

  编译 | 冯维维
  Nature , 6 OCTOBER 2022, VOL 610, ISSUE 7930
  《自然》 2022年10月6日,第610卷,7930期
  物理学 Physics
  Magnetic fields of 30 to 100 kG in the cores of red giant stars
  ▲ 作者:Gang Li, Sébastien Deheuvels, Jérôme Ballot & François Lignières
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  ▲ 摘要:
  ▲ Abstract:
  A red giant star is an evolved low- or intermediate-mass star that has exhausted its central hydrogen content, leaving a helium core and a hydrogen-burning shell. Here we report the measurement of magnetic fields in the cores of three red giant stars observed with the Kepler13 satellite. The fields induce shifts that break the symmetry of dipole mode multiplets. We thus measure field strengths ranging from about 30 kilogauss to about 100 kilogauss in the vicinity of the hydrogen-burning shell and place constraints on the field topology.
  Extending the spectrum of fully integrated photonics to submicrometre wavelengths
  ▲ 作者:Minh A. Tran, Chong Zhang, Theodore J. Morin, Lin Chang, Sabyasachi Barik, Zhiquan Yuan, Woonghee Lee, Glenn Kim, Aditya Malik, Zeyu Zhang, Joel Guo, Heming Wang, Boqiang Shen, Lue Wu, Kerry Vahala, John E. Bowers, Hyundai Park & Tin Komljenovic
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  ▲ Abstract:
  Integrated photonics has profoundly affected a wide range of technologies underpinning modern society. The ability to fabricate a complete optical system on a chip offers unrivalled scalability, weight, cost and power efficiency. Here, we present a new generation of integrated photonics by directly uniting III–V materials with silicon nitride waveguides on Si wafers. Using this technology, we present a fully integrated PIC at photon energies greater than the bandgap of silicon, demonstrating essential photonic building blocks, including lasers, amplifiers, photodetectors, modulators and passives, all operating at submicrometre wavelengths. Using this platform, we achieve unprecedented coherence and tunability in an integrated laser at short wavelength. Furthermore, by making use of this higher photon energy, we demonstrate superb high-temperature performance and kHz-level fundamental linewidths at elevated temperatures. Given the many potential applications at short wavelengths, the success of this integration strategy unlocks a broad range of new integrated photonics applications.
  大气物理 Atmospheric Physics
  Continuous air purification by aqueous interface filtration and absorption
  ▲ 作者:Yunmao Zhang, Yuhang Han, Xiaoliang Ji, Duyang Zang, Long Qiao, Zhizhi Sheng, Chunyan Wang, Shuli Wang, Miao Wang, Yaqi Hou, Xinyu Chen & Xu Hou
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  ▲ 摘要:
  当需要净化的空气以气泡的形式通过系统时,功能流体为过滤和去除空气中的颗粒物和污染物分子提供了界面。理论建模和实验结果表明,该系统具有较高的效率和鲁棒性:一次性空气净化效率可达99.6%,抑尘能力可达950 g m−2。
  ▲ Abstract:
  The adverse impact of particulate air pollution on human health has prompted the development of purification systems that filter particulates out of air. To maintain performance, the filter units must inevitably be replaced at some point, which requires maintenance, involves costs and generates solid waste. Here we show that an ion-doped conjugated polymer-coated matrix infiltrated with a selected functional liquid enables efficient, continuous and maintenance-free air purification. As the air to be purified moves through the system in the form of bubbles, the functional fluid provides interfaces for filtration and for removal of particulate matter and pollutant molecules from air. Theoretical modelling and experimental results demonstrate that the system exhibits high efficiency and robustness: its one-time air purification efficiency can reach 99.6%, and its dust-holding capacity can reach 950 g m−2. The system is durable and resistant to fouling and corrosion, and the liquid acting as filter can be reused and adjusted to also enable removal of bacteria or odours. We anticipate that our purification approach will be useful for the development of specialist air purifiers that might prove useful in a settings such as hospitals, factories and mines.
