在由开环频率特性确定闭环频率特性时,应用相同的比例尺,将尼柯尔斯图线绘制在透明片上,然后再把它覆盖在以相同比例尺绘制的系统开环传递函数对数幅相图上, 则开环频率特性曲线G(jw)与 M 轨线和 N 轨线的交点,就给出了每一频率上闭环频率特性的幅值 M 和相角 φ 。
若 G(jw)轨迹与 M 轨线相切,切点处频率就是谐振频率,谐振峰值由 M 轨线对应的幅值确定。
1932年,Nyquist 提出频域稳定判据;1940年,Bode 提出了在对数坐标系下简化作图的方法。
Frequency domain analysis
When determining the closed-loop frequency characteristics from the open-loop frequency characteristics, apply the same scale to draw the Nichols plot on the transparent sheet, and then overlay it on the logarithmic phase diagram of the open-loop transfer function of the system drawn on the same scale Above.
The intersection of the open-loop frequency characteristic curve G(jw) and the M trajectory and the N trajectory gives the amplitude M and the phase angle φ of the closed-loop frequency characteristic at each frequency.
If the G(jw) trajectory is tangent to the M trajectory, the frequency at the tangent point is the resonance frequency, and the resonance peak is determined by the amplitude corresponding to the M trajectory.
The frequency domain (frequency response) method is an engineering method for studying control systems, and it is the most important and main analysis method of classical control theory.
According to the steady-state frequency characteristic diagram of the open-loop system, the stability, stability margin and dynamic performance of the closed-loop system are analyzed.
In 1932, Nyquist proposed a criterion for stability in the frequency domain; in 1940, Bode proposed a method of simplifying plots in a logarithmic coordinate system.
The outstanding advantage of the frequency domain analysis method is that the frequency characteristics can be directly obtained through experiments to analyze the quality of the system; of course, the same can be done through the transfer function.
The application of frequency characteristic analysis system can draw qualitative and quantitative conclusions, and has obvious physical meanings. The tools used by the frequency domain method analysis system can be curves, graphs and empirical formulas.
The time domain analysis method is a direct method to analyze the control system, which is relatively intuitive and accurate. Frequency domain analysis is an indirect method of analyzing and synthesizing systems widely used in engineering.
The frequency domain analysis method is a graphical analysis method. It analyzes the performance of the system, such as stability, rapidity and accuracy, based on another mathematical model of the system—frequency characteristics.
The characteristic of the frequency domain analysis method is that it can analyze the performance of the closed-loop system (stability, stability margin and dynamic performance) according to the open-loop frequency characteristics.
And can more conveniently analyze the influence of system parameters on the system performance, so as to further improve the system. The way to performance.
In addition, except for some ultra-low frequency thermal systems, the frequency characteristics can be easily determined by experiments. The frequency characteristic is mainly suitable for linear steady system. In a linear time-invariant system.
The frequency characteristic has nothing to do with the amplitude and phase of the input sinusoidal signal. However, under certain conditions, this method can also be applied to nonlinear systems.