Logistics managers are facing a dynamic, constantly changing market.Dynamics and variability are the two main reasons why site selection rises from tactical to strategic decisions.Manufacturing plants ", warehouses and other facilities are where products are produced, processed, assembled or stored.Since renting or building these facilities can cost significant money, companies are usually afraid to close them down.However, poor facility selection adversely affects the effects of logistics (e. g., longer or unreliable delivery times) and efficiency (e. g., increased transportation costs).We discuss several primary factors influencing facility site selection decisions.
Considering costs is not new for logistics managers.Since the impact of the 2007-2009 recession still exists and many consumers are increasingly sensitive to prices, cost is now an important consideration for the location of corporate facilities.Some corporate practices also accustomed consumers to buying when products are heavily discounted.If retailers always offer low prices, then they also have to always keep it low in order to be profitable.
多年来,这种低价/低成本的架构导致许多企业选择在拥有大量廉价劳动力的国家进行产品的生产。但是,近年来这种范式开始发生变化,部分原因在于石油价格的飙升(石油价格在2008年达到顶点,每桶高达147美元)导致运输成本高涨,从而使得一些企业不得不重新考虑其制造设施的选址。另外,长期以来都被认为拥有大量廉价劳动力的中国,在2006- 2010 年间劳动力成本每年增加20%。预计直到2015年,中国每年劳动力成本仍会以相同趋势不断增加。因此,一些企业开始邻近采购,重新构建其物流网络,将一些生产设施选址于邻近主要消费市场的地方。例如,墨西哥是北美企业邻近采购最受欢迎的地方。
Over the years, this low-price / low-cost architecture has led many businesses to choose to produce products in countries with large amounts of cheap labor.But the paradigm has begun to change in recent years, partly due to surge in oil prices (which peaked in $147 a barrel in 2008), forcing some companies to rethink the location of their manufacturing facilities.Separately, China, which has long been believed to have a lot of cheap labor, increased labor costs by 20% a year between 2006 and 2010.It is expected that Chinese annual labor costs will continue to increase with the same trend until 2015.As a result, some businesses began purchasing nearby, rebuilding their logistics networks, locating some production facilities adjacent to major consumer markets.Mexico, for example, is the most popular purchasing neighborhood place for North American businesses.
The continuous increase of customer service expectations is repeatedly highlighted in this book.For example, we know, consumers today want shorter and more reliable order cycles.However, from the perspective of facility site selection, how can we make the order cycle shorter and more reliable?Should enterprises rely only on one or two facilities to serve all customers, or rely on multiple facilities to provide services for customers?The former programme required less number of facilities, lower inventory costs, but higher transportation costs.The latter scenario requires more facilities, higher inventory costs, but lower transportation costs.
The development of transportation (such as highways) and technology (like air conditioning) makes it relatively easy for consumers to move from one region or country to another.Note that in 1950, four of the five most populous states were in the Northeast and Midwest and thus therefore relatively close geographically close.In 2010, the most populous states were in the west, southwest, northeast, southeast and Midwest respectively, thus more geographically than in 1950.The change in population distribution made the location of enterprise production and distribution facilities necessarily different from the 1950s.Today, Atlanta, Dallas, Reno (Nevada) become important transportation hubs in the United States.