

  本文是是国外研究学者梳理了2006 – 2016 期间一些有关排球副攻的研究论文,并做了系统阐述。
  由于副攻的英文术语在学术界并没有统一,本人在翻译作者整理的研究结论时,名称 – Denomination 使用了直译,在结论 – Results 使用了国内的称谓「副攻」。
  结论:单脚着地频率与球场位置有关;男性首先用同侧足着地,用时76%和两个方向(向右移动时是右脚,向左移动时是左脚)着地; 男性副攻进攻后双脚着地。
  Denomination: Middle blocker; Middle attacker
  Results: The frequency of landings on one foot was related to court position; Men landed first with the ipsilateral foot (right foot when moving to the right, left foot when moving to the left) 76% of the time and in both directions; Male middle blockers landed significantly more when attacking in the middle on two feet.
  结论:攻手的选择是可预测的,可以通过分析攻击前的视觉线索来预测。 即传球区域、位置和类型之间的相互作用,以及一传手和副攻的位置之间的相互作用。
  Denomination:Middle blocker; middle player; Middle attacker; Middle hitter
  Results::The selection of the attack player showed is predictable and can be anticipated by analysing visual cues previous to the attack. Namely, an interaction between setting zone, position and type, as well as the reception player and the positioning of the middle hitter.
  结论:副攻和接应的体重没有显着差异,两者的体重和身高都明显高于其他位置球员; 副攻和接应的卧推力量值高于自由人和二传。
  Denomination: Middle blocker
  Results: No significant differences were detected between the middle blockers and opposite hitters for body mass, being both of them significantly higher than the other playing positions in body mass and height; Middle blockers and opposite players presented higher values of bench press strength than liberos and setters.
  Denomination: Middle blocker
  Results: No significant differences were found in the level of competitive anxiety and self-confidence by analysis of variance between different player roles.
  结论::接应是进攻成功率最高的球员,其次是主攻、副攻和二传手; 在欧洲,副攻增加了在世界锦标赛事中获得积分的可能性。
  Denomination: Middle blocker
  Results: The opposite is the player with a higher rate of success in his terminal actions, followed by the receiver, the middle blocker and the setter; At an European level the middle blocker increases his probability of winning points with respect to the World Championship.
  Denomination: Speed spiker
  Results: There were significant differences between positions in cognitive skills; There were no significant differences between positions of the junior national volleyball players in: goal setting, confidence, commitment, psychosomatic skills and cognitive skills.
  结论:在一场和一局比赛中,副攻的覆盖距离比二传、防守人、攻手和自由人少(p < .005); 决胜局球员有延长距离的趋势,这表明个人回合的时间延长。
  Denomination: Middle blocker
  Results: Middle blockers covered less distance (p < .005) than setters, defenders, spikers, and liberos in a match and in a set; There was a tendency to lengthen the distance by the players in the final sets, which is indicative of the extended time of inpidual rallies.
  Denomination:Middle hitter
  Results: Different levels of rotator cuff tendons vascularization were found in players according to their role in the team: from setter through middle hitter, libero, opposite hitter to outside hitter, who had the statistically significantly highest oxygenation values.
  Denomination: Middle blocker; Middle-blocker
  Results: Middle-blockers and opposites had the highest spike and block, followed by outside-hitters, setters and liberos.
  Denomination: Middle blocker
  Results: Normalized response speed differences seem to be larger in setters, liberos and outside players compared to middle blockers.
  Denomination: Middle hitter
  Results: In elite male volleyball, middle hitter is mainly placed near and in front of the setter, which means that instead of MH having a fixed location, he moves according to the variation of setter position.
  结论:副攻的弹跳能力没有发现统计关联; 副攻是最高和最重的球员; 位置之间的身体质量指数(BMI)没有显着差异。
  Middle; Middle hitter; Middle blocker; Middle player
  No statistical association was found for the middles regarding the jumping capacity; Middles were the tallest and heaviest players; No significant differences were found for BMI between positions.
  名称:拦网手 – 中拦
  结论:在一传和二传之间,观察到与位置有关的垂直跳跃(VJ)和反向 移动跳跃 ( CMJs ) ,但在副攻中则没有。
  Blocker: Central blocker
  Position-related differences in VJ performance were observed in male players CMJs between receivers and setters, but not in blockers.
  结论:体力消耗。 副攻跳跃(p<.001)比二传和主攻多; 副攻比二传和主攻更频繁地进行进攻跳跃(p<.001); 为胜方效力的副攻比来自负方的球员更频繁地跳跃(p<.01); 身体指标。 副攻比主攻和二传手更高,站立双手高举触摸高度和体重更高; 肌肉力量。 副攻和主攻都比二传有更高的反向垂直跳跃,但是表示有关站立双手高举触摸高度(相对反向垂直跳跃)时,它们之间没有差异; 副攻和主攻都比二传手有更高的扣球跳跃,但是表示有关站立双手高举触摸高度(相对扣球跳跃)时,主攻优于二传手和副攻; 青少年和成年国家队球员的绝对弹跳能力没有区别。
  Denomination:Middle; Middle blocker; Middle player
  Resutls: Physical effort. Middles carried out more block jumps (p<.001) than setters and outsides; Attack jumps were performed more frequently by middles than setters and outsides (p<.001); Middles playing for the winning side performed jump serves more frequently than those from the losing side (p<.01); Body measures. Middles were taller and had a higher standing reach and body mass than outsides and setters; Muscle strength. Both  middles and outsides had a higher countermovement vertical jump than setters, but when expressed relative to standing reach  (relative countermovement vertical jump), no differences existed between them; Both middles and outsides had a higher spike jump than setters, but when expressed relative to standing reach (relative spike jump), outsides were superior to setters and middles; Absolute jumping ability was not different between the development national team and the senior national team middles.
  结论:副攻是最高和最重的球员,与自由人存在显着差异; 副攻和接应的体脂百分比最高,没有显着差异; 体型与场上位置无关 。
  Denomination: Central (Spanish); Middle
  Results: Middles were the tallest and heaviest players, finding significant differences with liberos; Middles and opposites presented the highest values of fat percentage, with no significant differences; The somatotype was independent of the playing position.
  Denomination: Middle blocker; Middle hitter
  Results: Playing as outside hitters or middle blockers is a risk for patellar tendinopathy compared with playing as setters.
  结论:根据比赛中的场上位置,工作效率曲线没有显着差异,但执行的跳跃类型的百分比存在差异;副攻和边功的跳跃次数相似(1.35 j/m vs.1.33 j/m), 但前者使用拦网(46.5%)和进攻方式(23.8%)更多相比后者,其他位置 (除了与一传攻击者一起拦网); 边攻和主攻比副攻更多地使用扣球跳跃。
  Denomination: Middle blocker
  Results: The work-rate profile does not vary significantly according to field position in the game, but there are differences in the percentage of jump types performed; Middle blockers and wing attackers performed similar number of jumps (1.35 j/m vs.1.33 j/m), but the former used the blocking (46.5 %) and spiking approach (23.8 %) more compared to the latter and others positions (except blocking with receiver attackers); Wing attackers and receiver attackers used spike jumps more than middle blockers.
  ANTONIO MILLÁN-SÁNCHEZ, JUAN CARLOS MORANTE RÁBAGO, AURELIO UREÑA ESPA (2018). The middle blocker in volleyball: A systematic review
