

  All eyes have been on Klay Thompson since the Golden State Warriors star returned to the lineup on Jan. 9. It"s not just that Thompson is a beloved member of the Warriors" three title teams, making his comeback game (aka "Klay Day") so important that Draymond Green started the game despite an injury that has sidelined him since.
  The   stakes involved  also couldn"t be higher. As Thompson tries to regain his form after the unprecedented back-to-back gut punch of tearing his Achilles just as his rehab from an ACL tear during Game 6 of the 2019 NBA Finals was nearing its completion, he"s doing it with a Golden State team that once again has a championship on its mind.
  这个  赌注的风险高得不能再高了。汤普森在2019年NBA总决赛第六场的比赛中遭遇了前交叉韧带撕裂,在伤病即将康复之际,汤普森又遭遇了跟腱撕裂,这是史无前例的遭遇,如今,他完成了伤病的康复——回到了这支曾经想要再次拿下冠军的球队。
  If Thompson can become the kind of two-way contributor he was leading up to his injuries, the Warriors will be that much more complete and dangerous of a contender after already establishing themselves as one of the NBA"s top teams without him.
  Now that we"re eight games into Thompson"s return, it"s time to take a look at what we"ve seen from him so far, digging into the advanced stats with additional perspective from his teammates and coaches.
  A different style for Thompson汤普森不同的打球风格
  Watching Thompson play in the first three weeks of his comeback, it"s been obvious something is different, and it"s not just the headband he"s now sporting. Thompson, famous for his ability to score maximum points on minimum time of possession, is now dribbling. A lot.
  "I"ve had this in my bag," Thompson said. "I"ve been able to put the ball on the floor since high school ... it"s just not my forte like shooting."
  Second Spectrum tracking numbers show something is different now. Thompson"s 73 touches per 100 possessions are most in the camera-tracking era, which dates back to 2013-14, and his 1.4 dribbles per touch are his most since 2015-16 -- before former teammate Kevin Durant arrived in the Bay.
  "The last time he was playing we had Kevin Durant. We had one of the ultimate shot creators next to Klay," Warriors head coach Steve Kerr said. "Now there is probably more of a need for shot creation with their current roster. So I think being able to go to Klay and post him up or clear him side is absolutely a good option."
  Second Spectrum的视频跟踪数据显示,在汤普森身上,有些地方的确与之前相比有所不同。自从2013-14赛季视频光学追踪比赛数据的分析技术运用至NBA以来,汤普森每百回合73次触球次数的数据就位居第一,而且他的每次触球后1.4次的运球次数也是自从2015-16赛季以来的新高——在凯文-杜兰特来到勇士之前。
  Without Durant, we"ve seen Thompson creating his own shot more frequently than before. Second Spectrum also tracks whether a shot is an assist opportunity -- that is, it would be an assist if the shot is made. So far, 63% of Thompson"s shots have been assist opportunities, his lowest mark since 2014-15.
  To some extent, these changes probably reflect Green"s absence.
  没有杜兰特,我们能看到汤普森能比之前更加频繁地为自己创造出投篮机会。Second Spectrum还会跟踪一个数据——投篮机会是否来自于助攻,也就是说,如果受传球后的投篮命中,那么这次投篮机会就来自于助攻。到目前为止,汤普森有63%的投篮机会来自于助攻,这一数据也是他自2014-15赛季以来的新低。
  "With Draymond being out, the ball is going to be distributed more," Kerr said. "Draymond is our main facilitator,   leading assist guy . So with him out, a lot of guys will have to share those responsibilities, including Klay."
  Thompson"s rate of assist opportunities has typically been higher with Green on the court, while he predictably tends to dribble more without Green around to direct the offense. In fact, Thompson"s average dribbles per touch are actually lower than his previous marks with Green on the bench.
  "因为德雷蒙德的缺阵,比赛时球权会被分配到更多的队员手中,"科尔说。"德雷蒙德是我们主要的进攻发起者,  他领导着球队的传球得分。所以,因为他的缺阵,很多队员们都要分担这一责任,包括克莱。"
  当格林上场时,汤普森来自助攻的投篮比率会更高。可想而知,当格林不在场上指挥球队进攻时,汤普森会运更多的球。事实上,格林上场时汤普森在接球后平均运球次数比格林下场时要低。  The return of his shooting touch汤普森投篮手感的回暖
  It"s interesting to note in the context of Thompson"s stylistic changes that he also has been more effective shooting off the dribble so far. One of the great catch-and-shoot threats of all time, Thompson is making just 31% of those 3-point attempts, per Second Spectrum tracking on NBA Advanced Stats. Yet he"s gone 6-of-13 (46%) on pull-up 3s, which would be the best mark of his career   if maintained beyond the small sample .
  Thompson bottomed out beyond the arc on Jan. 20, when he missed all seven of his 3-point attempts -- six of them of the catch-and-shoot variety -- in a home loss to the Indiana Pacers. At that point, Thompson was making just 26% of his catch-and-shoot attempts.
  有趣的是,在汤普森打球风格的变化之后,他的运球投篮的效率变得更高了。Second Spectrum的NBA高阶数据追踪显示,作为NBA历史上伟大的接球投篮手之一,复出以来的汤普森虽只有31%的三分球命中率,但是他的急停三分球命中率为13中6(46%),如果  不考虑这数据的样本很少,这将是他的职业生涯最高。
  在 1 月 20 日的比赛中,汤普森在三分线外的表现陷入了低谷,在主场输给印第安纳步行者队的比赛中,他投丢了所有的 7个三分球——其中 6 个是接球投篮。在那个时候,汤普森的接球投篮命中率仅26%。
  "I think a lot of it has to do with how he"s being guarded," Stephen Curry said of the changes Thompson has made to his shooting. "Because after two-and-a-half years of being out and how loud his return is, I"m sure there is a lot of game-planning on where Klay is at all times."
