REmote DIctionary Server( Redis ) 是一个由 Salvatore Sanfilippo 写的 key-value 存储系统,是跨平台的非关系型数据库。
二、redis 主从模式编排部署实战操作
地址:https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/bitnami/redis 1)下载chart 包helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm pull bitnami/redis --version 17.3.7 tar -xf redis-17.3.7.tgz2)构建镜像
这里就不重新构建镜像了,只是把远程镜像tag一下,推到本地harbor仓库加速下载镜像。有不清楚怎么构建镜像的小伙伴,可以私信或者留言。 docker pull docker.io/bitnami/redis:7.0.5-debian-11-r7 # tag docker tag docker.io/bitnami/redis:7.0.5-debian-11-r7 myharbor.com/bigdata/redis:7.0.5-debian-11-r7 # 推送镜像到本地harbor仓库 docker push myharbor.com/bigdata/redis:7.0.5-debian-11-r73)修改yaml编排redis/templates/master/pv.yaml
新增 pv.yaml 文件,内容如下:{{- range .Values.master.persistence.local }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: {{ .name }} labels: name: {{ .name }} spec: storageClassName: {{ $.Values.master.persistence.storageClass }} capacity: storage: {{ $.Values.master.persistence.size }} accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: {{ .path }} nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - {{ .host }} --- {{- end }}redis/templates/replicas/pv.yaml
新增 pv.yaml 文件,内容如下:{{- range .Values.replica.persistence.local }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: {{ .name }} labels: name: {{ .name }} spec: storageClassName: {{ $.Values.replica.persistence.storageClass }} capacity: storage: {{ $.Values.replica.persistence.size }} accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: {{ .path }} nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - {{ .host }} --- {{- end }}redis/values.yaml global: redis: password: "123456" ... image: registry: myharbor.com repository: bigdata/redis tag: 7.0.5-debian-11-r7 master: count: 1 persistence: enabled: true size: 8Gi storageClass: "local-redis-storage" local: - name: redis-0 host: "local-168-182-110" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1" replica: replicaCount: 2 persistence: enabled: true size: 8Gi storageClass: "local-redis-storage" local: - name: redis-1 host: "local-168-182-111" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1" - name: redis-2 host: "local-168-182-112" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1"4)开始部署# 创建存储目录 mkdir /opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1 # 先检查语法 helm lint ./redis # 开始安装 helm install redis ./redis -n redis --create-namespace
NOTES REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: CHART NAME: redis CHART VERSION: 17.3.7 APP VERSION: 7.0.5 ** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed ** Redis® can be accessed on the following DNS names from within your cluster: redis-master.redis.svc.cluster.local for read/write operations (port 6379) redis-replicas.redis.svc.cluster.local for read-only operations (port 6379) To get your password run: export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) To connect to your Redis® server: 1. Run a Redis® pod that you can use as a client: kubectl run --namespace redis redis-client --restart="Never" --env REDIS_PASSWORD=$REDIS_PASSWORD --image myharbor.com/bigdata/redis:7.0.5-debian-11-r7 --command -- sleep infinity Use the following command to attach to the pod: kubectl exec --tty -i redis-client --namespace redis -- bash 2. Connect using the Redis® CLI: REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-master REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-replicas To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands: kubectl port-forward --namespace redis svc/redis-master 6379:6379 & REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h -p 6379
5)测试验证kubectl get pods,svc -n redis -owide
# 登录master,可读可写 kubectl exec -it redis-master-0 -n redis -- redis-cli -h redis-master -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) # 登录slave,只读 kubectl exec -it redis-master-0 -n redis -- redis-cli -h redis-replicas -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d)
6)卸载helm uninstall redis-sentinel -n redis-sentinel # delete ns kubectl delete ns redis-sentinel --force # delete pv kubectl delete pv `kubectl get pv|grep ^redis-|awk "{print $1}"` --force rm -fr /opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1/*三、redis 哨兵模式编排部署实战操作
