但我们什么也做不了,水不停地涌,泥浆不停地涌。"2月16日,巴西国家民防部门通过推特宣称这场灾难已导致301人无家可归,并建议民众不要前往彼得罗波利斯市。国家消防部门称,超过180名士兵已经在受灾地区开展工作。2011年,大雨也造成此地数百人丧生。消防部门称,2月15日,该地区3小时内降水量达到258毫米,几乎相当于前30天的总和。   【注释】   ① flooding: [ˈflʌdɪŋ] n. large amounts of water covering an area that is usually dry; the fact of this happening 泛滥   ② landslide: [ˈlændslaɪd] n. a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff (山坡或悬崖的)崩塌,塌方,滑坡,地滑   ③ gush: [ɡʌʃ] v. to flow or pour suddenly and quickly out of a hole in large amounts (从…… 中)喷出,涌出,冒出   ④ stricken: [ˈstrɪkən] adj. seriously affected by an unpleasant feeling or disease or by a difficult situation 受煎熬的;患病的;遭受挫折的   (Credit: Florian Plaucheur / AFP)   4
  Shark kills swimmer in rare attack off Sydney’s coast   悉尼水域发生罕见鲨鱼袭击,一名游泳者身亡   Australian police said they had retrieved① human remains from the water after a shark attack off a Sydney beach on Wednesday. The incident is the first such attack to claim a life off the city’s coast in almost 60 years. Witnesses told local media they had seen the attack on a swimmer off the eastern suburb② beach of Little Bay. "When he went down there were so many splashes③ . It was terrible. I am shaking," one of them said, describing several seconds of the attack. According to witnesses, the victim was attacked by a 4.5-meter (15-foot) great white shark. "This person had suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of the attack and there was nothing paramedics④ could do when we arrived on scene," said New South Wales state Ambulance Inspector Lucky Phrachnanh. Authorities in the local government area⑤ of Randwick closed down surrounding beaches for 24 hours while they patrolled to assess the danger, with lifeguards patrolling to look for sharks in the meantime. (Deutsche Welle)   2月16日,澳大利亚警方表示在悉尼海滩附近发生鲨鱼袭击事件,已经从水中打捞出受害者遗骸,这也是悉尼海岸近60年来首次发生致命鲨鱼袭击事件。目击者对当地媒体表示,他们看到一名游泳者在东区的小湾海滩附近遭到袭击。其中一位目击者描述了持续几秒钟的袭击过程:"他被拖下去时溅起了大片水花。太吓人了,我现在还在发抖。"据目击者称,受害者是被一条身长4.5米(15英尺)的大白鲨袭击的。新南威尔士州救护车检查员拉基·弗拉齐南称:"受袭者遭到了毁灭性伤害,救护人员到达现场时,已经无能为力了。"兰德威克地方政府区域当局封闭周围海滩24小时,对该地带加以巡视以评估风险,同时救生员也在各处巡逻寻找鲨鱼。   【注释】   ① retrieve: [rɪˈtriːv] v. to bring or get something back, especially from a place where it should not be 取回;索回   ② suburb: [ˈsʌbɜːb] n. (In Australia, New Zealand) any subpision of a conurbation, not necessarily on the periphery (澳大利亚、新西兰)市以下的各个区   ③ splash: [splæʃ] n. the sound of something hitting liquid or of liquid hitting something 落水声;溅泼声   ④ paramedic: [ˌpærəˈmedɪk] n. a person whose job is to help people who are sick or injured, but who is not a doctor or a nurse 护理人员;医务辅助人员   ⑤ local government area: 地方政府区域(LGA)是澳大利亚联邦对各地方政府辖区的通称,包括多个城区(suburb)或郊区(locality)   (Credit: Shutterstock)   5
  First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant   利用干细胞移植,全球首位女性艾滋病患者得到治愈   A U.S. patient with leukemia① has become the first woman and the third person to date to be cured of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor who was naturally resistant to the virus that causes AIDS, researchers reported on Tuesday. The case of a middle-aged woman of mixed race, presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections② in Denver, is also the first involving umbilical cord③ blood, a newer approach that may make the treatment available to more people. Since receiving the cord blood to treat her acute myeloid④ leukemia, the woman has been in remission⑤ and free of the virus for 14 months, without the need for potent⑥ HIV treatments known as antiretroviral⑦ therapy. The two prior cases occurred in males—one white and one Latino—who had received adult stem cells, which are more frequently used in bone marrow transplants. (Reuters)   2月15日,研究人员报告称美国一名感染艾滋病毒且患有白血病的女性,接受了对HIV病毒具有天然抵抗力供体的干细胞移植后,艾滋病得以痊愈。她成为迄今为止第三位艾滋病治愈病例,也是第一位女性治愈病例。在丹佛举行的逆转录病毒和机会性感染会议上,研究者展示了这位混血中年女性的案例。这也是全球首例涉及脐带血干细胞的病例,或将为更多患者提供新治疗方法。自从接受脐带血干细胞治疗急性骨髓性白血病以来,这名女性的病情得到了缓解,已经14个月没有检测到HIV病毒,且无需通常所知的抗逆转录病毒强效治疗。先前两个艾滋病治愈案例均为男性,其中一人为白人,另一人为拉美裔,他们所接受的是更常用于骨髓移植的成人干细胞。   【注释】   ① leukemia: [luːˈkiːmiə] n. a serious disease in which too many white blood cells are produced, causing weakness and sometimes death 白血病   ② Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections: 逆转录病毒和机会性感染会议(CROI),1993 年举办首次会议,汇集了来自世界各地的顶尖研究人员,以分享抗击艾滋病和相关传染病的最新研究、重要进展和最佳研究方法   ③ umbilical cord: [ʌmˈbɪlɪkl kɔːd] n. a long piece of tissue that connects a baby to its mother before it is born and is cut at the moment of birth 脐带   ④ myeloid: [ˈmaɪəˌlɔɪd] adj. of or relating to bone marrow 脊髓的;骨髓的   ⑤ remission: [rɪˈmɪʃn] n. a period during which a serious illness improves for a time and the patient seems to get better (重病的)缓解期,减轻期   ⑥ potent: [ˈpəʊtnt] adj. having a strong effect on your body or mind 有强效的;有力的;烈性的;影响身心的   ⑦ antiretroviral: [ˌæntiˌretrəʊˈvaɪrəl] adj. designed to stop viruses such as HIV damaging the body 抗逆转录病毒的   (Credit: euronews.com)   北京化工大学   杨云千 编译   王润泽 朗读   张菊 审订
