学 历、 素 质 学历与素质 Education and quality 01·什么是学历、素质 What are academic qualifications and qualities 学历是指人们在教育机构中接受科学文化教育和技能训练的学习经历。根据教育法等法律法规和国家有关规定,学历教育包括以下形式:小学、初中、高中、专科教育、本科教育、研究生教育等;素质就是一个人在社会生活中思想与行为的具体表现。 在社会上,素质一般定义为:一个人文化水平的高低;身体的健康程度;以及家族遗传于自己的惯性思维能力和对事物的洞察能力,管理能力和智商、情商层次高低以及与职业技能所达级别的综合体现。 素质其本源为沟通的层次和传达的印象品位,分专业素质和社会素质。 Educational background refers to the learning experience of people receiving scientific and cultural education and skills training in educational institutions. According to the Education Law and other laws and regulations and relevant national regulations, academic education includes the following forms: elementary school, junior high school, high school, junior college education,undergraduate education, graduate education, etc.; quality is the concrete manifestation of a person’s thoughts and behavior in social life. In society, quality is generally defined as: the level of a person’s literacy level; the health of the body; and the inertial thinking ability and insight into things inherited from the family, the management ability and the level of IQ, emotional quotient, and the level of professional skills. A comprehensive manifestation of up to the level. The origin of quality is the level of communication and the impression taste conveyed, pided into professional quality and social quality. ////////////////////// I 02·学历与素质的关系 The relationship between academic qualifications and quality 现在有时会爆出高学历的人犯罪的消息,人们总是叹息"可惜了,读了这么多年的书,人没学好。",其实这里有一个误解,学历的高低并不一定就跟素质挂上钩,,学历高不一定代表素质高,学历高只能代表你的学习能力强,而不是代表素质的高低,很多人都存在着这个误解,素质的学习远远比书本上的学习重要,学历可能会决定你所能达到的高度,但素质一定能决定你能走多远,素质的提高一定比学历的提高更重要,现在大部分人都本末倒置了,学习就是通过学习知识去提高自己的素质,学历只是一个证明,但大部分的人都已经忘记这个因果关系了。 Now sometimes there are news that people with high academic qualifications have committed crimes. People always sigh, "It"s a pity that people have not studied well after reading so many books." In fact, there is a misunderstanding here. The level of education does not necessarily depend on the quality. Hooked, high education does not necessarily mean high quality. High education can only represent your strong learning ability, not the level of quality. Many people have this misunderstanding. Quality learning is far more important than book learning. It may determine the height you can reach, but quality will definitely determine how far you can go. The improvement of quality must be more important than the improvement of academic qualifications. Now most people are turning the cart before the horse. Learning is to improve your own quality through learning knowledge. ,Education is just a proof, but most people have forgotten this causal relationship. 参考资料:百度百科 翻译:Google翻译 本文由LearningYard新学苑原创,文中部分图片和文字均来源于网络,如有侵权请联系删除! ////////////////////// END...