☆ 像经济学家一样思考 ☆
Each area has its own language and thinking. Mathematician discusss the axiom, points and vector space. Psychologists talk about self. I am with cognitive disorders. Lawyers discuss the case of the case, infringement and allow for prohibiting the principle of reverse.
There is no difference in economists. Supply, demand, comparative advantage of consumer surplus and unnecessary losses - these terms are part of economist language. In the future, you will encounter many new terms that will also encounter some economists to use familiarity in a particular manner. At first glance, this new language seems to have an unnecessary mystery. However, as you will understand, its value is to provide you with a new, useful thinking approach about the world you live.
Economists work to study their disciplines with objective attitudes of scientists. Like all scientists, they made an appropriate assumption and established a simplified model to understand the world around us, two simple models are cyclic flow charts and production possibilities.
Economics can be pided into two sectors: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microscopic economists study decisions made by families and companies and their mutual transactions in the market. Macroeconomers study the strength and trend of the overall economy.
An empirical statement is about what is the discharging of the world. The specification representation is about what the world should be. When economists make normative expressions, their behavior is more like policy advisers rather than scientists.
Economists sometimes contradict each other to the recommendations of decision makers. Not because of the difference in scientific judgment, because of the difference in value, at other times, the recommendations provided by economists are consistent, but due to the strength and constraints of political process, decision makers may choose to ignore these recommendations.
素材来源于《经济学基础》——第5版 北京大学出版社