Today we are studying C Programming Chapter 6 - Arrays and Algorithmic Foundations. There are three main parts to today"s topic: defining and initialising one-dimensional arrays, defining and initialising two-dimensional arrays, and passing one-dimensional arrays to functions.
No. 1 一维数组的定义和初始化
类型 数组名【元素个数】;
An array is a collection of variables of the same type; it is a sequential table structure stored in order and accessed randomly. The name of the array is used to identify the set of data of the same type. Each element of an array is called an array element, and C programs access the elements of an array by means of its subscripts.
The general definition of a one-dimensional array is in the following format
type array name [number of elements].
No. 2二维数组的定义和初始化
类型 数组名【第一维长度】【第二维长度】;
第一维的长度代表数组每一列的元素个数,第二维的长度代表数组每一行的元素个数。例如:short matrix[3][4];
The general format of the definition of a two-dimensional array is
type array name [length of the first dimension] [length of the second dimension].
The length of the first dimension represents the number of elements in each column of the array, and the length of the second dimension represents the number of elements in each row of the array. Example: short matrix[3][4].
The number of bytes occupied by a one-dimensional array in memory is: array length * sizeof (base type), the number of bytes occupied by a two-dimensional array is: length of the first dimension * length of the second dimension * sizeof (base type)
No. 3向函数传递一维数组
Array elements, like basic variables, can appear in any legal C expression and can also be used as function parameters.
To pass an array to a function, simply call the function using the array name without parentheses as a function reference.
As the array name represents the address of the first element of the array, using the array name as a function reference is in effect passing the first address of the array to the function being called.
Note: 1. The subscripts of arrays in C all start from 0.
2. The number of bytes occupied by an int type varies from one compilation system to another. It is better to use the sizeof operator to calculate the number of bytes in memory for a type or variable to improve program portability.
3. The length declaration of the second dimension of an array should never be omitted.
4. When an array is used as a formal reference to a function, the length of the array may not appear in the square brackets after the array name, but is usually specified by another integer formal reference.