  Invisible ship tracks show large cloud sensitivity to aerosol
  ▲ 作者:Peter Manshausen, Duncan Watson-Parris, Matthew W. Christensen, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen & Philip Stier
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  ▲ 摘要:
  ▲ Abstract:
  Cloud reflectivity is sensitive to atmospheric aerosol concentrations because aerosols provide the condensation nuclei on which water condenses. Increased aerosol concentrations due to human activity affect droplet number concentration, liquid water and cloud fraction, but these changes are subject to large uncertainties. Ship tracks, long lines of polluted clouds that are visible in satellite images, are one of the main tools for quantifying aerosol–cloud interactions. However, only a small fraction of the clouds polluted by shipping show ship tracks. Here we show that even when no ship tracks are visible in satellite images, aerosol emissions change cloud properties substantially. We develop a new method to quantify the effect of shipping on all clouds, showing a cloud droplet number increase and a more positive liquid water response when there are no visible tracks. We directly detect shipping-induced cloud property changes in the trade cumulus regions of the Atlantic, which are known to display almost no visible tracks. Our results indicate that previous studies of ship tracks were suffering from selection biases by focusing only on visible tracks from satellite imagery. The strong liquid water path response we find translates to a larger aerosol cooling effect on the climate, potentially masking a higher climate sensitivity than observed temperature trends would otherwise suggest.
  化学 Chemistry
  Compositionally complex doping for zero-strain zero-cobalt layered cathodes
  ▲ 作者:Rui Zhang, Chunyang Wang, Peichao Zou, Ruoqian Lin, Lu Ma, Liang Yin, Tianyi Li, Wenqian Xu, Hao Jia, Qiuyan Li, Sami Sainio, Kim Kisslinger, Stephen E. Trask, Steven N. Ehrlich, Yang Yang, Andrew M. Kiss, Mingyuan Ge, Bryant J. Polzin, Sang Jun Lee, Wu Xu, Yang Ren & Huolin L. Xin
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  ▲ 摘要:
  ▲ Abstract:
  The high volatility of the price of cobalt and the geopolitical limitations of cobalt mining have made the elimination of Co a pressing need for the automotive industry. Owing to their high energy density and low-cost advantages, high-Ni and low-Co or Co-free (zero-Co) layered cathodes have become the most promising cathodes for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. However, current high-Ni cathode materials, without exception, suffer severely from their intrinsic thermal and chemo-mechanical instabilities and insufficient cycle life. Here, by using a new compositionally complex (high-entropy) doping strategy, we successfully fabricate a high-Ni, zero-Co layered cathode that has extremely high thermal and cycling stability. Combining X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and nanotomography, we find that the cathode exhibits nearly zero volumetric change over a wide electrochemical window, resulting in greatly reduced lattice defects and local strain-induced cracks. In-situ heating experiments reveal that the thermal stability of the new cathode is significantly improved, reaching the level of the ultra-stable NMC-532. Owing to the considerably increased thermal stability and the zero volumetric change, it exhibits greatly improved capacity retention. This work, by resolving the long-standing safety and stability concerns for high-Ni, zero-Co cathode materials, offers a commercially viable cathode for safe, long-life lithium-ion batteries and a universal strategy for suppressing strain and phase transformation in intercalation electrodes.
  Photoexcited nitroarenes for the oxidative cleavage of alkenes
  ▲ 作者:Alessandro Ruffoni, Charlotte Hampton, Marco Simonetti & Daniele Leonori
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  ▲ 摘要:
  ▲ Abstract:
  The oxidative cleavage of alkenes is an integral process that converts feedstock materials into high-value synthetic intermediates. The most viable method to achieve this in one chemical step is with ozone; however, this poses technical and safety challenges owing to the explosive nature of ozonolysis products. Here we report an alternative approach to achieve oxidative cleavage of alkenes using nitroarenes and purple-light irradiation. We demonstrate that photoexcited nitroarenes are effective ozone surrogates that undergo facile radical [3+2] cycloaddition with alkenes. The resulting ‘N-doped’ ozonides are safe to handle and lead to the corresponding carbonyl products under mild hydrolytic conditions. These features enable the controlled cleavage of all types of alkenes in the presence of a broad array of commonly used organic functionalities. Furthermore, by harnessing electronic, steric and mediated polar effects, the structural and functional persity of nitroarenes has provided a modular platform to obtain site selectivity in substrates containing more than one alkene.
