The movie"s success shows the national feeling displayed in the film echoes the rising public sentiment in safeguarding national interests against any foreign provocations .
Chinese people don"t provoke troubles, but never flinch when trouble comes our way.
这部电影的成功表明影片中所展示的民族情感,呼应了公众对维护国家利益、抵御外来挑衅 (provocation) 的高涨情绪 (sentiment) 。中国人从不挑事儿,但是一旦有人找我们麻烦,我们绝不退缩。
《长津湖》以抗美援朝战争为背景 (be set in) ,由吴京领衔主演 (headline) ,讲述了中国人民志愿军战士在长津湖 (Chosin Reservoir) 的一次关键战役中,在严寒下英勇作战的故事。
西方媒体对中国电影《长津湖》又开始小题大做 (make a fuss) ,中国赢得了保家卫国的伟大战争,中国人民为此感到骄傲,这部电影是否揭开了某些人的伤疤?
票房 (box office) 还在大涨,真实的长津湖之战远比电影更令人震惊!
说到电影当然要谈到 "剧透" 这个词,你知道这个词用英语怎么说吗?
spoiler : /"spl/ 败兴的消息,剧透〔指提前透露电影或书中让人意想不到的内容使其失去悬念的消息或报道〕,spoil本意是"破坏、宠坏小孩儿、纵容"
例句: The following review contains spoilers! 以下影评包含剧透。 No spoiler! 别剧透! Spoiler alert! 剧透警告!
其他相关词汇 sentiment : /"sentm()nt/ an opinion or feeling you have about something意见,观点,感想: the anti-immigrant sentiments expressed by some Americans 一些美国人表露出的反移民情绪 interest : the things that bring advantages to someone or something 利益,好处 provocation : /prv"ke()n/ an action or event that makes someone angry or upset, or is intended to do this 激怒; 挑衅; 挑衅性事件 flinch : /"fln(t)/ to move your face or body away from someone or something because you are in pain, frightened, or upset〔因疼痛、害怕、烦恼而〕退缩,畏缩 set in : if a film, play, story etc is set in a particular place or period, the action takes place there or then〔电影、戏剧、故事等〕以…为背景: be set in sth: The novel is set in France. 这部小说以法国为背景