What"s the difference between S1 visa and S2 visa in China? How to apply for China S1 visa? What application materials need to be provided?
As we all know, China is a developing country with very strong comprehensive national strength. Many foreign friends choose to go to China to study and develop their careers because of their dreams. No matter what the reason, you need to hold a legal Chinese visa first to go to China. However, because Chinese visas are classified in detail according to different needs in China, many foreign friends who need to come to China are confused about a wide variety of Chinese visas.
今天北士顿 BEISTON 就来为大家分享一下 S1 签证 的相关问题,一同了解下: 中国 S1 签证与 S2 签证的区别是什么?如何申请中国 S1 签证?需要提供哪些申请材料?
Today, BEISTON, Beiston, will share the related issues of S1 visa for you, and learn together: What is the difference between S1 visa and S2 visa in China? How to apply for China S1 visa? What application materials need to be provided?
S1 签证 指的是赴中国长期(超过 180 日)探亲的因工作,学习等事由在中国境内居留的外国人的配偶,父母,未满 18 周岁的子女,配偶的父母,以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内居留的人员。
S1 visa refers to the spouses, parents, children under the age of 18, parents of spouses of foreigners who go to China to visit relatives for a long time (more than 180 days) and stay in China for work, study and other reasons.
S2 签证 指的是赴中国短期(不超过 180 日)探亲的因工作,学习等事由在中国境内停留居留的外国人的家庭成员(配偶,父母,子女,子女的配偶,兄弟姐妹,祖父母,外租父母,孙子女,外孙子女以及配偶的父母)以及因其他私人事务需要在中国境内停留的人员。
S2 visa refers to the family members (spouses, parents, children, children"s spouses, siblings, grandparents, rented parents, grandchildren, grandchildren and spouses" parents) of foreigners who visit relatives in China for a short period (not exceeding 180 days) and those who need to stay in China for other private affairs.
在满足申请要求的情况下,想要申请 中国 S1 签证 需要申请人提供以下申请材料:
If the application requirements are met, the applicant needs to provide the following application materials if he wants to apply for China S1 visa:
1、 有效期在 6 个月以上的护照(原件及资料页复印件,有空白签证页)
Passport valid for more than 6 months (original and photocopy of information page with blank visa page)
2、 身份证复印件
Copy of ID card
3、 近期拍摄的白底彩色正面免冠照片(以上贴申请表上,另一张夹在护照上)
Recently taken color bareheaded photos with white background (the above is attached to the application form, and the other is clipped on the passport).
4、 中华人民共和国签证申请表(需要申请人如实,完整的填写,最后由申请人本人签署,如果是代填那么代填人也需要签署)
People"s Republic of China (PRC) visa application form (it needs to be filled in truthfully and completely by the applicant, and finally signed by the applicant himself. If it is filled in on behalf of the applicant, the applicant also needs to sign it).
5、 在中国境内居留的外国人出具的邀请函件,该函件需要包含以下内容:
An invitation letter issued by a foreigner residing in China, which shall include the following contents:
(1) 被邀请人的个人信息:名字,性别,出生日期等
Personal information of the invitee: name, gender, date of birth, etc.
(2) 邀请人的个人信息:名字,地址,联系电话,邀请人签字等
Personal information of the inviter: name, address, telephone number, signature of the inviter, etc.
(3) 被邀请人的访问信息:来华事由,拟居留地点,拟居留期限,拟抵达日期,费用来源,与邀请人的关系等
Visit information of the invitee: the reason for coming to China, the proposed place of residence, the proposed duration of residence, the proposed arrival date, the source of expenses, the relationship with the inviter, etc.
6、 申请人与邀请人的亲属关系证明(如出生证,结婚证,公安派出所出具的亲属关系证明或亲属关系公证书等)的原件及复印件
The original and photocopy of the kinship certificate between the applicant and the inviter (such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, kinship certificate or notarial certificate of kinship issued by the police station, etc.)
7、 邀请人的护照及在华居留证件复印件
Copy of the inviter"s passport and residence certificate in China.
8、 其他支持性文件,如申请人曾经有中国国籍后加入外国国籍,那么需要提供原中国护照,原中国身份证或原中国签证,如果新护照与原中国护照出生地不一致需更换新护照(具体需要补充的支持性文件按照申请人实际情况提供即可)
Other supporting documents. If the applicant once had China nationality and then joined a foreign nationality, he/she needs to provide his/her original China passport, original Chinese identity card or original Chinese visa. If the birthplace of the new passport is different from that of the original China passport, he/she needs to replace it (the supporting documents that need to be supplemented can be provided according to the actual situation of the applicant).
It should be noted that the application materials provided need to ensure their authenticity and integrity. Consular officials can ask the applicant to provide other supporting documents or supplementary materials according to the specific circumstances, or ask the applicant to be interviewed, and everyone can follow the specific requirements.
有关于 中国 S1 签证 的相关问题就和您分享到这里啦,如果您近期有办理 中国 S1 签证 的需求但不知道如何准备,或者是想要了解更多 S1 签证 的知识,那么也可以向专业平台咨询。但是北士顿 BEISTON 友情提示您,来华签证的办理并非儿戏,所以建议您在选择代办机构的时候做好充分的了解,确保其专业性再签约。
I"d like to share some questions about S1 visa in China with you here. If you need to apply for S1 visa in China recently but don"t know how to prepare, or want to know more about S1 visa, you can also consult the professional platform. However, BEISTON"s friendship reminds you that visa processing in China is no joke, so I suggest you make a full understanding when choosing an agency to ensure its professionalism before signing a contract.
近期北士顿 BEISTON 就收到不少申请人的求助,大家纷纷表示自己在选择代办机构的时候因为没有提前了解清楚就盲目签约缴费,结果非但损失了不少钱财,还没能顺利获得签证,因此为了避免此类事情的发生建议大家谨慎选择代办机构。
Recently, BEISTON, Beiston, has received many applications for help. Everyone has said that when choosing an agency, they blindly signed up for payment because they didn"t know clearly in advance. As a result, they not only lost a lot of money, but also failed to get a visa smoothly. Therefore, in order to avoid such things, we suggest that you choose an agency carefully.
以上就是北士顿 BEISTON 为您分享的全部内容啦,那关于 中国 S1 签证 您还有哪些疑问呢?欢迎您随时和北士顿 BEISTON 取得联系,北士顿 BEISTON 专注于来华项目 15 年,拥有极为丰富的 来华签证 办理经验,可以为您提供一对一专业指导,协助您顺利前往中国 ~
That"s all that BEISTON has shared for you. What questions do you have about China S1 visa? You are welcome to get in touch with BEISTON at any time. BEISTON has been focusing on projects in China for 15 years and has extremely rich experience in visa processing in China, and can provide you with one-on-one professional guidance to help you go to China smoothly ~