  After missing the following two games (the first because it was the second night of a back-to-back, the second due to left knee soreness), Thompson looked much more like himself in each of his last two games. He went 2-for-4 on catch-and-shoot 3s on Tuesday against the Dallas Mavericks (adding one more off the dribble) and then went 5-of-9 beyond the arc Thursday against the Minnesota Timberwolves for his first two times shooting better than 50% beyond the arc in a game -- something Thompson did 17 times in 2018-19, his last healthy season.
  "He"s gotten more comfortable and become more patient ... and you are seeing the results," Curry said. "He"s showing his full repertoire."
  "他在球场上的表现变得更加自如,也变得更加有耐心了…你现在看到的正是他训练的成果,"库里说。"他正在展示他的全部能力。"  Easing into his defensive role汤普森防守重担的减轻
  Along with his shooting, Thompson was also a crucial member of the Warriors" championship teams because of his ability to defend the opposition"s best perimeter player. In his absence, Golden State"s coaching staff has had to find alternative options, with Gary Payton II and Andrew Wiggins taking on key defensive roles this season. Their presence has allowed the Warriors to ease Thompson in on defense.
  Notably, Thompson has rarely guarded star players. According to analysis of matchup data from Second Spectrum, 18.5% of his defensive possessions thus far have come against players with a usage rate of at least 25%. That"s down from 26% of Thompson"s possessions during the 2018-19 regular season.
  除了他的投篮能力,汤普森是勇士队这支冠军之师重要一员的原因,还因为他能很好的防守对手外线尖刀的能力。因为他的缺席,勇士 队的教练团队不得不去寻找其他的防守球员来替代,于是,这个赛季他们让加里-佩顿二世和安德鲁-维金斯担当了球队关键防守球员的角色。他们的存在也让勇士队缓解了汤普森在防守端的压力。
  值得注意的是,现在汤普森很少防守明星球员。 根据Second Spectrum的对位数据分析,到目前为止,他有18.5%的防守回合是针对使用率在25%以上的球员。这低于汤普森在 2018-19 赛季常规赛时的数据,在那个时候,这个数字是26%。
  Now, Golden State isn"t exactly hiding Thompson. A higher percentage of his defensive possessions than in 2018-19 have come against players with a usage rate between 20% and 25% of their team"s plays. He"s just been more likely to be on secondary options like Desmond Bane and Jalen Brunson than their All-Star teammates Ja Morant and Luka Doncic. By contrast, in 2018-19, Thompson guarded Doncic more than twice as frequently as any other member of the Dallas Mavericks.
  According to Kerr, he plans on continuing to have Wiggins take the No. 1 defensive assignment against the opponent"s best wing player. But as Thompson"s defense gets back up to speed, he will be given more defensive responsibilities.
  "It"s going to be great," said Wiggins of the potential he and Thompson have to be an elite defensive duo. "We can switch everything.   When one person gets going , we can always try something else -- a new face, a new body on him. [Thompson] is competitive and you know he loves to win.   You can see that every time he plays that he loves to win . He loves to guard the best player, too. So I think we"re going to be special."
  The more confident the Warriors are in Thompson"s defense, the more options Kerr will have come playoff time.
  被问到和汤普森一起成为球队里的防守精英二人组的可能性,维金斯说道:"这很棒。  我们可以改变一切。 当对手在场上打球时,我们可以尝试别的防守方式——让他面对新的防守人。汤普森的竞争心很强,你知道的,他喜欢赢下比赛。你能看到,  他每次在赛场上打出的表现都能让人觉得他喜欢赢球。他也喜欢去防守对方的最佳球员。所以,我觉得我们会是独一无二的组合。"
  勇士队对汤普森的防守表现更加自信,科尔在季后赛里的选择也会更多。  Getting back to full strength逐渐恢复到最佳的身体状态
  Thompson is trying to take the patience he learned while waiting to get back on the court for the past 2½ years and apply it to his game. But it"s easier said than done.
  "I"m such a competitor," Thompson said. "Sometimes I want to get it all back in one night."
  汤普森正努力把他在过去两年半里等待重返赛场时所学到的耐心运用到他的比赛中。 但这说起来容易做起来难。
  Thompson"s best game since his return came on Tuesday against Dallas. And it"s no coincidence that his improvement came with increased minutes. Thompson"s minute restriction was bumped up to 25, which also helped him avoid playing sporadic, short stints throughout the night, or several throughout the game with extended layoffs in between. It also makes him available for end-of-game scenarios for which the Warriors would want him on the court.
  Kerr plans to use this new rotation pattern moving forward, and will continue to steadily increase Thompson"s minutes until he can get back to the minute load he had before he was injured -- he averaged 34 minutes per game in 2018-19. Thompson said the uptick in minutes is a good sign for him, and is helping him find more of a rhythm, but he"s trying not to get overzealous.
  "I"m just going to be patient and continue to play as hard as I can with the minutes I"m given," Thompson said.
  "It"s rare that someone takes a two-year hiatus from playing NBA games to coming in and dominating. I"m going to get to that point. I just have to be patient."
  The Warriors also haven"t been playing at full strength, missing Green since Jan. 9 and Andre Iguodala for four of their past five games. Once they are back, Thompson"s game will need to adjust even more, although those will be adjustments he has done in the past.
  "We"re just missing Draymond and Andre. And when they are out there, I cannot wait for that day. It"s going to be a lot of fun."
  "It"s going to be real scary."
