Share your interests, spread happiness, increase your knowledge, and stay good. Hello, everyone. This is LearningYard Academy. Today, the editor brings you an article:Mathematica software dry goods sharing. 01软件简介Software introduction
Mathematica 软件是由沃尔夫勒姆研究公司(Wolfram Research Inc.)研发的。Mathematica 1.0 版发布于1988年6月23日。发布之后,在科学、技术、媒体等领域引起了一片轰动,被认为是一个革命性的进步。几个月后,Mathematica 就在世界各地拥有了成千上万的用户。今天,Mathematica 已经在世界各地拥有了数以百万计的忠实用户。
数学软件是现在科研工作者的必备的工具。Mathematica最显著的变化是允许自由形式的英文输入,而不再需要严格按照Mathematica语法,这类似于Wolfram|Alpha搜索引擎。Mathematica 8允许用户按照自己习惯的思考过程输入方程式或问题,最令人激动的部分是软件不是逐行执行命令,而是能理解上下文背景。
Mathematica software was developed by Wolfram Research Inc. (Wolfram Research Inc.). Mathematica version 1.0 was released on June 23, 1988. After its release, it caused a sensation in the fields of science, technology, and media, and was considered a revolutionary advancement. A few months later, Mathematica has thousands of users all over the world. Today, Mathematica has millions of loyal users all over the world.
Mathematics software is an indispensable tool for scientific researchers. The most significant change in Mathematica is to allow free-form English input instead of strictly following Mathematica grammar, which is similar to the Wolfram|Alpha search engine. Mathematica 8 allows users to enter equations or questions according to their own thinking process. The most exciting part is that the software does not execute commands line by line, but understands the context.02软件常用功能Software commonly used functions多项式运算:多项的四则运算,多项式的化简等Polynomial operations: four arithmetic operations of polynomials, simplification of polynomials, etc. 方程求解:求解一般方程,条件方程,方程数值解以及方程组的求解Equation solving: solving general equations, conditional equations, numerical solutions of equations and solving equations. 求积求和:求积与求和Integration and summation: integration and summation. 函数作图:二维函数作图与三维图形的绘制Functional drawing: two-dimensional function drawing and three-dimensional drawing.(such as高颜值的三维图片,建议学习收藏) 如何求函数的极限How to find the limit of a function.(such asMathematica求不定积分与函数作图) 求函数的导数,微分Find the derivative of a function, differential. 求函数的不定积分和定积分,以及数值积分Find the indefinite integral and definite integral of the function, as well as the numerical integral. 求多元函数的偏导数,微分Find the partial derivative and differential of a multivariate function. (such asMathematica求偏导还不会?赶紧进来抄作业) 计算重积分Calculate multiple integrals. 无穷级数的计算,敛散性的判断Calculation of infinite series, judgment of convergence and pergence. 微分方程的求解,求微分方程的数值解Solving Differential Equations Finding Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations. 03Mathematica12.0
1. 打开页面介绍Show the opened page
The opening page is very brief and intuitive, in which you can choose to open an existing file, or you can choose to create a new file.
① 参考文档:可以查阅需要用到的函数,打开后显示界面如下:
Reference documents: You can check the functions that need to be used. After opening, the display interface is as follows:
② wolfram社区:是一个论坛,供万千mathematica用户一起讨论交流学习方法和分享代码知识。你可以将不懂的问题发出,也可以回答别人发出的问题,类似知乎
wolfram community: is a forum for thousands of mathematica users to discuss and exchange learning methods and share code knowledge. You can post questions you don’t understand, and you can also answer questions sent by others, similar to Zhihu.
Resources: Provide resources on how to use the software, learn wolfram language, etc.
2. 如何输入表达式How to enter an expression
以最简单的加法运算1+1为例Take the simplest addition operation 1+1 as an example.
First, after opening the software, select New-Notebook-click the "+" symbol in the document-select the input expression method-input expression-view result-expand result.
04使用技巧Use Skills
1. 寻求帮助 help
I personally think that the most successful part of Mathematica software is that the "help" option is very easy to find, and it is very convenient to learn.
Way 1: Click on the reference when opening the software.
Way 2: When editing notes, click Help on the menu bar-wolfram reference.
2. 书写函数时When writing a function
虽然在Mathematica12.0的版本中,系统已经具备自动转小写为大写的功能。但是在比较老的版本中, Mathematica严格区分大小写,一般地,内建函数的首写字母必须大写,有时一个函数名是由几个单词构成,则每个单词的首写字母也必须大写。
Although in the version of Mathematica12.0, the system has the function of automatically converting lowercase to uppercase. However, in older versions, Mathematica is strictly case-sensitive. Generally, the first letter of a built-in function must be capitalized. Sometimes a function name is composed of several words, and the initial letter of each word must also be capitalized.
在版本比较老的Mathematica中,函数名和自变量之间的分隔符是用方括号"[ ]",而不是一般数学书上用的圆括号"( )",初学者很容易犯这类错误。
In the older version of Mathematica, the separator between the function name and the independent variable is square brackets "[ ]" instead of the parentheses "( )" used in general math books. It is easy for beginners to make such mistakes .
If an expression that does not conform to the grammatical rules is entered, the system will display an error message without giving the calculation result (Mathematica 12.0 can automatically identify the wrong language format and recommend the correct language format to the user) 错误案例展示Error case display
Draw the graph of the sine function in the interval [-10,10], enter Plot(Sin(x),(x,-10,10)), the display is as follows:
After clicking "Replace Unit with Changed Input", the display is as follows:
Different from many softwares, the shortcut key to run commands in Mathematica is not "Enter" but "Shift+Enter"
That"s it for today"s sharing!
Let"s adjourn!