For what? This is not spoken, but evidence, evidence, evidence.凭什么?这个不是用嘴说的,而是证据,证据,证据。
So far, Vietnam, South Korea and other countries have been unable to produce specific evidence to prove their claims, or the so-called evidence that cannot be confirmed.到目前为止,越南、韩国等国一直无法拿出具体的证据来证明自己的说法,或者说是无法证实的所谓证据。
Give a few simple examples.举几个简单的例子。
1. Among Koreans and Vietnamese, some say Chinese characters were invented by Koreans, while others say they were invented by Vietnamese.1. 汉字,在韩国人和越南人中,有人说是韩国人发明的,也有人说是越南人发明的。
Then the problem comes. If Chinese characters were invented by Koreans or Vietnamese, they should have evidence of the evolution of Chinese characters, but they didn"t.那么问题来了,如果汉字是韩国人或越南人发明的,那么他们应该有汉字进化的证据,但他们没有。
In contrast, China has a complete set of archaeological evidence, from the Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions 4000 years ago, to the Zhou Dynasty gold inscriptions more than 3000 years ago, to the large seal script 2500 years ago, the small seal script 2000 years ago, to the later official script, and so on.反观中国却有一套完整的考古证据,从4000年前的商代甲骨文,到3000多年前的周代金文,再到2500年前的大篆书, 2000年前的小篆书,到后来的隶书等等。
On the other hand, Vietnam and South Korea have no archaeological evidence of Chinese characters dating back to 2000 years ago.
另一方面,越南和韩国没有任何可追溯到 2000 年前的汉字的考古证据。
Secondly, Vietnamese and Korean, their grammatical structure is so different from that of China for thousands of years that we can"t understand a group of people who invented a language completely different from the language they use every day.其次,越南语和韩语,它们的语法结构与中国几千年来的差异如此之大,以至于我们无法理解一群发明了一种与他们每天使用的语言完全不同的语言的人。
More importantly, China has a large number of Chinese books dating back to 2000 years, while South Korea and Vietnam do not have books dating back to 2000 years. The earliest recorded history books, except for some of the latest archaeology, are only a thousand years old.更重要的是,中国有大量2000年前的中文书籍,而韩国和越南都没有2000年前的书籍。最早记载的历史书籍,除了一些最新的考古学外,只有一千年的历史。
In other words, 2000 years ago, neither Vietnam nor South Korea had official history books.换句话说,2000年前,越南和韩国都没有正式的历史书籍。
2. For example, Koreans insist that Koguryo is Korean, but the earliest history book of Korea, "records of the Three Kingdoms", clearly points out that the founder of Koguryo is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. This is not a book written by Chinese, but by Korean ancestors.2、如韩国人坚称高句丽是朝鲜人,但朝鲜最早的史书《三国史记》却明确指出高句丽的创始人是黄帝后裔。这不是中国人写的书,是韩国祖先写的。
If Koreans want to deny it now, they must first deny their ancestors" claims.如果韩国人现在要否认,那他们就必须先否认自己祖先的说法。
Similarly, the ancient history of Vietnam also records that Vietnamese are descendants of Yan Emperor.同样,越南古代史也记载越南人是炎帝的后裔。
You know, "Yan Huang" are two leaders in ancient Chinese legends. Yan is Emperor Yan, and Huang is Emperor Huang. Yanhuang is considered to be the ancestor of Chinese civilization, and the Chinese people are called the son of Yanhuang. Yan Emperor Jiang"s surname is Shennong, the leader of Yan Emperor"s family, and the Yellow Emperor Ji"s surname is Gongsun and Xuanyuan.要知道,"炎黄"是中国古代传说中的两位领袖。炎是炎帝,黄是黄帝。炎黄被认为是中华文明的鼻祖,而中国人被称为炎黄之子。炎帝姜姓神农氏、是炎帝族的首领,黄帝姬姓公孙氏、号轩辕氏。
What I want to say is that China, South Korea or Vietnam can claim that they invented something, but when they put forward this claim, they need to provide convincing historical evidence.我想说的是,中国、韩国或越南都可以声称他们发明了某些东西,但是当他们提出这一主张时,需要提供有说服力的证据。
If there is a dispute, exchange evidence with each other.Check the reliability of the evidence.
