The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion, but for many left-behind children, reuniting with their parents is an extreme luxury. In fact, the problem of left-behind children also exists in other developing countries else around the world. Today, I would like to share with you some left-behind children and their parents of the Philippines.
No mother wants to leave her child — but in the Philippines, there’s no other choice. Many people are unable to earn enough money at home, and many of them speak fluent English, so they go aboard to work. An estimated 2.2 million Filipinos worked overseas in 2020, The majority were women.
They work in the hope of earning more money and give their children a better future. They work mainly in Asia and the Middle East.
They work as nurses, hospitality staff, nannies and cleaners. The most popular profession for them is family maid. In 2020, they sent $33.5 billion back to the Philippines in personal remittances -- a record high, according to the country’s central bank, representing 10% of its GDP.
But their income comes at a high personal cost. Mothers can miss out on entire childhoods. Sometimes their relationship with their children remains damaged and distant, even years after they return. Other times, their children’s lives can veer off course without a parent at home.
Former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo once called their migrant workers the country"s "greatest export." Indeed, every day more than 3,000 people leave their home co-untry to work in other countries. The Philippine economy is largely supported by them, with one in 10 workers working overseas.
Reporters interviewed some of these mothers and children
1. 多洛雷斯(母亲): 离开真的很难。事实上,你并不想离开……(但是)我真的别无选择。""尽管大学毕业生的失业率很高,但许多菲律宾人仍然相信高等教育可以帮助他们的孩子摆脱贫困。但这是一个昂贵的梦想。"
Dolores (mother): "It’s really hard to leave. You don’t want to leave, actually … (but) I don’t have really a choice." "Despite the high unemployment rates for graduates, many Filipinos still believe higher education could help lift their children out of poverty. But it’s an expensive dream."
2. Catalina Magno (孩子):"你为什么要照顾别人的孩子?" 玛格诺(母亲):"我告诉他,这是一种交换。如果我照顾其他人的孩子,我就可以送你们去上学,你们可以接受更好的教育。但他们通常不理解这一点。"
Catalina Magno (child): "Why do you look after others’ kids?" Magno (mother): "I told him, this is a trade-off. If I look after other kids, I can send you to school, you can have greater education. But usually they don’t understand that."
3. 克里泽尔·奥皮拉(孩子) 小时候第一次月经来的时候,大多数女孩都向母亲寻求指导,但奥皮拉觉得自己不能告诉母亲,母亲10岁时就离开她了,去台湾和香港工作。由祖父母抚养长大的奥皮拉说:"我母亲当时和我们一起度假,但我不能告诉她,因为我感觉我们之间有一堵墙,因为她并不总是在我们身边。"相反,她找到了她的姐姐,她填补了这一空白,在他们长大的过程中"姐姐表现得像一个母亲"。"我以后永远不能离开我的孩子,我永远不出国,不离开他们; 我永远不会做母亲为我们所做的牺牲。"
Krizzel Orpilla(child) was on a family holiday when she got her first menstrual period as a young girl. Most girls turn to their mothers for guidance, but Orpilla didn’t feel like she could tell her mother, who had left when she was 10 years old to work in Taiwan and Hong Kong. "My mother was on vacation with us but I cannot really tell her because I feel like there is a wall between us, because she was not always around," saiOrpilla, who was raised by her grandparents. Instead, she sought out her older sister, who filled the gap and "acted like a mother" as they grew up. "I can never leave my babies, I can never go abroad and be apart from them; I could never do what my mother sacrificed for us.