This is a story about a dream, about the main character, Chris, who, in the face of life"s many hardships, always stays true to his dream and eventually achieves success. As a young man, Chris spends his life savings on medical instruments, but this causes him to press all his family"s belongings into service without reaping satisfactory results. The instruments could not be sold, life became increasingly difficult, there was no money to pay the rent, he could not provide a less poor education for his children and his wife, who could not bear the life, left him. He and his son were left to fend for themselves, evicted by their landlord, sleeping in the toilets of the metro station and rushing to the ambulance station every day before 5am to grab a room to stay. Perhaps for those with little will, this life would be enough to take away the will to fight or even live, but not Chris, who undertook an internship as a stockbroker and kept fighting for his dream. The end result was wonderful, he escaped poverty and reaped success.
Chris" success is to some extent accidental, but it can also be said to be inevitable. Accidental in that the average person would not have had the luck to get an internship, to meet a wealthy capitalist and to have a very high IQ. The opportunities he got were the result of his previous hard work, his perseverance in seeking out the right people, and his emotional intelligence in times of crisis. These are all things we should think about and learn from.
We have to learn more in our lives now so that we can seize more opportunities in the future. Some abilities are like the Rubik"s Cube in Chris" hands, leading us to a new world.