这里也重新构建镜像了,有不懂构建镜像的小伙伴可以在评论下方留言。这里也只是把远程的镜像推送到本地harbor。 docker pull docker.io/bitnami/redis-sentinel:7.0.5-debian-11-r6 # tag docker tag docker.io/bitnami/redis-sentinel:7.0.5-debian-11-r6 myharbor.com/bigdata/redis-sentinel:7.0.5-debian-11-r6 # push docker push myharbor.com/bigdata/redis-sentinel:7.0.5-debian-11-r62)修改yaml编排redis-sentinel/values.yaml replica: # replica.replicaCount与sentinel.quorum值一样 replicaCount: 3 storageClass: "local-redis-storage" local: - name: redis-0 host: "local-168-182-110" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1" - name: redis-1 host: "local-168-182-111" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1" - name: redis-2 host: "local-168-182-112" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1" sentinel: enabled: true image: registry: myharbor.com repository: bigdata/redis-sentinel tag: 7.0.5-debian-11-r6 quorum: 3redis-sentinel/templates/replicas/pv.yaml
新增 pv.yaml 文件,内容如下:{{- range .Values.sentinel.persistence.local }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: {{ .name }} labels: name: {{ .name }} spec: storageClassName: {{ $.Values.sentinel.persistence.storageClass }} capacity: storage: {{ $.Values.sentinel.persistence.size }} accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: {{ .path }} nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - {{ .host }} --- {{- end }}3)开始部署# 创建存储目录 mkdir -p /opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1 helm install redis-sentinel ./redis-sentinel -n redis-sentinel --create-namespace
NOTES NAME: redis-sentinel LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Nov 4 22:42:52 2022 NAMESPACE: redis-sentinel STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: CHART NAME: redis CHART VERSION: 17.3.7 APP VERSION: 7.0.5 ** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed ** Redis® can be accessed via port 6379 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: redis-sentinel.redis-sentinel.svc.cluster.local for read only operations For read/write operations, first access the Redis® Sentinel cluster, which is available in port 26379 using the same domain name above. To get your password run: export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace redis-sentinel redis-sentinel -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) To connect to your Redis® server: 1. Run a Redis® pod that you can use as a client: kubectl run --namespace redis-sentinel redis-client --restart="Never" --env REDIS_PASSWORD=$REDIS_PASSWORD --image myharbor.com/bigdata/redis:7.0.5-debian-11-r7 --command -- sleep infinity Use the following command to attach to the pod: kubectl exec --tty -i redis-client --namespace redis-sentinel -- bash 2. Connect using the Redis® CLI: REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-sentinel -p 6379 # Read only operations REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h redis-sentinel -p 26379 # Sentinel access To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands: kubectl port-forward --namespace redis-sentinel svc/redis-sentinel 6379:6379 & REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" redis-cli -h -p 6379
查看 kubectl get pods,svc -n redis-sentinel -owide
4)模拟故障测试# 查看 kubectl exec -it redis-sentinel-node-0 -n redis-sentinel -- redis-cli -h redis-sentinel -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace redis-sentinel redis-sentinel -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) info replication
模拟故障,kill master pod kubectl delete pod redis-sentinel-node-0 -n redis-sentinel
再测试读写 # 登录master节点 kubectl exec -it redis-sentinel-node-0 -n redis-sentinel -- redis-cli -h redis-sentinel-node-2.redis-sentinel-headless -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace redis-sentinel redis-sentinel -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) # 登录slave节点 kubectl exec -it redis-sentinel-node-0 -n redis-sentinel -- redis-cli -h redis-sentinel-node-0.redis-sentinel-headless -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace redis-sentinel redis-sentinel -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d)
5)卸载helm uninstall redis-sentinel -n redis # delete ns kubectl delete ns redis --force # delete pv kubectl delete pv `kubectl get pv|grep ^redis-|awk "{print $1}"` --force rm -fr /opt/bigdata/servers/redis/data/data1/*四、redis 集群模式编排部署实战操作
集群模式 可以说是sentinel+主从模式的结合体,通过cluster可以实现主从和master重选功能,所以如果配置两个副本三个分片的话,就需要六个Redis实例。因为Redis的数据是根据一定规则分配到cluster的不同机器的,当数据量过大时,可以新增机器进行扩容。
