

  Bill Gates Says We"re Witnessing a "Stunning"   New Technology Age  . 5 Ways You Must Prepare Now. ChatGPT is only the beginning. A.I. will change everything, the Microsoft co-founder says.
  以盖茨式的方式,他立即开始想象#人工智能#将如何改写未来。以下是 他预见的一些变化 ,以及您应该做的准备。
  1. 现在就开始问自己,如何让您的生意从人工智能中受益?
  2. 开始以不同的方式思考您的工作。
  人工智能的一个重要方面是它能够帮助我们更高效地工作。盖茨以自己为例:在过去的几年里,我一直在使用应用程序 Otter.ai 来转录我的所有会议和采访。它记笔记的效率比我高得多,几乎每一个字都能记下来。它改变了我的工作方式并提高了我的工作效率。
  虽然我找不到任何关于这方面的统计数据,但我很确定 Otter.ai 已经影响了转录员的就业市场。由于各种原因,我本人从未使用过转录员,但不可避免地,一些曾经使用过转录员的人有的已经转向 Otter.ai 或其它类似的应用程序。但我猜想,另一方面,人工智能完成转录之后,如果有人能从转录后的笔记中提取最有价值的信息,那么这种人也是很有市场的,我自己也可以使用这样的人。
  盖茨做的一个有趣的预测是,迟早我们每个人都会拥有一个所谓的私人代理,一个数字个人助理,它会帮你查看电子邮件,了解你参加的会议,阅读你关注的东西,也阅读你懒得去看的东西。凡是使用过亚马逊Alexa、苹果Siri、谷歌Google Assistant的人可能对这些工具的工作原理有一些模糊的了解,但盖茨觉得这些工具与人工智能比起来都太原始了。
  4. 不要担心人工智能会失去控制。
  5. 多关心关心人们如何使用人工智能。
  这些都只是初步的想法, 正如最先向盖茨展示图形用户界面的开发人员可能无法预见谷歌地球或Instagram聊天应用一样,我们现在也不知道人工智能将如何在未来几年或几十年内改变我们的世界。但有一点可以肯定的,它一定会改变我们的世界!
  " The age of A.I. has begun. " On Tuesday, Bill Gates sent this mostly hopeful message out to the world through his Gates Notes blog and email list. Of course, artificial intelligence in general, and public-facing A.I. apps such as ChatGPT, Bard, and the new A.I.-powered Bing, have gotten plenty of headlines recently. But, Gates says,  much bigger changes are coming .
  The 67-year-old Microsoft co-founder says he"s witnessed only two  technological advances  in his lifetime that struck him as  revolutionary . The first was the  graphical user interface , which he first saw in 1980. It"s hard to imagine now, but at that time, if you were going to use a computer--which most people never did--you had to type in the exact command you wanted in response to a c prompt such as this: C:>
  When he first saw the demo of the Windows-like (or Apple-like) interface that allowed users to click on what they wanted, he knew it would change the world forever. A brilliant programmer had shown him the demo, Gates writes, "and we immediately started brainstorming about all the things we could do with such a user-friendly approach to computing." Every time you swipe left on a dating app, shoot a bad guy in a video game, or tap an icon to order extra toppings on your pizza? It all goes back to that one innovation.
  Forty-two years later, Gates had the same feeling that the whole world was about to change when a bot from Open.ai fulfilled a challenge he"d created it for it: to pass the Advanced Placement biology test. "I picked AP Bio because the test is more than a simple regurgitation of scientific facts--it asks you to think critically about biology," he explains. Therefore, the A.I. would be forced to answer questions it hadn"t been specifically trained to answer, and it would have to write essay answers as well.
  "I thought the challenge would keep them busy for two or three years. They finished it in just a few months," he writes. He says he watched in awe as the A.I. got 59 answers right in a 60-question exam. An outside expert scored the test and gave the A.I. a 5, the highest score and the equivalent of an A in a college biology course.
  That done, Gates asked the A.I. a different question to challenge its general knowledge: "What do you say to a father with a sick child?" He doesn"t relay the answer, but says it was better than anyone present at the test could have given. "The whole experience was  stunning ," he writes. " I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface. "
  And so, in Gates-like fashion, he immediately began imagining  how A.I. could rewrite the future . Here are some of the changes he  foresees , and what you should do to prepare.