The evidence can be as follows:证据可以是以下几点:
1. According to old books, the closer to the time of the said history, the greater the credibility. For example, the contents of the records in A.D. 1000 are certainly more reliable than those of the books published in A.D. 2000.1.旧书记载,越接近所说历史的时间,可信度越大。例如,公元 1000 年的记录内容肯定比公元 2000 年出版的书的内容更可靠。
2. Look for modern science and technology such as DNA to help study the genetic structure, differentiation and mixing of Han, Japanese and Korean populations.2.寻找DNA等现代科学技术来帮助研究汉族、日本和韩国人群的遗传结构、分化和混合。
3. The search for publicly unearthed cultural relics must be completely open, and outsiders cannot be allowed to participate, as in some countries.3、寻找公开出土的文物,而且必须是完全敞开的,不能像有些国家那样那样,不让外人参与。
I"m telling you about Tanjung on the Korean Peninsula.在给大家说说朝鲜半岛檀君단군왕검的事。
The story of tanjun comes from the ancient Korean books "the legacy of the Three Kingdoms" and "imperial rhyme" written in the 13th century. The oldest extant version of this book is the Qingzhou engraving in 1360 (the first Jinzhou engraving, dated 1295-1296, has been lost). Before the Korean Dynasty, there were many legends about tanjun Pang Pang Pang Pang, but they were not recorded.檀君的故事源自于13世纪写成的韩国古籍《三国志遗》和《帝王韵》。这本书现存最古老的版本是 1360 年的庆州版画(第一个晋州版画,日期为 1295-1296 年已失传),朝鲜王朝之前还有很多关于 檀君단군왕검 的传说,但都没有记录。
In March, 1987, Korean historian Jiang Renshu published an article entitled "the formation of tanjun myth" in the Journal of historical research, and then published several papers in the fourth issue of the journal in 1987, the third and fourth issues in 1988, and the first issue in 1990, which gave a new interpretation of tanjun"s myth, but in general, they have not broken through the "myth theory".1987年3月,韩国历史学家姜仁淑在《历史研究杂志》上发表题为《檀君神话的形成》的文章,随后在该杂志1987年第4期、1988年第3期和第4期发表了多篇论文,和1990年的1号,对檀君的神话进行了新的解释,但总体来说,他们还没有突破"神话理论"。
By September 7th, 1993, Ms. Jiang published a long article in the official newspaper "Korean democracy" and began to abandon the "myth theory", arguing that "tanjun Tanjung Tanjung Tanjung does exist and his grave is in Pyongyang". Later, it was reported that the legendary tanjun tomb was being excavated at this time.到在1993年9月7日,姜女士在官方报纸《朝鲜民主主义》上发表长文,开始摒弃"神话理论",辩称"檀君단군왕검确实存在,他的坟墓在平壤"。后来有消息称,传说中的檀君墓此时正在哪里挖掘。
On September 28, 1993, the Korean media reported that the skeleton of tanjun was found in a tomb near Pyongyang ", and" tanjun, which is traditionally considered to be a mythical figure, actually exists ".1993年9月28日,朝鲜媒体报道发现檀君的骸骨,在平壤附近的一座坟墓中出土",并且"传统上被认为是神话人物的檀君단군왕검实际上存在"。
According to the report, tanjun"s tomb is located in the south slope of DOC mountain in the northwest of Jiangdong County in Pyongyang. A total of 86 bones of a man and a woman were excavated, and some of them were found to be the bones of a 170 cm tall man after merging. They said that according to the new book of Dongguo geography, tanjun was buried here. ", This book was written in 1530.报道称,檀君墓位于平壤江东郡西北部大夫山南坡,共挖掘出86块一男一女的骨头,部分合并后发现是一个170厘米高的男人的骨头。他们说,据《东国舆地地理新书》记载,檀君就葬于此。 ",这本书写于1530年。
The interesting part here is too obvious.这里有趣的部分太明显了。
Two skeletons were found. Are they tanjun"s skeletons? We all know that there was a burial system in ancient times. The higher the status, the more people were buried. How could such a prestigious person be buried with only one person?发现了两具骷髅,是檀君단군왕검?我们都知道古代有殉葬制度,身份越高,殉葬的人越多,像这么有威望的人,怎么可能只有一人殉葬呢?
The most interesting thing is that they use the so-called electron constant magnetic resonance dating method. According to current technology, the error range of this method is between thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.最有意思的是,他们用的是所谓电子常数磁共振测年法,按照目前的技术,这种方法的误差范围在几千年到几万年之间。
Surprisingly, North Korean scientists were able to come up with an accurate figure of 5011.令人意想不到的是,朝鲜科学家能够得出一个正好是 5011 年的精确数字。
In fact, there is a more accurate radioactive carbon method, which can be accurate to about 100 years. Why not use it in North Korea?其实还有更精确的放射性碳法,可以精确到100年左右,那朝鲜为什么不用呢?
The report also said that in addition to the excavation of two human bones, there was also a gold bronze crown with vertical plates on the front, fragments with rings, a gold bronze chain, several pieces of iron coffin nails and many pieces of grey pottery.报道还说,除了发掘出土了两块人骨外,还有一顶正面饰有竖板的金青铜皇冠,带有环带的碎片,一条金青铜链,几个铁棺钉碎片和许多灰陶片。
Seeing here, people who understand history or archaeology understand that the coffin is fixed with iron nails. This custom only exists in East Asia, but not in other parts of the world. Moreover, this custom began in China in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was of tenon and tenon structure before that.看到这里,懂历史或者考古的人都明白,棺椁是用铁钉固定棺材的,这种习俗只存在于东亚,世界其他地方没有,而且这种习俗始于东汉时期的中国,在这之前都是榫卯结构。
This is true of all ancient tombs unearthed, including those in Northeast China and the Korean Peninsula, that is, before the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were no coffin nails. Nails were not used until after the Eastern Han Dynasty.所有出土的古墓都是如此,包括东北和朝鲜半岛的古墓,也就是在东汉之前,是没有棺材钉的。直到东汉以后才开始使用钉子。
Speaking of this, everyone should understand it.说到这,大家应该都明白了吧。