1)下载chart 包helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm pull bitnami/redis-cluster --version 8.2.7 tar -xf redis-cluster-8.2.7.tgz2)构建镜像
这里就不重新构建镜像了,只是把远程镜像tag一下,推到本地harbor仓库加速下载镜像。有不清楚怎么构建镜像的小伙伴,可以私信或者留言。 docker pull docker.io/bitnami/redis-cluster:7.0.5-debian-11-r9 # tag docker tag docker.io/bitnami/redis-cluster:7.0.5-debian-11-r9 myharbor.com/bigdata/redis-cluster:7.0.5-debian-11-r9 # 推送镜像到本地harbor仓库 docker push myharbor.com/bigdata/redis-cluster:7.0.5-debian-11-r93)修改yaml编排redis-cluster/templates/pv.yaml
新增 pv.yaml 文件,内容如下:{{- range .Values.persistence.local }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: {{ .name }} labels: name: {{ .name }} spec: storageClassName: {{ $.Values.persistence.storageClass }} capacity: storage: {{ $.Values.persistence.size }} accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: {{ .path }} nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - {{ .host }} --- {{- end }}password: "123456" ... image: registry: myharbor.com repository: bigdata/redis-cluster tag: 7.0.5-debian-11-r9 ... persistence: storageClass: "local-redis-cluster-storage" local: - name: redis-cluster-0 host: "local-168-182-110" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data1" - name: redis-cluster-1 host: "local-168-182-110" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data2" - name: redis-cluster-2 host: "local-168-182-110" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data3" - name: redis-cluster-3 host: "local-168-182-111" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data1" - name: redis-cluster-4 host: "local-168-182-111" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data2" - name: redis-cluster-5 host: "local-168-182-111" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data3" - name: redis-cluster-6 host: "local-168-182-112" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data1" - name: redis-cluster-7 host: "local-168-182-112" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data2" - name: redis-cluster-8 host: "local-168-182-112" path: "/opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data3" cluster: init: true # 一主两从(三组) nodes: 9 replicas: 24)开始部署# 创建存储目录 mkdir -p /opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data{1..3} helm install redis-cluster ./redis-cluster -n redis-cluster --create-namespace
NOTES NOTES: CHART NAME: redis-cluster CHART VERSION: 8.2.7 APP VERSION: 7.0.5** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed ** To get your password run: export REDIS_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "redis-cluster" redis-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) You have deployed a Redis® Cluster accessible only from within you Kubernetes Cluster.INFO: The Job to create the cluster will be created.To connect to your Redis® cluster: 1. Run a Redis® pod that you can use as a client: kubectl run --namespace redis-cluster redis-cluster-client --rm --tty -i --restart="Never" --env REDIS_PASSWORD=$REDIS_PASSWORD --image myharbor.com/bigdata/redis-cluster:7.0.5-debian-11-r9 -- bash 2. Connect using the Redis® CLI: redis-cli -c -h redis-cluster -a $REDIS_PASSWORD
查看 kubectl get pods,svc -n redis-cluster -owide
5)故障模拟测试kubectl exec -it redis-cluster-0 -n redis-cluster -- redis-cli -c -h redis-cluster -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace "redis-cluster" redis-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) CLUSTER INFO kubectl exec -it redis-cluster-0 -n redis-cluster -- redis-cli -c -h redis-cluster -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace "redis-cluster" redis-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) CLUSTER NODES
删除其中一个master节点 kubectl delete pod redis-cluster-1 -n redis-cluster # 再查看节点情况 kubectl exec -it redis-cluster-0 -n redis-cluster -- redis-cli -c -h redis-cluster -a $(kubectl get secret --namespace "redis-cluster" redis-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d) CLUSTER NODES
6)卸载helm uninstall redis-cluster -n redis-cluster # delete ns kubectl delete ns redis-cluster --force # delete pv kubectl delete pv `kubectl get pv|grep ^redis-cluster-|awk "{print $1}"` --force rm -fr /opt/bigdata/servers/redis-cluster/data/data{1..3}/*
Redis on k8s 三种模式的编排部署就先到这里了,小伙伴有任何疑问,欢迎给我留言哦,后续会持续更新【大数据+云原生】相关的问题~