There are still 13 days before the computer second-level exam. I wonder if everyone is ready? If you are not ready, don’t worry, review little by little. If you are familiar with a knowledge point, you will be able to do one more right question and get one more point. Last issue I summarized the test points of WORD, and this issue is a summary of Excel functions. This part of function is not only required for exams, but also commonly used in our work, so it is very necessary to learn functions well.
Basic functions: SUM summation function, AVERAGE average function, MAX maximum function, MIN minimum function, COUNT count function. RANK ranking function IF logic judgment function Condition count function: COUNTIF single condition count function, COUNTIFS multiple condition count function Conditional summation function: SUMIF single conditional summation function, SUMIFS multi-conditional summation function, SUMPRODUCT product summation function Query function: VLOOKUP query function, LOOKUP array query function, INDEX function, MATCH function, INDEX and MATCH functions form a two-dimensional query Text function: LEFT takes the text function from the left, RIGHT takes the text function from the right, MID takes the text function from the middle, TEXT text conversion function, FIND positioning function Date functions: TODAY finds the current date function, YEAR finds the year function, MONTH finds the month function, DAY finds the number of days function, DATE date function, DATEDIF finds the date interval function, YEARFRAC finds the date interval function, WEEKDAY finds the week function Mathematical functions: INT rounding function, MOD remainder function, ROUND rounding function, ROUNDUP up value function, ROUNDDOWN rounding down function, SQRT square root function, LARGE function, ROW row number function, COLUMN column number Function, INDIRECT function volume_upcontent_copyshare