Damien Defranco, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Consultant & Mentor
Answered Jul 12
Like traveling anywhere, even in your own country, alone: poses some sort of risk.
China is no more dangerous than the USA, Canada, UK, Australia. There are areas to avoid, like everywhere else.
I’ve spent a long time in China from 2011–2016, many times alone traveling between cities for business. Pickpockets are the biggest threat you’ll most likely face, and even that is rare.
China is generally very safe. You’re 18 now, so your dad doesn’t let you do anything, make up your own choices.
2.1k Views · 18 Upvotes
Michael Moszczynski, been to about 70 countries, have backpacked for an entire year
Answered Jul 12
I backpacked in China when I was around 20 years old and it was perfectly safe; China, while having a pretty restrictive government, is generally very safe and kidnapping foreigners isn’t really a thing – honestly the average foreigner just isn’t rich enough for kidnappers to waste their time on.
The only dangers are the usual scams like being led to a bar by a pretty girl then threatened by thugs if you don’t pay an exorbitant bill, but this is a tourist scam all over the world. If you try to do anything political or religious you might be arrested, but most likely you’ll just be deported. Just being a normal tourist, you should be completely fine, and there are no specific dangers to tourists in China that I’m aware of.
4.7k Views · 46 Upvotes
Gao Yanfei, Ph.D from Beihang University
Answered Jul 13
I can only say something on behalf of myself. 24 years old, male.
As a mainland Chinese, I have made a plan to travel across China by bicycle by myself.
I pide the whole journey into 4 parts and have finished 3 of them. I am going to complete the whole plan next month. I rode from Chengdu to Nepal in 2014 across Tibet, and from Chengdu to Beijing in 2016. It was very safe without any danger no matter in rural areas, towns or cities.
Dimitri Vallette, Visited over 20 countries across five continents.
Answered Jul 13
Travelling in your own country may be more dangerous than traveling in China. I have been living in China for two years and a half, and never during my time did I feel unsafe.
I feel safer walking in the streets of Shanghai at 4AM than some of the streets in France at 8PM. You may encounter some drunk guys who will want a fight with you or the occasional pickpocket, but those are everywhere.
If you focus too much on the negatives and the what-may-happen, you will never enjoy life. You’re 18, travelling at this age may help you tremendously.
9.3k Views · 130 Upvotes