可惜故事太长 只有风听我讲 Unfortunately, the story is too long and only the wind listens to me 小王情感屋 生活是灯 工作是油 若要灯亮 就得加油Life is a lamp and work is oil. If you want to light up, you have to refuel 小王情感屋 在你最艰难的时候 别老想着太远的将来Don"t look too far into the future when you"re having the hardest time 小王情感屋 我相信你总会来到 像云层总会等来月亮I believe you will always come like the clouds will always wait for the moon 小王情感屋 以欢喜之心 慢度日常Slow down the day with a joyful heart 小王情感屋 好好等 会晚些 但会更好It"ll be later but it"ll be better 小王情感屋