塔利班重新占领阿富汗时,成千上万的平民决定逃离家园。 翻译人员、商人、政府官员、记者、人权活动家、外国非政府组织的雇员以及很多突然发现自己处于危险之中的人。许多人担心,西方军队撤出后,塔利班会寻求对他们的报复。还有一些人担心,他们过去20年习惯的生活方式会在塔利班统治下迅速消失。许多人感到他们家人处于危险之中。
When the Taliban recaptured Afghanistan, tens of thousands of civilians decided to flee their homes. Translators, businessmen, public officials, journalists, human rights activists, employees of foreign NGOs and many others suddenly found themselves at risk. Many people feared the Taliban would seek their revenge against them after western troops" withdrawal. Others were afraid their lifestyle they got used to in the past two decades would quickly disappear under the Taliban rule. Many felt the safety of their families was in danger.
撤离人员 evacuees
More than 120,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan since late July. Now the evacuation has been ended, it has become clear that many vulnerable Afghans were left behind. Some didn"t make it to the airport on time. Others never had an opportunity/financial ability to leave. Some simply chose to stay and fight for their rights.
撤离人员 evacuees
1. 普什塔娜·杜兰尼
Unlike many others in her position, Pashtana Durrani, the founder and executive director of Learn, a non-profit organization focused on education and women"s rights, never really considered leaving Afghanistan, despite the risks she might face.
"There are a lot of people depending me ... 7,000 girls still need lessons and if I am not there, they won"t get it, so for me it"s very important to fight for their rights ... not every person can leave," she told reporters.
Pashtana Durrani 普什塔娜·杜兰尼
The 23-year-old is currently in hiding in Afghanistan, focused on enrolling as many children into digital learning programs as possible, before "things get worse" under the Taliban, she said. "My family forced me into hiding, a lot of people are concerned about my safety .... I personally am not afraid of them. It"s as much my country as it"s theirs," she said.
TOLO新闻电视台女主播 阿甘德
Durrani said she worries about the safety and the future of the women and girls. She questions the Taliban"s promise to protect their rights. "We are told that we have to stay home until the Taliban accept women in public spaces ... but what if they never get comfortable with women, what then, what is the deadline? ," she said.
Durrani, a young, educated Afghan woman, said she feels it"s her responsibility to stay and challenge the Taliban. "Right now we fight back. We ask for our rights. It"s important. If we don"t speak now, we are the educated generation, the next generation won"t even be educated ... that"s not supposed to be happening, not on my watch."
2. 一名年轻的女记者
"目前的气氛很悲剧,充满了痛苦和煎熬。在塔利班到来之前,我会去工作,但从那以后,赫拉特沦陷的那一天起,对阿富汗人和阿富汗记者来说就成了黑暗的一天, "她告诉记者。
meanwhile, in the western city of Herat, a young journalist in her 30s says her life and work have been on hold since the Taliban takeover.
"The atmosphere is tragic and full of pain and suffering. Before the arrival of the Taliban, I would go to work, but since then, it has been a dark day, a dark day for Afghans and Afghan journalists when Herat fell," she said.
A soldier 士兵
The journalist said she had not been to work since the Taliban took over Herat. "Our local newspaper is on a break and we are not printing anything. [The] Taliban has asked women to stay home. Same with schools. Schools are operating but not in the same quality as before. The future is unclear."
soldiers 士兵
她说,塔利班的到来改变了一切。"我每时每刻都在考虑我的未来。我有两个孩子,他们的未来会怎样?他们会安全吗?他们会活下去吗? 塔利班会像以前一样开始杀戮和处决吗?他们会把女人关在笼子里吗?,"她说。
The arrival of the Taliban, she said, had changed everything. "I am thinking of my future every second of the day. I have two kids, what will happen to their future? Will they be safe? Will they be alive? Will the Taliban start killings and executions like before? Will they put women in cages? ," she said.