Share your interests, spread happiness, increase your knowledge, and stay good. Hello, everyone. This is LearningYard Academy. Today, the editor brings you an article: A graphic tutorial-Mathematica (4).
01 今日内容介绍:Introduction of today"s content:
In the last issue, I introduced the use of Mathematica to build a government-enterprise two-party evolutionary game model, and performed calculations (attach the link). Today we will learn how to use Matlab to realize evolutionary game simulation. 02 为什么要仿真Why emulate?
Case 1 (see below): We established the game model simulation before, in order to intuitively observe the government (y=the probability that the government decides to regulate the reverse logistics of the enterprise) and the probability of corporate decision-making (x=the probability that the enterprise decides to construct the reverse logistics) The relationship between.
Case 2 (see below): Introduce time t as an independent variable, and observe which decisions the government and enterprises prefer over time.
Case 3 (see below): Further, we can add new supply chain participants (such as consumers) to examine how the consumer-business-government tripartite game is conducted.
03 如何仿真How to simulate?
首先需要解释一下上一期提到的"复制动态方程"的含义。First, I need to explain the meaning of the "copy dynamic equation" mentioned in the previous issue.
(Attach the results obtained in the analysis of the previous calculation.)
其次,我们要了解如何求解常微分方程?Second, we need to understand how to solve ordinary differential equations?
As we all know, some typical ordinary differential equations can be solved in their general expressions, and initial conditions can be used to determine any constants in the expressions. However, in practice, the scope of ordinary differential equations with such analytical solutions is very narrow, often limited to linear constant coefficient differential equations (including equations), and a few linear variable coefficient equations. For more extensive, non-linear general ordinary differential equations, there is usually no analytical solution of elementary functions. Due to the need for solving practical problems, seeking approximate numerical solutions has become the main method to solve problems. Common methods for finding numerical solutions include Euler"s broken line method, Adams method, Runge-Kutta method and Gil method. Among them, the Runge-Kutta method has high accuracy and moderate calculation amount, so it is widely used.
The biggest advantage of numerical solution is that it is not limited by the type of equation, that is, it can find the special solution of any form of ordinary differential equation (when the solution exists), but the solution obtained can only be a numerical solution.
格式:[T,Y] = ode45(‘定义常微分函数的文件名(该函数文件必须返回一个列向量)’,T的范围,y的初始值)。其中,T为离散的自变量值,Y为离散的函数值。
Ode45 function:
Description: The ode45 function is based on the Runge-Kutta method (Runge-Kutta method), and is specifically used to solve the functional function of differential equations.
Format: [T,Y] = ode45 ("the file name that defines the ordinary differential function (the function file must return a column vector)", the range of T, the initial value of y). Among them, T is the value of the discrete independent variable, and Y is the value of the discrete function.
Significance: The ode function is based on the change of T, and displays the solution result of the ordinary differential equation in Y, and Y will be output as a result in the format of a column vector. Therefore, T is called the time point of returning the column vector, and Y is called returning the solution column vector corresponding to T.
04 本期方法总结Summary of methods in this issue
1. 首先,无论是两方博弈还是三方博弈的仿真,需要先定义常微分函数,运用matlab中的function函数来定义。
1. First of all, whether it is a two-party game or a three-party game simulation, you need to define the ordinary differential function first, and use the function function in matlab to define it.
For example, in a two-party game, there is a set of differential equations represented by probabilities x and y (corresponding to the replicated dynamic equation obtained in this example). We need to first convert the original differential equation into a conversion element. An example is used in the figure below to help understand.
Then, carry out the drawing work (use the plot command to draw the command).05 基于两方博弈的仿真Simulation based on two-party game
Case 1: Two-party game simulation based on enterprise and government.
Case 2: Two-party game simulation at time t is introduced.
06 基于三方博弈的仿真Simulation based on the tripartite game
Case 3: Based on the three-party game simulation of enterprises, governments, and consumers.
07 将案例3用二维图表示Represent Case 3 in a two-dimensional diagram
[1] 田琦师姐的学习文档。
[2] matlab中常微分方法,MATLAB常微分方程https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_35812582/article/details/115814959.
[3] matlab求解常微分方程(组)---dsolve、ode系列函数详解(含例程)https://blog.csdn.net/lynn15600693998/article/details/86597068.
[4] 知乎:浅谈用Matlab求解微分方程https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/162296418.