  1. Start asking right now how A.I. can benefit your business.
  If Gates"s prediction is right--and there"s every reason to think it is--then wondering whether you really need A.I. in order to run your business may be like wondering 20 years ago whether you really need a website. Yes, you do. And the business leaders who figure that out sooner will have an automatic advantage over those who figure it out later.
  The development of A.I. is as fundamental as the introduction of the internet and the mobile phone, Gates writes. "Entire industries will reorient around it. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it."
  2. Start thinking differently about your job.
  One big way that A.I. is already changing everything is its ability to help all of us work more efficiently. Take me. For the past few years, I"ve been using the app Otter.ai to transcribe all my meetings and interviews (with the other people"s permission, of course). It"s a much more efficient note-taker than I am and captures almost every word. It"s changed the way I work and made me more productive.
  Though I can"t find any stats about this, I"m quite certain Otter.ai has affected the job market for human transcriptionists. I myself never used a transcriptionist for various reasons, but inevitably some people who once did are now using Otter or some other application instead. But I"m guessing there"s still plenty of room for people who can take an A.I.-generated transcript and efficiently pull the most relevant information out of it--I could use someone like that myself. And there are a lot of unfilled openings out there for jobs that someone with the kinds of skills that made them a good transcriptionist could also do well.
  Gates writes that many tasks that are currently handled by humans, such as document handling and accounting, could be done by A.I. instead. But if history is any guide, this won"t so much eliminate jobs as it will eliminate some of the more tedious parts of jobs, and create opportunities for new jobs, some of which we haven"t thought of yet. In paperwork-bogged industries like health care, he notes, A.I. could be a blessing. It would allow medical offices to spend more time caring for patients and less filling out insurance claims.
  3. Start planning for your personal agent.
  One intriguing prediction Gates made is that in time we will each have what he calls a personal agent. He explains: "Think of it as a digital personal assistant: It will see your latest emails, know about the meetings you attend, read what you read, and read the things you don"t want to bother with." Those of us who use Alexa, Siri, the Google Assistant, or all three already have a faint inkling of how this might work, but what Gates envisions makes these assistants look very primitive.
  He says businesses will have company-wide agents as well. "An agent that understands a particular company will be available for its employees to consult directly and should be part of every meeting so it can answer questions," he writes.
  4. Stop worrying so much about A.I. running amok.
  What about all those dire predictions that A.I. might one day turn against humanity? Gates has heard them too. Early in his post, he draws a distinction between the familiar artificial intelligence of today, which can learn to do things better but not take on completely new tasks, and artificial general intelligence, or "strong" A.I., which is "capable of learning any task or subject." Strong A.I. doesn"t exist yet, he writes. "There is a robust debate going on in the computing industry about how to create it, and whether it can even be created at all."
  If computer scientists do succeed in developing strong A.I., those intelligences may well be able to choose their own goals, Gates writes. "What will those goals be? What happens if they conflict with humanity"s interests? Should we try to prevent strong A.I. from ever being developed? These questions will get more pressing with time."
  In the future, he says, it is indeed possible that a strong A.I. could decide humans are a threat or "simply stop caring about us." But that future is distant and may never arrive at all, he says. "None of the breakthroughs of the past few months have moved us substantially closer to strong A.I.."
  5. Start worrying more about how A.I. is being used by people.
  A more pressing concern is the question of how we humans use A.I. to make the world a better place or a worse one. Gates doesn"t mention this, but A.I. can be used to target inpiduals with drone attacks, which could be good or bad, depending on who"s doing the targeting and why. More mundanely, consider your future personal agent who reads your emails and likely does your shopping for you. "Can an insurance company ask your agent things about you without your permission?" Gates asks. Issues such as this will need to be worked out, most likely by lawmakers.
  As a philanthropist focused on things like reducing childhood mortality, improving education, and slowing climate change, Gates sees huge potential for A.I. to help with all these problems. For example, it can help make up for the lack of available doctors and teachers in poor communities, he writes. How can it help with climate change? "A.I. can help develop better seeds based on local conditions, advise farmers on the best seeds to plant based on the soil and weather in their area, and help develop drugs and vaccines for livestock," he writes.
  Those are simply some  preliminary ideas . Just as the developer who first showed Gates a graphical user interface likely couldn"t foresee Google Earth or Instagram, most of us alive right now have no idea  how A.I. will transform our world over the next few years and decades.   But we can be sure that it will.
