创建Dashboard:点击统计->Dashboards->添加,从左边的库中拖拽"Content vs Time"到dashboard面板中。
调整 Dashboard 的参数,显示暂存区的容量图表。
在 Dashboard 属性框中,点击实体选项卡上的绿色加号。现在就可以选择暂存区,从而来显示它的 Content vs Time 图表。
把 Dashboard 的名字改为暂存区容量 vs 时间(Queue Content vs Time)。点击确定,保存修改并关闭窗口。
(另外一种方式就是,你可以点击笔,然后点击 3D 视图中的暂存区,把它添加到Dashboard 中。)
添加一个 Dashboard ,来实现暂存区的平均停留时间(Average Staytime)。往 Dashboard 中拖拽一个 Average Staytime Bar Graph (平均停留时间图表),然后把图表的名字修改成"暂存区平均停留时间"。
为每个操作员添加一个状态饼图。在库中选择State Pie(状态图),并拖拽到Dashboard中,更名为Operator State Pie(操作员状态图)。
在模型中添加 VisualTool,放置在传送带暂存区旁边,命名为文本(Text)。
文本: "Average Conveyor Queue Staytime: "
实体: centerobject(currrent,1)
统计: Average Staytime
实体:点击绿色加号,然后点击 Queues (暂存区)旁边的加号,选择暂存区2,然后点击选中。
统计: 点击下拉菜单,选择 Average Staytime.
注意:点击可视化工具,然后直接点击显示的 3D 文本
In the last issue, we learned how to count and analyze data. In this issue, we will learn how to display statistical data and information during model operation, add 3D charts, visualization tools, and recorder entities.
1. Problem description
Add a 3D curve graph to display the current number of the temporary storage area, a 3D histogram to display the waiting time of temporary entities in the temporary storage area, a 3D pie chart to display the status of each operator, and a 3D text to display the conveyor temporary storage area Average waiting time, arrange the position of graphs, charts, and texts to get the best visual effect.
2. The overall layout of the model
3, parameter setting
Open model three.
Add a Dashboard to display the capacity of the temporary storage area.
Create Dashboard: Click Statistics->Dashboards->Add, and drag "Content vs Time" from the library on the left to the dashboard panel.
Adjust the parameters of the Dashboard to display the capacity chart of the temporary storage area.
In the Dashboard properties box, click the green plus sign on the Entity tab. Now you can select the staging area to display its Content vs Time chart.
Click the plus sign next to the Queues to select the Queues in the next level. Click the Select button below.
Change the name of Dashboard to Queue Content vs Time (Queue Content vs Time). Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
(Another way is, you can click on the pen, and then click on the staging area in the 3D view to add it to the Dashboard.)
Add a Dashboard to show the Average Staytime in the temporary storage area. Drag an Average Staytime Bar Graph to the Dashboard, and then change the name of the chart to "Average Staytime Bar Graph".
Add a status pie chart for each operator
Add a status pie chart for each operator. Select State Pie in the library, drag it to the Dashboard, and rename it to Operator State Pie.
Add 3D text to the model.
There is another way to add information to the model, for example, using visualization tools to display 3D performance indicators in key positions of the layout. While the model is running, observe its changes. In this model, we can add 3D text to show the average waiting time of flowitems in the temporary storage area of the conveyor belt.
Add VisualTool to the model, place it next to the conveyor temporary storage area, and name it Text.
Double-click the visualization tool to pop up the properties window. In the text display list, select the display entity. The code template window will appear. Modify the parameter text in the following form:
Text: "Average Conveyor Queue Staytime: "
Entity: centerobject(currrent, 1)
Statistics: Average Staytime
Entity: Click the green plus sign, then click the plus sign next to Queues (temporary storage area), select temporary storage area 2, and then click to select.
Statistics: Click the drop-down menu and select Average Staytime.
Note: Click on the visualization tool, and then directly click on the displayed 3D text
Adjust the display of text. By default, the size of the text is 1, you can reduce it and float it on the temporary storage area. To make the text smaller, enter the desired size in the properties window of the visualization tool. You can also adjust the text thickness to make it look more 3D.
Double-click the visualization tool to open the properties window. On the display tab, the text thickness is changed to 0.1.
Click the General tab.
Adjust the rotation angle of the X axis to 90.
Click OK to close the properties window.
The text in the model has been rotated. Use the mouse to select and place the text in the appropriate position. At the same time, press the left and right buttons of the mouse and move the mouse forward and backward to control the Z-axis position of the text, or select the text and slide the mouse wheel to move the text up and down.
Reset, save and run the model.
Reset and save the model. Then run the model and observe the graphics, charts and 3D text added in the above operations.
注:本模型使用的是FlexSim 2019