设计空间 | 书画艺术 | 生活美学
空间设计 ★ "
"Dingxiang Garden, Li Hongzhang’s private residence, built in 1862, is the first western-style garden residence in Shanghai" by Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism. Sits on a century-old mansion with more than 1,000 square meters of lawn, this building was once the most modern residence in Shanghai a hundred years ago. Nowadays, in the center of Shanghai, overlooking the centennial house from the balcony, you will feel the profound sense of history from this modern apartment.
The owners of this apartment is a couple, and the husband is Chinese American. They bought this house after returning to China for career development, hoping to have a futuristic home in this century-old environment.
户型图 | Floor Plan
Although located in CBD and has excellent scenery, this apartment hasmany areas that need to be optimized in the floor plan:
1. 钻石户型。这种户型的房子,空间内有许多斜角和转折,而且绝大部分是承重墙,因此能靠拆除新建去改变格局的机会不是很大,只得在做平面布局时充分利用或弱化它们。
Diamond-like layout. This type of residence has many oblique angles inthe space, and most of the walls are load bearing. Therefore, it is hard tochange the layout by changing walls, so we need to take the most use of these angles in our new floor plan.
2. 厨房空间狭小。房子的上一任业主是外国人,对烹饪料理没有太多需求,厨房于是被压缩到仅剩一个小小的区域。而本案业主对中西餐都很有研究,自然对餐厨区很高要求,需要我们重新规划。
The kitchen is too small. The last owner of the apartment was a foreigner, who do not have much demand for cooking. Hence the kitchen was compressed to only a small area. However, the couple, the new owner of this apartment, are very researched about Chinese and Western food, and has high requirements for the dining and kitchen area.
3. 长廊尽头正对主卧门,影响了主卧的私密性。
The end of the corridor faces the door of the main bedroom, which affects the privacy.
4. 主卧衣帽间是强需求。原始户型里,主卧衣帽间与卫生间在同一空间里,两个功能区都显得狭小。
A dressing room in the main bedroom is strongly in demand. In theoriginal floor plan, it shares the same space with main bathroom, causing both functions to be too narrow.
▼平面布置图Layout Plan
Solving above problems, we made the following changes:
1. 将绝美风景留给业主最常待着的空间——客厅和西厨——让业主不论是窝在沙发里还是备餐都能直接看到阳台外的风景。
Knowing the living room and kitchen are where the couple most often stay, we leave the balcony near the living room and create a western kitchen behind it, so that they can directly see the beautify outdoor scenery in the most of time home.
2. 将餐厨区重新做了区域分割,使其具备更强的功能属性。
The dining and kitchen area has been re-segmented.
3. 用空间切割的手法,让斜角空间变得方正。如在书房区域,切出一块异形的储藏室,让书房和走道都变得方正;客卫向主卫斜角部分借了几十公分,做出方正的淋浴区。
Cutting the oblique angles to make spaces square. For example, in the study, we cut out a storage room, so that the study became square; using the oblique part of the main bathroom to make a shower area for the guest bathroom.
4. 利用户型内空间原本的弯折,打造曲径通幽的走廊。
Utilizing the tortuous original floor plan to create a corridor which full of modernity.
5. 改变主卧开门的位置,从而改变主卧的区域布局,打造出开放式衣帽间,以及极具仪式感的超大主卫。
Changing the door location for changing the layout of the main bedroom. Therefore, an changing room and a large main bathroom are created.
客厅 | Living Room
Communicated with the owners, we determined that the core area of their home is the living room. So, we leave the balcony with the best view in the living room. Between the living room and the balcony is a large wide sliding door, which can be fully opened, allowing the interior and exterior naturally echo.
Did not use traditional curtain, we chose vertical blinds that is more suitable for minimalist style, which helps adjust the light and shadow effects by opening and closing.
餐厅 | Dining Room
There are not many decoration in the living room and dining room. Thatis because in the next few years, the residence owners will have more members (children and pets) join in their family, and we need to leave the space for this couple to easily adjust their home to meet future requirements.
Beside the dining room, we have cabinets covering the whole wall to make the space visually clean and neat. One thing to note is that even if it is a large residence, the storage needs are not negligible, and it should be hidden into walls forimproving spatial integrity.
Hidden light strips are embedded in the skirting and air conditioning, with the vertical light on wall, enhancing artistic atmosphere to the space.
厨房 | Kitchen
Kitchens is one of the areas where the apartment owners have the most expectation, so we integrated multiple functions in one space, the western kitchen. Made of neolith slabs, with the advantage of its width, the island has sink and drawers embedded on the left and sits on the right. In the same faucet, here are two outlets for tap water and purified water. Besides, the power supply is also built-in to facilitate some simple cooking on the island.
Preparing meals on the island, the this couple can also have some interactions with living room, such as talking to people in sofa and watching TV.
Moreover, on the right side of the western kitchen we have a showcase to square the western kitchen space, so that there is a clear visually separation amongst kitchen, balcony and living room.
Originally, the kitchen space was small, so it was necessary to build awestern kitchen area with multiple functions outside. According to the owners’ western-style living habits, we leave a double-door refrigerator, a steamer, an oven, a coffee machine and various small appliances as required. As the balcony is for viewing only, laundry area can only be merged into the western kitchen as well.
In the original kitchen, considering the narrow space with pipeline wells, we expanded the width by adding a showcase outside, which pushing the door out by dozens of centimeters. After transformation of this space, the demands of hood stoves, large granite sink, water purification equipment, dishwashers, and storage function are met.
走廊 | Corridor
The corridor between living room and dining room is the main path from the public area to bedrooms. For such diamond-like apartment, we took advantage of its tortuosity to create a winding path. Besides, the linear lamp at ceilingas well as narrow door frame create a futuristic atmosphere in this space.
主卧室 | Main Bedroom
After the dressing room is moved out, the main bathroom space became extraordinarily large.
The hidden lamp line at the bottom of the bathtub does not need to be too bright, just for the convenience of getting up at late night. If the light was too bright, you won"t be able to sleep when you go back to bed.
书房 | Study
Separated by a wall, the study is just next to the main bedroom.
次卧室 | Second Bedroom
At the end of the long path made of cabinet, it is the second bedroom.
卫生间 | Bathroom
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