

  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编精心整理的这次疫情的感受英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。  这次疫情的感受英语作文篇1
  I had a meal in the morning, walked with my mother to exercise, and went to the drugstore to buy some masks, alcohol and other things, because it's a very time I dare not go too far.
  I wear a double-layer mask to prevent the virus. I wear a bulky down jacket to prevent cold. When I walk on the quiet asphalt road in the community, the adults and children are gone. There is no noise in the community square in the past. "Hey, because of the invasion of the coronavirus, I have to take shelter at home.".
  Out of the gate of the community, there are a few private cars running on the road. Police cars and special police cars patrol on the road, almost no pedestrians can be seen. Occasionally, one person is also armed, wearing a mask and a hat. The whole road seems to be in a biochemical crisis without the usual traffic.
  When she came to the drugstore, the salesman was also a fully armed aunt. She wore a three-layer mask, disposable gloves, disposable foot covers, and only two eyes were exposed outside. Many medicines on the shelf were sold out of stock. I asked about the masks, alcohol and cold medicine. Before I finished, the aunt of the drugstore waved her hand, "no, none, alcohol, cold medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine. The masks were out of stock two days ago, and the materials were transported to the forefront of the anti-virus hospital.". No way, my mother and I went to the next few drugstores and got the same result.
  It seems that the epidemic situation is not as simple as expected. It is fierce. In order to be safe, does Puyang City seal the city and prevent outsiders from coming in? Do all the people in the city stay at home and escape the disaster situation safely?  这次疫情的感受英语作文篇2
  In the Spring Festival of 2020, everyone should live a heavy life. The expected winter vacation seems to be the devil of this winter, which threatens everyone's life invisibly.
  Since December, 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia is like a heavy stone in everyone's mind. It's caused by the seafood market in South China, Wuhan. It's also caused by people who are keen on eating wild game. Even I saw the picture of the disgusting bat soup on the Internet. The face of the bat in the picture was ferocious. At that time, I learned that bats can carry more than 100 kinds of extremely toxic and dangerous viruses, including Ebola, rabies, SARS, etc. Of course, in addition to bats, game animals such as raccoons, civets and pangolins also carry more or less virulent viruses. There is a saying that I think is very reasonable: "the ancients used thousands of years to feed you, and you have to challenge how hard your life is." Now the novel coronavirus China has spread from Wuhan to China, and eventually it has been developed to pay for the venison of all the world. The day that should have been celebrated has lost its atmosphere.
  Since the first novel coronavirus pneumonia was discovered, micro-blog has been hot on its way every day. There are always several new pneumonia cases in the city. From time to time, there are "the first case of new pneumonia cured and discharged" or "the first case of new pneumonia died". The statistics of confirmed new pneumonia are more and more shocking day by day, and my heart is heavier day by day.
  In this winter vacation, I learned the abnormal taste of people from the behavior of some people eating wild game; I saw the ugliness of human nature from the behavior of the diagnosed patients or the people living in Wuhan who ran out recklessly before the closure of the city; I found the social reality of the high-level ignoring the people's suffering from the inaction of the Wuhan government or even the behavior of holding the group worship meeting to conceal the truth; At the same time, from the positive response and rapid response of Henan government, we can see that sometimes the gap between people is not in objective conditions, but in themselves.
  The novel coronavirus is escape from death in a great catastrophe. I believe that the people of the whole country will work together to fight against the new coronavirus and achieve a happy life.  这次疫情的感受英语作文篇3
  On the road, there were few pedestrians. The expression on their face was pided into two parts by the big mask. Their eyes were full of anxiety and they walked in a hurry. The whole world seemed to have only the dull breath under the mask. The novel coronavirus infection in Wenzhou has been reported in 58 cases, 114 cases and 172 cases.
  I suddenly remembered the video that my mother had shown me: the sweaty doctors were taking care of the patients in heavy protective clothing, masks and goggles, and they could not recognize each other because they were "fully armed". So they wrote their names on the back of the clothes. When they change their protective clothing, if they are a little careless, they will be infected. These angels in white are always brave to stand in the front line of the epidemic, to block the terrible virus and build a protective wall for us. We are eating Chinese New Year's Eve dinner and watching the Spring Festival party, but they are saving lives that have been damaged by pneumonia virus.
  I don't know when the new year's red envelope turned into a pack of masks. The fear of the virus keeps us at home. I think of the angel in white who doesn't ask for return and is not afraid of danger. I'm really worried for them. Many doctors have been infected, and there are still many doctors rushing to the front line of the epidemic. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, in his 80s, led his team to study the virus day and night, hoping to develop a specific medicine as soon as possible. Although the venerable old man is an octogenarian, he still contributes to the control of the epidemic together with others. I admire their bravery and persistence. In this new year, they give us the courage and the method to face the epidemic correctly. It's the angels in white who give people hope to recover. From the end of the year to the new year, they have been unremitting in their efforts to fight against the virus.
  One white figure, one sweaty figure, one dutiful figure. Under the protective clothing of the doctors, how many heavy tasks are they shouldering, but they still face it with a smile.
  Thank you, angels in white for your efforts; thank you, medical researchers for their hard work. Thank you to people from all walks of life for fighting the epidemic. It is their efforts that have helped us build a safe protective wall. It is their hard work that has helped us usher in happiness and well-being. Although the virus is powerful and terrible, with their help, we will eventually overcome all difficulties.
